HomeMy WebLinkAboutHeritage Preservation - 11/18/2003 APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2003 7:00 P.M. Prairie Rooms A & B 8080 Mitchell Road COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Lori Peterson-Benike, Chairperson; Betsy Adams, Deborah Barkley, Molly Gilbertson, Elsie Kist and Kati Simons COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT: Jennie Brown STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES: John Buteyn, Mackenzie Epping, Thomas Grant COMMITTEE STAFF PRESENT: John Gertz, Historic Preservation Specialist Carol Pelzel, Recorder I. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order by Chair Peterson-Benike at 7:05 p.m. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Peterson-Benike asked that HPC Discussion Response to Editorials and Commentaries be added to the agenda as Item B under New Business. Gertz asked that a report by Epping on her interview with the Eden Prairie Magazine be added as Item C under New Business. Motion: Motion was made by Adams, seconded by Gilbertson, to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried, 6-0. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —OCTOBER 20, 2003 Gilbertson asked that a closing quotation mark be added on Page 2, Paragraph B, after the word Climate. Motion: Motion was made by Kist, seconded by Barkley, to approve the October 20, 2003, minutes as corrected. Motion carried, 6-0. IV. REPORTS OF COMMISSION AND STAFF A. 2003 Minnesota Preservation Awards Gilbertson reported on the 2003 Minnesota Preservation Awards dinner. The guest speaker discussed the different preservation projects occurring throughout the country. The architect for the renovation of the Union Depot in St. Paul presented a slide show of that project. The HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION November 17, 2003 Page 2 City of Eden Prairie did receive the Preservation Award from the Preservation Alliance of Minnesota for the Smith-Douglas-More House rehabilitation project. Peterson-Benike pointed out that this is the second award this project has received. She asked that these various awards for the City's preservation program be displayed in a visible location. Gilbertson recommended that an article also be placed in the newspaper stating that this is the second award the Dunn Brother's Project has received. V. OLD BUSINESS A. CLG Grant Project—Robert Vogel Gertz reported that a field trip of the City's two cemeteries has been scheduled for Saturday, November 22, at 1:00 p.m. The Commission agreed to start at Pleasant Hill at 1:00 p.m. Robert Vogel, consultant for the cemetery project, explained that the CLG Grant states that the immediate objective is to satisfy the requirements of the local registration documents required under the City's ordinance to create these heritage preservation sites. It will also be necessary to meet the National Registration Documentation requirements. This document should be an actionable type of document. Vogel explained that he and Gertz did discuss how the actual documentation would look and they also discussed whether or not this document would be written in stone or if it should be a flexible document that could be changed from time to time. Vogel passed around the National Register Bulletin Guidelines for Evaluating and Registering Cemeteries and Burial Places. Peterson-Benike asked that Gertz obtain copies of this document for the Commission. Vogel stated that they need to do two basic things; the first is to describe the cemeteries and the second would be to develop an actual explanation of why this Commission feels these two cemeteries meet the City's ordinance criteria for preservation eligibility. Vogel said he would propose adding a third item which would be the care of the cemeteries. An individual management plan should be designed and adopted for each cemetery. This document could address everything from maintenance to internment to design of tombstones. Vogel said their first step would be to look at what is in the cemeteries and to identify what they see. That process will start with this Commission on Saturday, November 22. They will need to determine where the cemeteries start and end and if there are parts of the cemetery that are different from each other. It will not be necessary to record each stone. Vogel stated that they would also need to gather documentary information on the cemeteries. When developing the descriptive part of this project, they should try to determine what the culture of death was for this community. Hopefully this can be accomplished by compiling newspaper accounts of funerals that describe what actually took place. Vogel explained that all of the information will be digital. Vogel said they will be gathering information and developing the documentation until about March. Up to that time, they will still be able to change the project. It is necessary to complete the project by July. HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION November 17, 2003 Page 3 Vogel suggested that the Commission also consider starting one of the registrations. This will allow the City Council to consider a registration while the process is taking place. The plan is to end up with a registration document that meets the needs of everyone that uses the document. Gertz said they should be able to work the registration process into the schedule. They could have the City Council consider the designation when they near completion of the project. Adams pointed out that it would be interesting to go through the process and to gain practice of doing these designations. She also said that in discussing the end use of the data and any information they receive about families should be used for the advocacy and education of the residents. This information may also help those people who are concerned about the cost of preservation to better understand the process. In response to a question from Gilbertson, Gertz explained that both cemeteries have availability and one of the cemeteries is adding on. Vogel pointed out that the cemetery boundaries are defined by zoning. He explained that this project also offers a great opportunity for heritage gardening. This project will include a biological inventory in the spring looking at unusual or endangered plants in the cemetery. Gertz said that since this information will be in a digital format they may want to consider putting it on the City's web site. Vogel said the information will be digitized and it can be used in many different ways. Vogel explained that it would be to the Commission's advantage to familiarize themselves with the cemetery sites up front. In the spring they can go back out to the cemeteries with the documentation and management plan and meet with the