HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council - 08/07/1984 APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1984 7:30 PM, SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION BOARDROOM COUNCIL MEMBERS: Mayor Wolgang H. Penzel , Richard Anderson, George Bentley, Paul Redpath & George Tangen CITY COUNCIL STAFF: City Manager Carl J. Jullie, City Attorney Roger Pauly, Finance Director John D, Frane, Planning ; Director Chris Enger, Director of Community Services Robert Lambert, Director of Public Works Eugene A. Dietz, Assistant to the City Manager Craig W. Dawson, and Recording Secretary Karen Michael INVOCATION: Councilman George Bentley PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: Mayor Wolfgang H. Penzel was absent. 1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND OTHER ITEMS OF BUSINESS The following items were added to the Agenda: VIII . B. 1. Meeting with Sandra Gardebring re: Lake Ann Interceptor and VIII . B. 2. Star Cities Program. MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Tangen, to approve the Agenda and Other Items of Business as amended. Motion carried unanimously. 1 II . MINUTES A. Special City Council Meeting held Tuesday, May 29, 1984 MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Tangen, to approve the Minutes of the Special City Council Meeting held Tuesday, May 29, 1984, as published. Motion carried unanimously. B. City Council Meeting held Tuesday, June 5, 1984 MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Tangen, to approve the Minutes of the City Council Meeting held Tuesday, June 5, 1984, as published. Motion carried unanimously. III. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Valley Curve Special Assessment Release (Resolution No. 84-198) B. Joint Resolution of the Cities of Chanhassen, Chaska , and Eden Prairie regar ink preparation of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Highways 5 , 169, and 212 Resolution No. 84-207 City Council Minutes -2- August 7, 1984 C. Set Public Hearing for August 28, 1984, at 7:30 PM to consider vacation of a portion of the drainage and utility easement in Lorence 1st Addition Valley Pond R D. Receive Feasibility Report for Eden Road/Sin letree and set a Public Hearing for August 28, 1984, I .C. 52-011 Resolution No. 84-199 E. Final Plat Approval for Ridgewood West Plat Four (Resolution No. 84-200) i F. Final Plat Approval for Golden Strip East (Resolution No. 84-201) G. Final Plat Approval for Golden Strip 2nd Addition (Resolution No. 84-202) H. Final Plat Approval for Primeland (previously known as Prime Tech Park and City West 2nd Addition) (Resolution No. 84-203 I . Set Public Hearing to vacate a drainage and utility easement in the Val ley Curve Subdivi s l on for August 28, 1984, at 7:30 PM J. KURVERS ADDITION by Franklin J. Kurvers. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 47-84 or Kurvers Addition, zoning district change from Rural to R1-13.5, and adoption of Resolution No. 84-188, approving development plan. 2.0 acres into five single family residential lots. Location: east of Highway 101, north of Autumn Woods, south of Rymarland Camp. K. RIDGEWOOD WEST 4TH by Centex. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 42-84, zoning district change from R1-13.5 to R1-9.5, approval of Developer's Agreement for Ridgewood West 4th Addition, and adoption of Resolution No. 84-161, approving Summary of Ordinance No. 42-84. 8.85 acres into 30 lots. Location: Cumberland Road at Wellington Drive. L. SCENIC HEIGHTS WEST by Kerr Companies, Inc. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 49-84, zoning district change from Rural to R1-9.5 and adoption of Resolution No. 84-189, approving Development Plan. 9.5 acres into 20 single family lots. Location: southwest quadrant of Scenic Heights Road and Red Rock Road. M. Clerk' s License List N. Set Public Hearing date of August 28, .1984, to consi der.Ordi nance No. 53-84, amending City Code Section 11.70, Subd. 3. A. and Subd. SE, regarding non- accessory signs , including violations and fines, appeals and variances , es ecially with respect to campaign signs There was some discussion regarding item "G" . Mr. Beckman addressed what Vantage had proposed; Planning Director Enger addressed the alternatives. MOTION: Tangen moved, seconded by Bentley, to adopt items A - N on the Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanimously. . T City Council Minutes -3- August 7, 1984 IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. City Code Amendment to Section 11.70 to regulate signs at Flying Cloud Airport (continued nued rom 6/19/84 City Manager Ju l l i e noted the Planning Commission had asked for a contin- uance of this item to the August 28th meeting of the City Council so it would have additional time fur review and input. MOTION: Anderson moved, seconded by Tangen, to continue this item to the September 4, 1984, meeting of the City Council . Motion carried unanimously. B. PRAIRIE KNOLL by Hestia Homes, Inc. Request for Planned Unit Development District Review and Zoning from Rural to RI-9.5 , with variances , for 60 single family residential units and preliminary plat of 24 acres into 60 lots and outlots. Location: northwest quadrant of Valley View Road and Edenvale Boulevard. (Ordinance No. 48-84 - rezoning and Resolution No. 84- 167 - preliminary plat) - Continued from. July 10, 1984 City Manager Jullie stated notice of this Public Hearing had been published and property owners within the project vicinity had been notified. Brian Novak, representing Hestia Homes , addressed the proposal . a Planning Director Enger said Staff had reviewed the revised plans and concept for Prairie Knoll and recommended approval . Enger noted that the pond which had been proposed behind the Bowers ' residence might require an overflow pipe. Director of Community Services Lambert indicated the revised proposal satis- fied a number of concerns which had been expressed by the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission. The proposal now allows direct access to the park ; he noted that there will now be more parkland and the road into the park wi 1 1 be bui 1 t. Skip Hanson, 15910 Valley View Road, asked what would be done with the grade adjacent to his property. Novak said a 40 ' area would be set aside by the homeowner's association to be left in its natural state. Bentley asked if the proponent would be willing to include this area in a scenic easement in the Developer's Agreement. Laura Isensee, 16151 South Hillcrest Court, indicated she thought this area was part of the flood plain. Novak said that nothing can be built on the 100-year flood plain; FHA requirements preclude building on any flood plain. Isensee asked if there would be a parking lot to get to the park. Lambert said there would be a trail connec- tion to Hill crest Court from the area to the south. He indicated there is a parking lot at Edenvale Park. Cedric Warren, 7324 Franklin Circle, asked how long the trail would be in this area. Lambert said it would be about a quarter of a mile. Warren discussed the drainage problems in his area. Director of Public Works bietz said he was surprised at the amount of erosion in that area in 12 years. He said that eventually the erosion can be controlled. City Council Minutes -4- August 7, 1984 Ken Sehn, 7400 Ontario Boulevard, inquired as to where all the traffic which would be generated from this development would go. Enger said this project would be developed over a three year period; at the end of three years 54 homes would be accessing here. Enger stated that this corresponds with the City' s plans to improve Valley View Road. Isensee asked what the distance would be between this development and Hillcrest Court. Lambert said the trail would connect with Edenwood and not Hill crest Court -- and the distance of the trail would be one quarter mile between those locations. Isensee wondered when work would begin on this proposal . Novak indicated work would begin this Fall . Dave Bowers , 15800 Valley View Road, said he did not feel the housing types proposed were compatible with the neighborhood. He noted that the homes would have detached garages which are usually not well maintained A over a period of time; he said it would look like a downtown alleyway. Bowers stated that a great deal of the existing beauty would be taken away. He indicated there would have to be some changes made in the grade so that the intersection with Ontario Boulevard would be made safe. He said he felt the housing types to be offered by this proposal were so different from those in the area that they would stick out like a sore thumb. Bentley requested that Director of Public Works Dietz include an analysis of the Valley View/Ontario Boulevard intersection when he makes a report on the Valley View/Edenvale Boulevard intersection. Redpath said he would like to see improvements made to Valley View Road as soon as possible; he said the Council is on record for that. Bowers said the residents do not want to have Valley View Road improved; they would prefer to see Highway 5 improved. Sehn said one of the reasons he bought his home was because of the natural beauty of the area. Bentley noted that all property owners have the right to develop their property according to the ordinances of the City; had the residents wished, they could have purchased the property under discussion and allowed it to remain in its natural state. Sehn asked if the road should be corrected prior to the development. Tangen said he doubted if this would be the "straw which breaks the camel 's back" ; he noted the City is looking for a solution to the road project. Tangen noted that there is more in that area contributing to the traffic problem than the Prairie Knoll project. Hansen said he had heard the abutting property owners would have to pay $70 per front foot for improvements to Valley View Road. There was clarifi- cation as to how street improvements are made and assessed including how benefits to the adjacent property owner are determined. Darlene Thoen, 15361 Creekside Court, asked if the City had ever before sold park land. Redpath said the City would not be selling park land