HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council - 05/29/1984 - Special Meeting .APPROVED MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING EDEN PRAIRIE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MAY 29 . 1984 7 ! 30 PM, SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, ROOM 5 . WEST WING COUNCIL MEMBERS: Mayor Wolfgang H. Penzel , Richard Anderson, George Bentley, Paul Redpath and George Tangen CITY COUNCIL STAFF: City Manager. Carl J . Jullie, Assistant to the City Manager Craig Dawson, City Attorney Richard Rosow, Finance Director John D. Frane, Planning Director Chris Enger, Director of Community Ser- vices Robert Lambert , Director of Public Works Eugene A. Dietz . and Recording Secretary Karen Michael INVOCATION: Councilman George Bentley 2E OF ALLEGIANCE CALL : all members were present. 4L APPROVAL OF AGENDA_AND OTHER_ITEMS OF BUSINESS MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Bentley, to approve the Agenda and Other Items of Business as published . Motion carried unanimously. I I . CONSENT CALENDAR A. Receive 100%etition for street and utility improvements for Flying Cloud �Jrive through Lee Data Plat, and authorize. the pre aration of moans and sTeci-fications . I .C. 52-064 Resolution No , 84-137� —! B. Award contract for Bike Path along Edenvale Boulevard , I . C. 51-356A Resolution No. 84-138) C. MIN-TEX PHASE II . 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 33-84, Amending Ordinance No._ 79-37 within the I-2 Park Zoning District, Approval of Amendment to Developer's Agreement (previously ,)hady Oak Park 5th Addition) , and Adop- tion of Resolution No. 84-126, Approving Summary of Ordinance No, 33-84, and Ordering Publication of said Summary for Min-Tex Phase Il . 18. 97 acres for two (2) office/warehouse structures . Location: West 7Oth Street, west of Shady Oak Road. D. Resolution No. 84-136, authorizing theme of Eden Prairie to enter into a Lend-Lease agreement with tie State of Minnesota or a Intoxilyzer breath test instrument and breath alcohol of simulator City Council Minutes -2- May 29, ,984 E. Authorization for the League of Minnesota Cities to provide assistance to the _Charter Study Committee F. A reement P�! 17- 07-83 with Henne in County for tem orar signal at CSAH ---._____._.___-_ _ _ _L_ y p .�—� 'IS/Co. Rd.- 1 TResolution No. 84-140) r MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Redpath, to approve items A - F on the Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanimously. III. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS - — s A, Request_ for the approval of Commercial Development Refundinq Revenue Note in the amount of $1 200,000.00 for_ Valley Place Office Associates _Project Resolution No. 84-139 City Attorney Rosow noted the proponent had previously been before the City Council for preliminary approval on March 27, 1984. He stated the City Attorney' s office had approved the final documents. Rosow explained this would not be subject to the "cap" which is proposed under pending Federal legislation. � MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Redpath, to adopt Resolution No. 84-139, relating to a $1,200,000 commercial development refunding revenue note (Valley Place Offices Associates Project) ; authorizing the issuance thereof pursuant to Minnesota Statutes , Chapter 474. Motion carried unan- imously. REPORTS OF OFFICERS BOARDS & COMMISSIONS A, Reports of Council Members Penzel - reported on the meeting held May 23, 1984, regarding the Environ- mentaT Impact Statement, He stated there were 8 of the 16 Metropolitan Council members in attendance. Penzel felt the comments from the citizens and Staff were received very well . He noted written comments are due by June 7, 1984, MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Anderson, to direct Staff to prepare a written communication stating the City's position regarding the expansion of the landfill , Motion carried unanimously, Penzel indicated there has been a request by the Metropolitan Council asking for recommendations for two appointees to the Regional Transit Board. Redpath said he had applied for one of the positions . MOTION: Tangen moved , seconded by Anderson, to write a letter in support of the appointment of Paul Redpath to the Regional Transit Board. Motion carried unanimously, City Council Ni nutes -3- May 29, 1984 Penzel - stated he had received a letter from Sandra Gardebring, Chairman of the Metropolitan Council , indicating applicants were being it' sought to chair the Metropolitan Waste Control Corroission. Redpath noted that Wayne Courtney