HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council - 03/27/1984 APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 1984 7:30 PM, SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION BOARDROOM COUNCIL MEMBERS: Mayor Wolfgang H. Penzel , Richard Anderson, ', George Bentley, Paul Redpath and George Tangen CITY COUNCIL STAFF: City Manager Carl J. Jullie, City Attorney Roger Pauly, Finance Director John D. Frane Planning Director Chris €nger, Director of Community Services Robert Lambert, Director; of Public Works Eugene A. Dietz, and Record? ing Secretary Karen Michael INVOCATION: Councilman Paul Redpath PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: all members were present. I . APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND OTHER ITEMS OF BUSINESS City Manager Jullie requested item III . B. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 58-83, Crescent Ridge, rezoning of 26.6. acres from Rural and RI-22 to R1-13.5 and 20 acres from Industrial General and Rural to RM-6.5, with variances, for mixed residentialdevelopment, Approval of Developer's Agreement , and Adop- tion of Resolution No. 84-01 approving Summary of Ordinance No. 58-33 and ordering the Publication of Said Summary of Crescent Ridge be continued to a date not certain because the Developer's Agreement has not been signed. MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Tangen, to continue item III . B. to a date not certain. Motion carried unanimously. II. MINUTES A. Minutes of the Joint Meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission held Tuesday, March 6, 1984 MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Tangen, to approve the Minutes of the Joint Meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission held Tues- day, March 6, 1984, as published. Motion carried unanimously. B. Minutes of the City Council Meeting held Tuesday, March 6, 1984 ' MOTION: Tangen moved, seconded by Bentley, to approve the Minutes of the City Council Meeting held Tuesday, March 6, 1984, as published. Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes -2- March 27, 1984 III . CONSENT CALENDAR A. Resolution declarin2 cost to be assessed, ordering preparation of eroposseed assessment role and setting public hearing date for May 22, 1984 Resolu- tion No. 84-57 B. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 58-83, Crescent Ridge, rezoning of 26.6 acres from Rural to RI-22 to R1-13.5 and 20 acres from Industrial General and Rural to -6. , with variances, for mixed residential deve opment,- pproval of Developer's Agreement, and Adoption of Resolution No. 84-01 a rovin Summary of Or finance No. 58-33 and ordering the Publication of Said Summary a Crescent Ridge. Location: north of Highway 5 at the western boundary of Eden Prairie. - continued to a date uncertain. C. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 14-84, Primetech, rezoning from Rural to I-2 a�and Office for 20 acres, Approval of Developer's Agreement, and Adop- tion of Resolution No. 84-48, ARproving Summary of Ordinance No. 14-84 and Ordering the Publication of Said Summary. Location: west of Highway 169/212 and northeast of Shady Oak Road. D. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 18-84 Kinder Care Learning Center, rezonin from Rural to C-Regional Service, and adoption of Resolution No. 84-49, Approving the Site Plan subject to Specific Conditions . Location: north- east quadrant of Singletree Lane and Glen Lane. E. 2nd Rea din of Ordinance No. 19-84, Edenvale A artments, 2nd Addition, rezoning from Rural to RM-2.5, and adoption of Resolution No. 84-50, approving Site Plan subject to Specific Conditions. Location: northeast quadrant of Baker Road and Valley View Road. F. Approval of Developer's Agreement for PUD Concept review for mixed resi- ential land uses on 150 acres for 525 units for Red-Rock Ranch by Robert Mason Homes and Developer's Agreement G. Change Order #2, Creekridge Estates (Brook view Circle at CSAH 18) , I.C. 52-040 H. Receive feasibility report and set April 17 1984 as Public HearinR date or sewer and water improvements to serve the Carmel Develo ment an vicinity I .C. 52-059A (Resolution No. 84-58 I. Receive feasiblity report and set April 17, 1984, as Public Hearing date for street and utilit improvements to serve Bryant Lake Office Tech Center and vicintiy, I.C. - 53 Resolution No. 4-59 J. Final Plat approval for Arbor Glen 2nd Addition (Resolution No. 84-60) K. Final Plat approval for Preserve Commercial Park North 2nd Addition TResolution No. 84-61 L. Final Plat approval for Paulsen 's Addition (Resolution No. 84-62) City Council Minutes -3- March 27, 1984 M. Final Plat approval for Carmel (Resolution No. 84-63) N. Final Plat approval for City West Second Addition (Resolution No. 84-65) f 0. Approval of Recommended Agreement with IUOE, Local No. 49, for Calendar Years 1984 and 1985 P. Approval of 18-month extension of renewal date for Developer's Agreement for Sheraton Inn (Paul Thomas Q. Accept bids for Staring Lake Trail Development, Phase II R. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 3-84, amending City Code Chapter 1 S. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 4-84, amending City Code Chapter 2 T. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 5-84, amending City Code Chapter 3 U. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 6-84, amending City Code Chapter 4 V. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 7-84, amending City Code Chapter 5 W. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 9-84, amending City Code Chapter 7 X. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 10-84, amending City Code Chester 8 Y. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 11-84, amending Citj Code. Chapter 9 _ Z. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 12-84, amending City Code Chapter 10 AA. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 13-84, amending City Code Chapter 12 BB. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 20-84, amending City Code Chapter 11 CC. Clerk's License List - DD. Set Public. Hearing date of April 17, 19m, for Tax Increment Financing District No. 7 MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Anderson, to approve items A and C through DD on the Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanimously. 7 7- _ ... , _ uwYE Z M A City Council Minutes -4- March 27, 1984 IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. EXTENSION OF 66TH STREET AND ST. JOHN'S DRIVE WITH THE TANAGER CREEK SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS City Manager Jullie noted that although no Public Hearing is required, notices were sent to property owners within the general vicinity of these i two road connections and notice of this Hearing was published in the Eden Prairie News. Penzel said Staff had been directed to review the potential of interconnect- ing neighborhood streets wherever reasonably possible; it appears feasible to connect both West 66th Street and St. John's Drive with the new City streets now under construction in the Tanager Creek subdivision. Director of Public Works Dietz noted the location of the proposed improve- ments and reviewed the traffic projections for the area. He distributed a letter from Audrey Strandberg relating to this Public Hearing (see attached. ) Dietz explained the improvements which the County will make along Baker Road and the impact.those improvements will have upon this sector of the City. He also indicated what the traffic counts are and what are projected. He stated that traffic from the Tanager Creek area would use Baker Road and West 66th Street rather than any interior streets. f' Penzel said this is the first project to be reconsidered of those areas where only one access exists; he said more than one access must be provided to a neighborhood. He noted he had received a phone call from John Palm, a St. John' s Woods resident, who said he would prefer to see a shrubbed area rather than a connection on the south end of St. John' s Drive. Peter Stalland, 6317 St. John's Drive, indicated he is an attorney and represents the St. John's Woods Homeowners. He stated that he felt St. John's Drive should stop where it does now; the timing is inappropriate to make the proposed connection. He said he felt the City Council is about to change its position and that is not good for the planning process. He also said the proposal is not good from the standpoint of traffic safety. Stalland said parking is a problem in St. John's Woods and the streets are used by the children as a play area. He also said the Eden Prairie Depart- ment of Public Safety has stated that areas with cul-de-sacs are safer and there are fewer incidents of crime -- the proposed connection would put a ` through street right in the middle of their neighborhood. He indicated there would be increased maintenance costs for the homeowners due to the need for sidewalks and curbing. He asked that the City Council retain its ! ' present position and not make the connection. Darl Tellefsen, 6365 St. John' s Drive, vice president of the St. John's Woods Homeowner's Association, presented a petition signed by residents opposing the connection. He added that most residents had purchased town- homes with the idea that St. John's Drive would be a dead end. He said there are no sidewalks and residents use St. John's Drive as a walkway to get to the pool and basketball court; children use St. John's Drive to get to and from the school bus stop. City Council Minutes -5- March 27, 1984 Bentley said he felt if the City Council allowed each neighborhood to determine its own safety the City would be uncontrollable. ` Dietz said the connection of St. John's Drive to the south is desirable because the St. John's Drive has a temporary turn-around now and it is not a good area to turn-around and when Baker Road improvements are made the 122 units in St. John's Woods will not have access to Baker Road. -- these are two of the reasons, from a public works standpoint, to encourage the connection. Susie Hummel , 6362 St. John' s Drive, said she had contacted Hennepin County and had learned that bids should be let this year on the Crosstown exten- sion and at the same time improvements will be made to Baker Road. She indicated this traffic will have to have a place to go and expressed con- cern that it would be routed through St. John's Woods. She asked if it would be possible to have something put in place to slow down the traffic. Penzel asked if traffic would be routed through St. John's Woods when the improvements are made. Dietz said the City would not knowingly , put a 8 detour through here. he stated that Carlson Drive would more than likely be used as the detour. Bentley wondered since St. John's Drive is now a k private road would it be possible for the homeowners to shut off the road. Dietz said he did not have an answer to that question. Tangen suggested St. John's Drive might be posted "no truck traffic" and