but rather trading land. Thoen said at one time it was said this area would be another Wood Lake area (Richfield nature center. ) City Council Minutes -5- August 7, 1984 Bowers asked if the pondi ng area might be considered an attractive nuisance; could the builder be required to build a fence around it. Greg Frank, engineer for the project from McCombs, Knutson, said the pond could be eliminated from the project; the pond was created as an amenity. Tangen asked if Staff .had an opinion as to the value of the pond. Dietz said he would prefer to see it deleted from the plans as past experience had shown ponds such as this to be a problem. Bentley said he was pleased with the changes which had been made since the Council last reviewed this project; the project had been modified enough to take care of the concerns which he had. Redpath said he felt the developer had done a good job. Anderson said his major concern was the sale of the park land; now the City has retained use and he is satis- fied. r Tangen asked Novak to indicate the locations of the 9,500 sq. ft. lots. Novak complied, Redpath said the City has to work on the 9.5 zoning so affordable housing can be provided within the City. Tangen said he has some concerns about the overall concept. He said he felt there was enough variety in the lot sizes and the types/styles of houses to be built. He said he felt the City Council should develop a set of guidelines on how to q work with this 9. 5 zoning classification; the Council should have some guide- lines as to what should and should not be included, MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Tangen, to close the Public Hearing and to give 1st Reading to Ordinance No. 48-84. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Tangen, to adopt Resolution No. 84-167, preliminary plat (no pond) . Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Anderson, to direct Staff to prepare a Developer's Agreement as per Commission and Staff recommendations and including the scenic easement as discussed this evening. Motion carried unanimously. C. BLUFFS WEST 4TH ADDITION by the Bluffs Company. Request for zoning district change roam Rural to R1-13.5 and preliminary plat of two acres into six single family reisdential lots. Location: northeast quadrant of Riverview Road and Homeward Hills Road. (Ordinance No. 51-84 - rezoning and Resolution No. 84-191 - preliminary Flat) City Manager Jullie stated notice of this Public Hearing had been published and property owners within the project vicinity had been notified. Lloyd Erickson, RCM, addressed the request. Planning Director Enger said the Planning Commission had reviewed this at its July 9th meeting and had recommended approval subject to the recorrnnendations included in the Staff Report dated July 6, 1984, with revisions as noted ,i n the Planning Commission minutes . City Council Minutes -6- August 7, 1984 Director of Community Services Lambert said the Parks , Recreation & Natural f Resources Commission had not reviewed the request as there were no signifi- cant park and recreation issues. Tangen asked about the maintenance of half a cul-de-sac. Director of Public Works Dietz said half a cul -de-sac is easier to maintain . Ed Schlampp, 10901 Riverview Road, said he was experiencing problems with p the storm sewer drainage which runs off onto his property . Bentley said he would like to have this looked into prior to 2nd Reading of this request. Schlampp said the problem is a serious one and has to be resolved. He reviewed the location of his property in relation to the proposal . Tangen asked if the City Engineer has looked into this. Dietz said he would be hard pressed to quantify the effect of the proposed on the existing problem.. Jul l ie gave the historical background as to what the City has done regarding the } drainage in that area. A discussion on the drainage and the location of the catch basins, etc., ensued. Tom Aldridge, 10492 Wimbledon Court, asked if the developer would maintain the bike path. Erickson said the bicycle paths would remain as they are now. MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Anderson, to close the Public Hearing and to give 1st Reading to Ordinance No. 51-84. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Tangen, to adopt Resolution No. 84 -191 , preliminary plat approval as per the developer's cul-de-sac proposal . Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Bentley moved,e tley seconded by Anderson, to direct Staff to prepare a Summary Resolution of Approval as per Commission and Staff recommendations. MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Tangen, to direct Staff to do an analysis, prior to 2nd Reading of the Ordinance, of the storm drainage problems in this area and that consultation be made with Mr. Schlampp, and to direct Staff to review the impact this project will have on the problems and to see what can be done to resolve those problems. Motion carried unanimously. D. Public Hearing on Feasibility Report for Valley View Road Golden Triangle Road and West 74th Street Norsemen's 6th Addition) , I .C. 52-065 Resolution No. 84-204 City Manager Jullie said notice of this Public Hearing had been published and property owners listed on the preliminary assessment rolls had been notified. Director of Public Works Dietz address the report. There were no connnents from the audience. MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Tangen, to close the Public Hearing' and adopt Resolution No. 84-204, ordering improvements and preparation of plans and specifications for I .C. 52-065. Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes -7- August 7, 1984 E. Vacation of roadway, drainage and utility easements in Shady Oak 5th Addition Resolution No. 84-205 City Manager Jullie stated notice of this Public Hearing had been published. Director of Public Works Dietz noted the easements proposed to be vacated are no longer required due to changes in configuration of the building sites on this parcel . Bernie Frye, Min-Tex representative, concurred with Dietz's presentation. "s MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Anderson, to close the Public Hearing and to adopt Resolution No. 84-205, terminating certain easement agreements in Shady Oak Industrial Park 5th Addition. Motion carried unanimously. r F. Vacation of snow fence easement alone West 78th Street between TH 169 and z west to Prairie Center Drive Resolution No. 84-206 Official notice of this Public Hearing was published. Director of Public Works Dietz said temporary snow fence easements are not ` necessary and the adjacent property owner has asked that they be vacated. MOTION: Anderson moved, seconded by Tangen, to close the Public Hearing and to adopt Resolution No. 84-206 , terminating snow fence easements along West 78th Street. Motion carried unanimously. s G. Request for Municipal Industrial Development Bonds in the amount of 3,400,000.�Ci for Computer Depot Resolution No. 84-17) City Manager Jullie said notice of this Public Hearing had been published. Dick Riley, Dougherty, Dawkins, Strand & Yost Incorporated, spoke to the request. Also present were Dan Rust of Welch Construction and Paul Larson, Chief Financial Officer for Computer Depot Inc. Finance Director Frane noted that it is to the City' s advantage to use as much of its "cap" or allocation as is possible. City Attorney Pauly said he understood a new resolution was to be delivered to the City which will indicate a closing date of October 15th. MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Tangen, to close the Public Hearing and to adopt Resolution No. 84-172, giving preliminary approval to a project under the Minnesota Municipal Industrial Development Act, authorizing submission of an application to the Minnesota Energy and Economic Development Authority for approval thereof and authorizing preparation of necessary documents in connection with the project. Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes -8- August 7, 1984 V. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS NOS. 14991 - 15318 MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Anderson , to approve the Payment of Claims Nos. 14991 - 15318. Roll call vote: Anderson, Bentley, Redpath, and Tangen voted "aye. " Motion carried unanimously. VI. REPORTS OF ADVISORY COMMISSIONS There were no reports. i VII. PETITIONS, REQUESTS & COMMUNICATIONS 3 y A. Request for removal of stop signs on mid-block of Kingston Drive Acting Mayor Redpath reviewed the reason for the Council 's request for a sight distance study of the mid-block stop signs on Kingston Drive. Director of Public Works Dietz said Staff had reviewed the sight distance of the vertical curves where the stop signs are located. He noted that preliminary indications are that sight distances are ok north of Crown Drive, but less than desirable at the crest south of Crown Drive. He referred to material included in the packet which further substantiated a these findings. Dietz said there several alternatives: 1) leave the signs as they are; 2) accept the recommendation of the Public Safety Department which was to leave the stop sign adjacent to 7000 Kingston Drive for southbond traffic and to remove stop signs for northbound traffic near 7000 Kingston Drive and both stop signs near 6893 Kingston Drive; { 3) authorize a $4,000 reconstruction project to improve the sight lines; or 4) put up "Limited Sight Distance" sign and post a 20 mile per hour speed limit. 