Cemetery Association to see how these documents would actually work. Gertz suggested that they revisit the City's registration form. This form has been drafted pretty much along the National Register lines and this would be a good opportunity to look at it to determine whether or not it should be changed. Vogel said it might make sense to use something that everyone is familiar with and is easy to review. He also suggested that they not create a different kind of document for each site. Gertz said they might also want to consider going back and upgrading the City's current designations. Vogel suggested that they look at what they want to review and comment on. He recommended that the Commission stay away from reviewing reversible things for historic sites, such as paint colors, etc. Peterson-Benike said they want flexibility with protection. Gertz pointed out that there have also been discussions on a number of changes that could be made to the City's ordinance. He suggested that they also review the ordinance at the same time. B. Riley-Jacques Farm Project Update Gertz reported that they are in the middle of re-roofing the barn and they have begun demolition of the stanchions and concrete floor in the barn. The Dorenkemper house has been painted. The doors are still not on and much of the interior work is still where it was four months ago. The hardware is still not in and once that arrives they hope to close up the HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION November 17, 2003 Page 4 building for the winter. Gilbertson reviewed with the Commission the various materials to be used for the restrooms and actor's changing room. She also reviewed the various paint colors they propose to use. Gertz said they discussed using some wood that was left over from the barn on the stairwell. They are waiting for an estimate on the cost difference to determine whether or not they will use this wood. C. Fredrick-Miller Spring Project Update Gertz explained that work continues on this project. One of the problems they have had is that they cannot get the spring tank installed until spring. This will necessitate a temporary hook up of a pipe so that people can collect water. Everything else appears to be on schedule. V. NEW BUSINESS A. FY 2004/2005 CLG Grant Project Discussion Gertz reported that the CLG Grant pre-application is due in January with the final application due in February. Grants will then be awarded in April. Gertz suggested that they begin the process of discussing what projects the Commission would like to consider. Once a decision has been made, he will then be able to prepare the grant application for January. Gertz suggested that they go back and look at past designations and consider using CLG funds to upgrade those files into a digital format. They may also want to consider looking at completing new local designations and the possibility of creating an educational program of some type. They could produce a local brochure on historic sites that would include a self- guided tour. Gertz asked the Commission to think about these suggestions and recommended that they discuss these items at the December meeting and finalize some type of plan so that he can prepare the pre-application in January. Adams asked if Gertz had any feeling as to what is an appropriate use for these grants. Vogel said they should identify what is important about this community and what historic things are happening. Adams suggested that they look at something that contributes more awareness to the public of the historic sites in the City and their importance. She feels they need more of a public relations type of brochure. Adams said they need to manufacture a project that is going to facilitate heritage preservation and the continuation of heritage preservation and support of it within Eden Prairie. Simons pointed out that the City's name did come about because of Elizabeth Fries Ellet. She suggested that they consider developing some type of film that would start at Look Out Point and have someone portraying this woman. The film could also show the various historic sites in the City. She feels they should develop something that is visible and shows where this City came from. Peterson-Benike suggested that the Commission think about these ideas and be ready to discuss them further at the December meeting. She pointed out that the Commission had HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION November 17, 2003 Page 5 been provided with a list of the designations and she suggested that they refer back to them and think about upgrading those documents. Peterson-Benike suggested that should the Commissioners require additional information on possible projects, they contact Gertz. B. HPC Discussion Response to Editorials and Commentaries Peterson-Benike said she would like to develop an action plan in addressing the negative press that the City has received regarding historic preservation sites. She feels they need to respond in some way. Peterson-Benike asked how the Commission feels they should respond to the recent articles in the newspaper. Simons explained that Councilmember Mosman did talk to her and asked her to express the City Council's concerns to this Commission and that a response does need to be made. Simons said it was her understanding that the City is considering hiring a public relations person to disseminate positive information. Gertz reported that information has been provided to the City Manager that essentially rebuts the information published. This information and other information have been provided to the City Manager who will be preparing a response to appear in Thursday's paper. He suggested that the Commission do nothing at this time but to let the City Manager deal with it. Following discussion, the Commission agreed to not do anything at this time but that they be ready to discuss this issue at a future meeting should they feel something needs to come from this Commission. Simons reported that Councilmember Mosman asked that the Commission consider creative uses for the Cummins-Grill House. The City Council does want to support the HPC but they want to see specific ideas. Simons asked if the Historical Society would be using the Cummins-Grill House. Adams pointed out that the Historical Society will be meeting this Wednesday and she will check on the status of their using the Cummins-Grill House at that time. C. Report on Mackenzie Epping Interview by Eden Prairie Magazine Epping reported that the Eden Prairie magazine interviewed her as to her role as a Student Representative on the HPC. This article should be in the December issue. V. ADJOURNMENT Motion: Motion was made by Barkley, seconded by Adams, to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.