for load limits. Hanley Anderson, 6581 Manchester Lane, felt that if the City Council is going to reexamine connecting roads, the maps used during the presentations should be current maps. Penzel said the Council is aware of what has been developed in the area even though it is not indicated on the map. Anderson expressed concern about access to the school and park. Jan Anderson, 6591 Manchester Lane, asked when the traffic counts were taken. Dietz said they had been done during the past week. Anderson said she did not think they were representative because there was no school due to Spring vacation. Dietz said they had not been done previously due to weather conditions; while they might not show exact counts, they did give an indica- tion as to relative numbers. Anderson said she felt there is much more traffic on Kingston and Holly than indicated on the map. She said she was upset because the number of trips by her home will go from 0 to 500 per day. She asked if the homeowners would be assessed for the street improve- ments even though they did not want them. Dietz said this would probably come from the general fund although a formal decision has not yet been made. Liz Engstrom, 6372 St. John's Drive, said her reasons for buying in St. John's Woods were because there was no traffic and she liked the safety of the neigh- borhood with the cul-de-sacs. She said the children can ride their bikes safely on the streets and walk to the pool . She said this connection will destroy their quality of life. She said she felt property values would go down. Engstrom said she is adamantly opposed to the connection. City Council Minutes -6- March 27, 1984 Woodrow Bjork, 14302 Stratford Road, said he felt there were two issues: 1 ) concern on the part of public safety to provide services and 2) concern on the part of parents who send their children to school on roads which are heavily travelled. He said he wished the City Council weren't so against knock-down barriers. He felt a precedent has been set in opening up areas. He asked that the Council please look at how these areas are used and by whom; and that the concerns of the neighbors be weighed. Redpath noted the problems posed in the Winter months with the Kingston/ Golfview hill and the Holly hill . He said people in King's Forest were opposed to the Golfview connection at the time that was made. Ken McCorkell , 6381 St. John' s Drive, said there would be extreme danger to the children residing in St. John's Woods if the connection were to be made. He suggested it would be better to make the improvements to Baker Road prior to having the connection south on St. John's Drive. Penzel noted Baker Road is a County Road and the City does not have much to say about the timing of county road projects. Mikhail Khalip, 6334 St. John's Drive, asked how the figures used in the traffic projects were determined. Dietz reviewed the methodology used and noted that the predominant direction travelled in Eden Prairie is to the northeast (80% of the traffic goes in that direction. ) Councilman Anderson said he lives in the King's Forest area. He said he fought to get sidewalks in the area and has seen several serious accidents on Holly Road. He expressed concern about children at the park connected to Forest Hills School . He said he was also concerned about getting up Holly Road hill in the Winter. He said he felt traffic needs to be dispersed and the connection should be made at this time. Bentley said Eden Prairie has developed in a checker board manner which has resulted in problems when the area in between developed areas is to be developed. This presents the City with the opportunity to connect one neighborhood to another but is resisted by the residents. He said there are public safety issues to be considered which will not be taken care of with knock-down barriers. He said he did not see any great detriment or attribute to the St. John's Woods connection; he sees a need for the West 66th Street connection. Tangen said he has always recognized and supported connecting neighborhoods during his term on the City Council and would continue to do so. He said he can appreciate the feelings of the neighborhood residents but can see the need for such connections in terms of public safety. He said he does not consider these connections to be a detriment to the neighborhoods but rather a benefit. Redpath said the City is faced with the need to connect neighborhoods for the public safety, health and welfare of the residents -- this is something which must be done. City Council Minutes -7- March 27 , 1984 ; Councilman Anderson asked Dietz how long this road has been proposed. Dietz said the West 66th Street and St. John's Drive connections were both indicated on the plats for those developments. Planning Director Enger said the through streets were stubbed to the property lines. Penzel said problems have incurred with situations as they are. s MOTION: Tangen moved, seconded by Redpath, to close the Public Hearing and to recommend the Council continue with its present policy of connec- ting neighborhoods wherever and whenever possible. Motion carried unani- mously. B. PRAIRIE CENTER BUSINESS PARK by Opus Cor or�atio�n, Request for Planned Unit Development Concept for 17.4 acres for three office/warehouse build- i ings. Location: southeast quadrant of West 78th Street and Prairie Center Drive. (Resolution No. 84-34 - PUD Concept Approval ) -- continued from March 6, 1984, City Manager Jullie said Planning