3 Gretchen Shaw, 7001 Kingston Drive, questioned the cost of redoing Kingston to correct the sight distance because she did not feel the cost of relocating utilities had been taken into account. Dietz said this issue had been taken into account in making the estimates. Roger Cook, Golf and Kingston, said he felt this was a "make work" project -- didn' t the City employees have anything better to do. Connie Sauer, 6890 Kingston Drive, said she doesn' t think it costs the City anything to keep the signs there. She indicated that kids use the street as there are no sidewalks. John Witham, 6893 Kingston Drive, said he doesn' t know anyone who wants to have the signs removed. He said it is a safety issue. Bernie Galler, 6901 Kingston Drive, asked what were cited as the reasons for removing the signs. Redpath said the main reason was because they are a nuisance. Anderson said there are problems in the winter with cars . getting up Kingston Drive. He added that it is difficult for someone new to the area to see the stop signs. Director of Community Services Lambert noted this matter had been brought up at the Parks , Recreation & Natural Resources Commission Meeting last evening. He said the Commission voted City Council Minutes -9- August 7, 1984 to recommend leaving the stop signs up and to look into putting in a sidewalk along Kingston Drive. Lyle Shaw, 7001 Kingston Drive, distributed a letter to members of the Council which included material supporting keeping the signs where they are. He reviewed the sight distances involved. (Letter attached. ) Anderson said he felt stop signs should be visible. He posed the question: if we are going to have mid-block signs in one neighborhood, what is to preclude having them in other neighborhoods? Redpath asked City Attorney Pauly if the City had the right to clear the { easement to make the signs more visible. Pauly said the City could do so. Bentley said he did not feel there was an overriding public health or welfare issue involved here and saw no need to remove the signs. Tangen said perhaps the stop signs could become "slow" signs during the Winter when traffic problems are more apt to occur. Anderson said he would like to see the northernmost signs removed; the signs on the south should remain. Redpath said he was disappointed because the residents of the area who have complained most to him over the years were not present to voice their opinions before the Council . Anderson moved to adopt the recommendation concerning mid-block stop signs as proposed by the Department of Public Safety. The motion died for lack of a second. Tangen said he would not second the motion because there was no communication from those who are in favor of removing the signs. Lee Wohl said he lives near the northbound stop sign on the south and he said he felt the sight distance should be the same whether one is driving northbound or southbound. MOTION: Anderson moved, seconded by Tangen, to direct Staff to see that the stop signs are made visible. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Anderson, to direct Staff to do a feasibility study on the need for and cost of a trail along Kingston Drive from Golf View Drive to Holly Road. Motion carried unanimously. Gretchen Shaw expressed concern about the need for plowing sidewalks in the Winter. Anderson noted that Holly Road has been given priority be- cause school kids use it to get to and from Forest Hills Elementary School . City Council Minutes -10- August 7 , 1984 B. Request for extension of Municipal Industrial Development Bonds until December 31, 1984 for_Thomas Hotel Company Sheraton Hotel Ralph Thomas was present to answer questions . MOTION: Bentley moved seconded by Tangen, to adopt Resolution No. 84-196, extending preliminary approval previously given to a project under the Municipal Industrial Development Act. Motion carried unanimously. VIII . REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS & COMMISSIONS A. Reports of Council Members Bentley - noted an erosion problem in the Hans Hagen developgnent between Fieldcrest and Hyland Terrace. B. Report of City Manager 1. Meeting with Sandra Gardebring re: Lake Ann Interceptor City Manager Jullie said he had attended a meeting with Sandra Garde- z bring and members of the Metropolitan Council regarding the Lake Ann Interceptor. Chanhassen people were also at the meeting . He said ± they requested that the Lake Ann Interceptor be built as well as the Red Rock Interceptor. Should this happen , it would be to the City's advantage. Jullie suggested the City contribute to the cost of the interceptor. Redpath said some very good points were made at the C meeting, Tangen suggested the City look into doing something in cooperation with Chanhassen so the cost might be shared. 2. Star Cities Program Redpath noted that Marge Friederichs, Executive Secretary, Eden Prairie Chamber of Commerce, had contacted him to request the City's assistance in funding the Star Cities Program. The Chamber would like to have the City contribute $500. The concensus was to designate $500 to this R Chamber program. I f C. Report of the City Attorney F There was no report. D. Report of Director of Public Works 1. Award contract for 1984 Seal Coat Project (Resolution No. 84-208) MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Anderson, to accept the bid for I .C. 52-063, 1984 Bituminous Seal Coating, which had been submitted by Allied Blacktop Co. , Inc. Roll call vote: Anderson, Bentley, Redpath and Tangen voted "aye." Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes -11- August 7, 1984 IX. NEW BUSINESS There was none. X. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Anderson moved, seconded by Bentley, to adjourn the meeting at 10:58 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. t 7 1 1 3 r Z71