has made known his interest in this position. MOTION: Anderson moved, seconded by Redpath, to send a letter to Sandra Gardebri ng on behalf of Wayne Courtney's appointment to chair the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission. Motion carried unanimously. Bentley - noted the fine job done by the Public Safety Department recently in regard to the stabbing at a local super market. MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Tangen, to commend the Public Safety Department for its efforts . Motion carried unanimously. Anderson - suggested the importance the "911" system played in saving the life of the stabbing victim. B. Report of City Manager 1. Evaluation Review Form (Continued from May 15, 1984) Penzel suggested the Council come up with ideas as to what might be inciuded in a formal review process. Tangen said he would have a problem in going along with the process used by the School District. Bentley said he felt the format used by Honeywell was very good; he suggested the Council use that format. Bentley said he would like to know what can and cannot be done in a public meeting regarding this type of review. City Attorney Rosow said he would look into this. Redpath said he would like to know what the ICMA' s (International City Manager's Association) views are on this -- does it have any guidelines and/or standards? Redpath said he would like to have copies of the evaluation forms as he had misplaced those he had pre- viously received. MOTION: Tangen moved, seconded by Redpath, to continue this matter until the time that the Council has an opinion from the City Attorney regarding the open meeting issue after which a date will be set to come up with an evaluation review form. Motion carried unanimously. C . Report of Ci ter Attorney 1. Busse Co. Special Assessment City Attorney Rosow noted that the 1983 special assessment for the Busses Co, was $32,000. The Busse Co. had proposed $26,500. After further review by appraisers , $27,500 had been recommended as a settlement. MOTION : Redpath moved, seconded by Anderson, to approve $27,500 as a condition of settlement for the Busse Company special assess- ment. Roll call vote: Anderson, Bentley, Redpath, Tangen and Penzel voted "aye. " Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes D. Report of Di rector of Public Works 1. Capp tat Improvements Budget Discussion Director of Public Works Dietz called attention to his memorandum of I-lay 25, 1984, in which the 5 Year Capital Improvements Budget was addressed. Dietz reviewed the projects are outlined in the budget. Bentley suggested Staff review past files/agreements regarding Townline Road and Baker Road (some of these date back to 1973 or 1974) to .see what commitments have been made by the State Highway Department and/or the County. Anderson said he felt trailways should be built, whenever possible, at the same time roads are constructed , Bentley asked which items might require a bond referendum. Penzel said he felt those items in Section 1 (Buildings) would be likely candidates. It was felt that the Public Safety pistol range might come out of the operating fund balance . The consensus was that Staff should check with MAC (Metropolitan Airports Commission) regard- ing a fire station in the airport area , A possible location for a fire station in the Preserve area might be in the vicinity of Homeward Hills Road and Anderson Lakes Parkway or Franlo Road and CSAH 1 . Bentley said he thought the time had come for the City to review its involvement in the liquor business . City Manager Jullie noted a meeting to be held next week with a marketing agency regarding this matter. Bentley said he was thinking more in terms of whether the City should or should not be in the liquor business. Bentley asked what the status is of determining what a new City Hall would cost. Assistant to the City Manager Dawson indicated 25 requests for proposals had been sent out to various architectural firms in the area. These will be returned to the City by June 8, 1984. he noted there should be some firm numbers in about three menths pending selection of a firm to do preliminary work . Jullie indicated that item number 3 in the second section (Equipment) should be eliminated and item number 4 (Public Safety Computer System) should be increased from $15,000 to $50,000. Anderson asked if City vehicles are rustproofed; he asked if it were possible to have City vehicles looking better. Dietz said the vehicles are replaced on a rotation system. Tangen asked how the water plant is paid for. Jullie said through user charges, hook-up fees , and assessments . Finance Director Frane noted that special assessments provide an immediate source of revenue -- the heavy, front-end money, He also stated that there is currently a fixed charge of $20 on each water bill which is used for the plant. Bentley said he would like to have the CIP take into consideration the replacement of water and sewer lines as well ; the City could then start planning for this and putting money aside to pay for replacement. City Council Pti nu tes -5- ifay 29, a 984 The consensus was this would not be a popular thing to do as residents find the charges for paying for the existing system ' to be high. Dietz said perhaps there should be more money put into the yearly maintenance fund, In the section on Roadways there was discussion as to whether or not a bridge was included in the Valley View Road expenditure. Dietz said a bridge was included. Redpath said he would like to see the railroad use a by-pass so that a bridge could be built. Bentley inquired as to whether or not enough fill could be brought in on either side of the railroad so there could be a permanent at-grade crossing installed. Penzel said he had a problem with the scheduling of this project since it would again appear that the City was rescuing the State as Valley View Road would be up- graded prior to the time work would begin on TH 5. Bentley said he felt that if the State does go ahead with work on TH 5 and the City has not made any improvements to Valley View Road, the resi- dents of Eden Prairie will not be provided with movement from west to east. Penzel disagreed. Anderson concurred with Bentley. Penzel said the State is already "waffling" on the timing of the Highway 5 project; this would give it more reason to delay that project. Redpath said he agreed with Penzel - based on past experience with the State Highway Department; he said he has a problem with Hennepin County DOT, MN/DOT and the PCA. Bentley said he did not think Valley View Road should be held "in hostage" because of TH 5. He said that TH 5 is needed and required and the Commissioner of Transportation and our legislators are well aware of that. Tangen noted there have been significant changes since 1974 (at that time improvements were proposed for Valley View Road and none of the adjacent property owners wanted the project so it was not done) and Eden Prairie resi - dents should not have to suffer because of the political dealings with the State, He said this should be our number one priority this is a road for our residents and there should be no delay. Redpath said he is not opposed to upgrading Valley View Road. He noted there is no cooperation from the railroad for this project. Redpath stated the bulk of the cost will be for the grade crossing; a lot of work must be done with the railroad to accomplish this project. There was discussion on the status of the surcharge on Technology Drive. Bentley said he felt this road was a major 1 ink to the MCA (Major Center Area ) tansportation system. Ken Moulder, 8855 Mitchell Road, asked about the status of Mitchell Road. Dietz said the City is using magnesium chloride to control the dust and will make these applications three time this summer. Jullie said he would recommend the Capital Improvements Budget be referred to the Planning Commission since the GIP could be interpre- ted as a part of the Guide Plan, and this might be considered an amendment to the Guide Plan. City Council Minutes -6- May 29, 1984 � MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Tangen, to refer the Capital Improvements Program/Budget to the Planning Commission and to ask the City Attorney for an interpretation/opinion as to whether or not the Capital Improvements Program is to be construed as a part of the- Guide Plan. Motion carried unanimously. City Attorney Rosow stated that State law provides that it is on the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the City Council acts on an amendment to the Guide Plan. Penzel suggested "wicking Technology Drive. Dietz said that process is very expensive but he would look into that. Penzel also requested Staff look at alternative crossings of the railroad tracks on Valley View Road. Tangen requested an update on tax increment financing. Penzel in- dicated Staff will do that. V. NEW BUSINESS There was none. IDJOURNMENT !MOTION: Tangen moved, seconded by Anderson, to adjourn the meeting at 10:32 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. ..,....._. .., .__._...._....___... _..n...:...w....a.wt_.i W'.+au:':.T:C.r.:F:,' 3.u..:..':r2:.:1.:::'-f3"iGr`. Fa. . ,r..v,. ♦:Yr. 4 F,f _ 7 A