HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuman Rights and Diversity - 08/11/1998 APPROVED MINUTES
Prairie Rooms A & B
8080 Mitchell Road
COMMISSION MEMBERS: Brad Behrends, Richard Helzel, Harry Moran,
Vicki Pellar-Price, Darryl Stanton, Gloria
Winans, and Munna Yasiri
YOUTH REPRESENTATIVES: Andrea Brown and Sopanha Te
CITY COUNCIL STAFF: Michael Barone, Sr. Personnel Coordinator, and
Jan Nelson, Recording Secretary
Chair Winans called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M. Helzel, Pellar-Price, Brown and
Te were absent. Stanton arrived late.
MOTION: Behrends moved, seconded by Moran, to approve the agenda as published.
Motion carried 4-0.
MOTION: Yasiri moved, seconded by Behrends, to approve as published the Minutes of
the July 14, 1998 meeting. Motion carried 4-0.
A. Review of Final Plans for "DiverseCity on the Prairie" -August 16, 4:00 -8:00
p.m., Staring Lake Park
Barone distributed copies of the event brochure and a memo from Tria Mann
summarizing the schedule and listing volunteers and phone numbers. He referred
Commissioners to the evaluation and suggestion page attached to the memo. The
Manifesto has been posted in the City Hall reception area along with the event
brochures and information on the Commission.
Commissioners reviewed the shift times for the event. Behrends will work on the
first shift and Helzel on the second shift. Barone will call Pellar-Price and
Stanton to remind them of the event.
Human Rights and Diversity Commission Minutes
August 11, 1998
Page 2
B. Copy of Letter Sent to Nanette Missaghi -ISD #272 Diversity Coordinator in
Regards to May 21, 1998 EPHS Diversity Fair
Behrends thought he had seen something about the High School diversity group
being disbanded. Following a discussion, Moran suggested we call Nanette to
learn more about whether the group has been disbanded.
Winans thanked Barone for sending out the letter.
C. Summary from July 14, 1998 Discussion on HRDC -Focus Area
Winans suggested the Commission review each of the Focus Areas and include
specific items on the Work Plan.
1. Preserving and Enhancing the Job Base
Yasiri thought the first point is the main one, and the rest are subsets of
the main point. The consensus was to list items 2-5 as subsets of the first
item. The Commission then reviewed each of the four subset items.
Set up a Speakers Bureau--A discussion followed regarding the concept
of the Speakers Bureau. The objective would be to determine
Commission members who would be willing to attend various events or
speak to a group about the work of the Commission. Winans suggested
that Behrends head up the efforts on this point. Behrends agreed to work
with Barone and Swaggert to set up the Speakers Bureau.
Stanton arrived at 7:40 PM.
Continue partnership with the Chamber--Following discussion on this
item, Barone agreed to put together a letter to the Chamber requesting that
the Human Rights luncheon event be continued going forward. Yasiri
thought our goal was to have regular meetings with the Chamber. She
thought the Chamber is the key to establishing links to businesses, and we
need to become more familiar with those who are active in the
community. Barone agreed to include information mailed out by the
Chamber in the Commission packets. Stanton thought it would be good
for Commission members to attend some of the Chamber's events, and
asked if we would have an opportunity to go to the events. Barone
thought there probably would not be funds for this except for the Human
Rights Award luncheon meeting in April.
Winans said many of the larger employers in the City are not active in the
Chamber. A discussion followed about how to get involved with those
companies. Yasiri suggested that we finalize the information packet and
set up an agenda to use for meeting with these companies. Each
Human Rights and Diversity Commission Minutes
August 11, 1998
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Commission member could select one employer to contact this year,
maintain that contact next year, and contact another one next year.
The consensus was to continue to connect with the Chamber members at
the meetings while individual Commission members start to build
connections with the larger employers in the City. Barone will bring the
Chamber schedule to the next meeting. A discussion followed about how
to maintain contact through the regular Chamber meetings. Barone
thought we might be able to provide material at the Chamber luncheons
but they do have sponsors who underwrite each of the luncheons. Winans
thought we could plug into the January State of the City meeting. A
discussion followed about how to publicize the Commission events at the
January meeting. Barone noted that will coincide with the roll-out time
for the Human Rights and Youth Scholarship Awards. Barone will find
out if we can have a booth at the January meeting.
