HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council - 09/25/1984 - Special Meeting APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING f TUESDAY , SEPTEMBER 25, 1984 7:30 PM, SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION BOARDROOM COUNCIL MEMBERS: Mayor Wolfgang H. Penzel , Richard Anderson, George Bentley, Paul Redpath and George Tangen CITY COUNCIL STAFF: City Manager Carl J. Jullie , Finance Director John D. Frane, Assistant to the City Manager Craig Dawson, and Recording Secretary Karen Michael PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: All members were present I . CALL MEETING TO ORDER II . APPROVAL OF AGENDA The following items were added to the Agenda: III . 8. Frane memorandum of S ember _19, 1984, reoardin computers and IV. A. Appointment of CDBG Planning Area Citizen Advisory Committee Representative Resolution No. 84-253 .—'!- -. MOTION: Bentley moved , seconded by Redpath , to approve the Agenda as amended and published. Motion carried unanimously. III . PUBLIC HEARINGS A. REVIEW OF PROPOSED 1985 BUDGET AND USE OF REVENUE SHARING FUNDS FOR 1984-1985 —' City Manager Jullie spoke to his memorandum of September 14, 1984, in which he outlined the significant aspects of the proposed 1985 City Budget and addressed the major changes from the 1984 Budget. Jullie explained the budget process used by the City and noted that the process begins in June of each year when Department Heads are requested to prepare budgets for their departments . Jullie stated that he meets with each Department Head after Finance Director Frane has put together a draft budget. Revenues and expenditures are then balanced and a budget is prepared for presentation to the City Council . The City Council then meets to review the budget and to formalize the levy limit which is then submitted to the County by October loth. Also this evening, there will be a Federal Revenue Sharing Hearing which is required by law. i City Council Minutes -2- September 25 , 1984 Jullie noted that the City's budget includes a revenue sharing sum of $96,000. Review of the utilization of those funds must be accomplished C by the Council . These items are shown as a line item in the Public Safety Department's budget. The assessed valuation, Jullie said, is estimated at this time. The City will not receive the final figures until November; these figures are determined by the County. Frane addressed the area of tax levies. Jullie noted a memorandum of September 11, 1984, in which City staff needs were projected. Major changes in program expenditures were outlined by Jullie. He said an adjustment in the compensation rates for Mayor and Council members were proposed. MOTION: Tangen moved, seconded by Redpath, to adjust the compensation for Mayor and City Council members by $1 ,200 each year. Tangen said this would bring the compensation rates in line with those of surrounding communities: VOTE ON MOTION: Motion carried unanimously. Jullie reviewed staffing changes which would be necessary in the next year and as outlined in his memorandum. The consensus was to review the Budget page by page. Those pages on which there were changes and/or questions were: Page 11: Tangen expressed concern that there should be more maintenance personnel as well as equipment. It was also noted that there should be more in the Budget for plowing bike paths/trails. Page 12: There was a question regarding the "Testing" category under Contractual Services. Page 18: It was suggested that there be a "roving" concession stand poprevenues would be quite high if pop were sold at the bail diamonds, MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Tangen, to defer a decision on the roller blade skates capital outlay pending justification for such an expenditure. It was also noted that the City's liability should be checked. Anderson said the City is in the business of providing recreation and this is one form of recreation. VOTE ON MOTION: Motion carried unanimously. C City Council Minutes -3- September 25, 1984 Page 22: Penzel referred to a letter from Bob Gartner regarding the Dutch elm disease program and the Arbotec injection method which t is proving to be successful . Bentley said he felt there should be a stronger emphasis on reforestation and help to the homeowner in tree removal . Penzel suggested looking at contracting with a provider so the rate for treating diseased elms using the Arbotec method would be less to the homeowner. Page 23: Bentley questionned the necessity for the replacement reserve. The question was raised as to whether or not a Zamboni could be purchased with certificates. Page 26: Bentley asked if the City could hire one Public Safety Officer on January 1st and then two on July 1st rather than two at the beginning b of the year. Redpath said he would suggest getting facts and figures from neighboring communities regarding their Public Safety Departments. Bert Skaterud, 9824 Crestwood Terrace, had a question regarding the plowing of the streets on which police officers live. Bentley and Tangen had questions regarding the fitness testing program. Page 27: A question was raised regarding the fire inspector position. David Howell , 9507 Hartford Circle, asked if this position might be combined with Chaska or some other community. Page 28: Other possible sources of revenue to help pay for sirens was discussed. Page 34: The item regarding the Round Lake storm sewer was deleted and referred to the Watershed District. Asphalt overlay bids will be solicited and done on a contractual basis . Tangen commended City Manager Jullie on his presentation of the 1985 I Budget and noted it was the best presentation he had been involved with to this time. MOTION: Tangen moved , seconded by Anderson, to continue the Public Hearing on the 1985 City Budget to October 2, 1984, so the questions the Council had on various items in the Budget might be answered. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Redpath, to close the Public Hearing on the revenue sharing portion of the meeting; $94,000 in Federal Revenue Sharing funds are designated for Public Safety purposes. Motion carried unanimously. B. Frane Memorandum of September 19, 1984, regarding computers Finance Director Frane spoke to his memorandum. There was some discussion on the compatibility of software. MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Redpath, to authorize up to $45,000 for additional computers for use by City employees. Roll call vote: Anderson, Bentley, Redpath, Tangen, and Penzel voted "aye." Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes -4- September 25, 1984 IV. NEW BUSINESS A. Appointment of CDBG Planning Area Citizen Advisory Committee Representative (Resolution No. 84-253) MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Redpath, to adopt Resolution No. 84-253, appointing John Wilson to the CDBG Planning Area Citizen Advisory Committee. Motion carried unanimously. V. ADJOURNMENT e MOTION: Tangen moved, seconded by Redpath, to adjourn the meeting at 10:55 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. i