Organize information packet--Winans read the list that Yasiri submitted
of items to be included in this packet. Yasiri thought it might be nice to
have a one-page demographic summary of Eden Prairie. Barone will
check on the information on the Commission that is included in the
current new residents' packet. Barone thought it would be important to
have the packets put together by the time of the Job Fair at Eden Prairie
Center. The October work session will be used to finalize the information
packet preparation.
Identify companies that are "high-end" users of Southwest
Metro--This item needs to be corrected to include the word "Commute"
before the word "Committee". Winans thought we could invite the
Administrator of Southwest Metro to attend our September meeting in
order to involve him in this process.
Due to time constraints the Commission agreed to postpone discussion of
the other two focus areas to the next Commission meeting.
D. Summary of sub-Committee Discussion of Youth Scholarship Award
Process for 1999 -sub-Committee meeting on July 14, 1998, 6:00 -7:00
Barone noted he included the summary as requested at the last meeting.
Yasiri thought we might send out a flyer to everyone in the Junior class to
publicize the award. Stanton thought we could also target clubs and
organizations to publicize it as well. He volunteered to help work on a
connection to distribute information about the award. Yasiri thought we
might check out putting information on the web site. She asked if we will
focus on the Eden Prairie School District. Winans noted we have to send
it to all schools that serve the area including Hopkins, Minnetonka and
Human Rights and Diversity Commission Minutes
August 11, 1998
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private schools such as the International School, Breck and Blake.
The consensus was to work on the distribution options during September
and October.
A. Approval of West Suburban Mediation Center Services for 1999
1. Letter of Request SeekinlZ $2500 for Services -same as 1998
2. 1997 West Suburban Mediation Center Annual Report
3. Request for Human Service Fundinz
Winans noted we have been approving their request but have never done a
site visit. Moran and Barone volunteered to visit the center to get a better
understanding of their operations. The consensus was to postpone
recommending approval of the funding until Barone and Moran report
back at the September meeting. group.
B. Minnesota Fair Housing Center Information and Conference
Barone said the conference on Building Inclusive Communities will be held on
September 18 at the Radisson. He asked Behrends if it was brought up at the
HTHSB meeting. Behrends said they mentioned the event briefly.
Behrends agreed to attend the conference. Barone will check on the availability
of funding.
A. Housing, Transportation & Human Services: Brad Behrends
Behrends distributed a report summarizing their last two meetings. They will
have five or six groups presenting at their September meeting. Winans asked if
other Commissioners could attend their meetings. Behrends thought that would
be okay.
B. League of Human Rights Commissions: Gloria Winans
Winans said they are in the process of finalizing the agenda for the Annual
Conference in September. She said Walter Mondale will be the key-note speaker.
C. Report of Youth Representatives: Andrea Brown and Sopanha Te
Not present.
Human Rights and Diversity Commission Minutes
August 11, 1998
Page 5
A. Activity Status
Barone distributed copies of a Sun Newspaper article about a recent incident. He
said the police are still looking for the suspects. It is being categorized as a
robbery/crime of bias. A letter was sent to the victim offering the services of the
Stanton asked if any weapons were involved. Barone said there were no weapons
Commissioners reviewed the procedure to call a Voice Mail box to hear about
such incidents. Barone copied the procedure for Information Line updates and
distributed it.
September 8 7:00 -9:00 PM HRDC Regular Meeting
September 22 7:00 -9:00 PM Optional HRDC Workshop
October 13 7:00 -9:00 PM HRDC Regular Meeting
October 27 7:00 -9:00 PM Optional HRDC Workshop
November 10 7:00 -9:00 PM HRDC Regular Meeting
November 24 7:00 -9:00 PM Optional HRDC Workshop
MOTION: Behrends moved, seconded by Moran, to adjourn the meeting. Motion
carried 5-0. Chair Winans adjourned the meeting at 8:30 PM.