Director Enger had met with the pro- ponents and had worked out certain revisions to their conceptual p' an plus development guidelines which were included in Enger's memorancum dated March 22nd. Michelle Foster, Assistant Director of Planning and Governmental ;fairs for Opus Corporation, reviewed what had been determined in meeting! with the Planning Staff. She indicated that Opus felt it had responded io the City' s concerns which had been expressed at the last meeting, See attached letter of March 20, 1984, which includes Design Guidelines . Planning Director Enger noted the revised plans are in line with the recommendations of the Staff Report (February 1984) and Planning Commis- sion recommendations. Bentley said the guidelines as worked out now are a vast improvement from what had been presented to the Council earlier. John Keefe, attorney representing the fee owner, Feeder's Inc. , referred to his letter of March 14 , 1984 (see attached) , and indicated Feeder' s support of the Opus request. Bentley asked Keefe whether or not Mr. Hyde had taken part in the Purga- tory Creek Recreational Area Study meetings. Keefe said he did not know. Bentley said the Feeder's property was a vital part of that plan. Keefe indicated he would relate that to Mr. Hyde. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Bentley, to close the Public Hearing and to adopt Resolution No. 84-34, PUD concept approval including the guidelines as submitted in the March 20, 1984, letter from Opus Corpora- tion. Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes -$- March 27, 1984 i C. REQUEST FOR MUNICIPAL. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BONDS IN THE AMOUNT OF 1 ,200,000.00 FOR VALLEY PLACE OFFICES ASSOCIATES IResolution No. City Manager Jullie stated notice of this Public Hearing had been published. Jullie said that due to the uncertainty of pending Federal legislation, q Staff recommends that the Council amend the Resolution to provide for a I review of this request prior to final approval. Chuck Garrity, proponent, said their bond counsel felt this would fall back on old legislation and would not have any bearing on the pending Federal legislation. City Attorney Pauly noted the problems and the dangers this refunding might present. He said he thought it would be prudent for the Council not to give final approval until Federal legis- lation is adopted. Bentley said he has serious concerns about approving bonds and having them sold prior to the time it was determined what effect this would have on the City. He said the questions raised cannot be answered until Federal legislation is adopted. Bentley said he would like to see the Council wait; preliminary approval could be granted but not final approval . Finance Director Frane said preliminary approval would -allow the proponent to get the process started but would not obligate the City to give final approval . Pauly said he would suggest the Council add a proviso to the resolution which would indicate final consideration for approval would not be given until Federal legislation is determined as to the restrictions. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Tangen, to close the Public Hearing and to adopted Resolution No. 84-36 as amended. Motion carried unani- mously. D. VALLEY VIEW MANOR HOMES by Sunrise Properties. Request for Zoning District Change from Rural to RM-6.5 and Preliminary lat of 20 acres for 112 units in 14 condominium buildings. Location: north of Valley View Road, 4 mile east of Mitchell Road. (Ordinance No. 21-84 - zoning and Resolution No. 84-51 - preliminary plat) City Manager Jullie said notice of this Public Hearing had been published and property owners within the project vicinity had been notified. David Hansing, consulting engineer, spoke to the proposal . Planning Director Enger said the Planning Commission had reviewed this request at its meetings on January 23, 1984, and February 27, 1984, at which time it voted to recommend approval subject to the recommendations included in the Staff Report dated February 17, 1984. Director of Community Services Lambert noted this property is adjacent to a 37 acre park most of which is marshy. He said access to the park would be via sidewalks. The Parks , Recreation & Natural Resources Commis- sion had reviewed this and noted that there is no need for a tot lot. It also recommended that land be received in lieu of cash park fees so the woody knoll might become part of the park. v i City Council Minutes -9- March 27, 1984 Yangen asked if there would be vehicle access to the park for park equipment. Lambert said there would be access off of Valley View Road. Penzel asked that the street names be different from those shown on � r the preliminary drawings. Bentley asked if there was adequate parking provided. Enger said that Staff had worked with the proponent and felt there was. Bentley asked if there were provisions for storm shelters. Enger said no provisions had been made. Bentley asked that Staff work to establish a policy on storm shelters. Penzel said this should be an amendment to the City Code. Bentley said Public Safety should probably be the department to look into this. There were no comments from the audience. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Bentley, to close the Public Hearing and to give 1st Reading to Ordinance No. 21-84, rezoning. Motion carried unanimously. $ MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Bentley, to adopt Resolution No. 84-51, preliminary plat. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Tangen, to direct Staff to prepare a Summary Resolution of Approval per Commission and Staff recommendations. Motion carried unanimously. E. PAULSEN'S 2ND ADDITION by Dirlam Development. Request for Zoning District Change from Rural to R1-95. for 6.3 acres and Preliminary Plat of 6.3 acres into 18 single family lots. Location: north of C.M. St. Paul and Pacific Railroad, south of Hidden Ponds Park. (Ordinance No. 22-84 —rezoning and Resolution No. 84-52 - preliminary plat) City Manager Jullie stated notice of this Public Hearing had been published and notices had been sent to property owners in the project vicinity. Peter Knaeble, engineer with RCM, addressed the proposal . Director of Planning Enger said the Planning Commission had reviewed this at its meeting on February 27, 1984, at which time it voted to recommend approval subject to the recommendations included in the Staff Report dated February 24, 1984. Director of Community Services Lambert said the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission had reviewed this request at its meeting on March 19, 1984, and took no action as there were no park and recreation issues. } Penzel asked where the road through Autumn Woods connects on the west with Dell Road. Enger said that connects just opposite the park road. Penzel said the connection to the west must be made. City Council Minutes -10- March 27, 1984 There were no comments from the audience. MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Tangen, to close the Public Hearing and to give 1st Reading to Ordinance No. 22-84, rezoning. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Tangen, to adopt Resolution No. 84-52, preliminary plat. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION. Bentley moved, seconded by Tangen to direct Staff to prepare a Summary Resolution of Approval as per Commission and Staff recommendations. Motion carried unanimously. F. GONYEA 3RD ADDITION. Request for Planned Unit Development District Review and zoning from Rural to R1-13.5, with possible variances , for 9.22 acres, and from Rural to R1-9. 5, with possible variances for 3.85 acres ; and preliminary plat of 37. 19 acres into 33 residential lots and five outlots. Location: northeast quadrant of State Highway #5 and County Road #4. t (Ordinance No. 23-84 - zoning and Resolution No. 84-58 - preliminary plat) City Manager Jullie indicated notice of this Public Hearing had been published and property owners had been notified. John Uban, Howard Dahlgren and Associates, represented the proponent and addressed the proposal . Also present was Jerry Sunde, engineer for the project. Director of Planning Enger noted this is the initial development stage of what had been approved as a concept in 1980. Enger said the Planning Commission had reviewed this request at its meeting on February 27, 1984, at which time it voted to recommend approval subject to the recommendations included in the February 17, 1984, Staff Report. Director of Community Services Lambert stated the Parks, Recreation & Natural t Resources Commission had reviewed this request at its meeting on March 5 , 1984, and had recommended that sidewalks be constructed on both sides of the north-south and east-west streets. Bentley asked about the timing of the design framework manual . Enger said this is to be accomplished prior to the first commercial rezoning request. Anderson asked what is to guarantee water in the ponding area. Director of Public Works Dietz indicated the proponent would be required to build an outlet structure. Penze'1 asked what uses are being proposed on these lots. Uban said in 1980 Perkins was interested -- that is no longer viable. He said there is a need for a high quality restaurant at that location. He stated nothing has been pinpointed; there is a need for elderly and/or multiple family housing. City Council Minutes -11- March 27, 1984 Penzel said there is a need for turning lanes at the time the project is done. Dietz said the County has indicated it will redo the County Road 4/State Highway 5 intersection in 1986. The turning lanes will be installed at the County's discretion. He said if the City were to suggest that turning lanes be installed, the County might be willing to do so. s John Riegert, 16319 Westgate Drive, said his dad owns Prairie Lawn and Garden and is concerned about the right-of-way on the east of this proposal . Uban said he anticipates there will be an office use on the { east and access will be determined by the State Highway Department. i There were no comments from the audience. MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Anderson, to close the Public Hearing and to give 1st Reading to Ordinance No. 23-84, rezoning of 13.07 acres 1 from Rural to R1-13.5, with possible variances. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Anderson, to adopt Resolution No. 84-53, preliminary plat. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Anderson, to direct Staff to prepare a Summary Resolution of Approval subject to recommendations of the Commis- sions and Staff. Motion carried unanimously. G. WELSH OFFICE PLAT. Request for Preliminary Plat of 4.72 acres for two lots. Location: northeast corner of Prairie Center Drive and West 78th Street. (Resolution No. 83-55 - preliminary plat) tCity Manager Jul l ie stated notice of this Public Hearing had been published s and property owners within the project vicinity had been notified. Dennis Doyle, Welsh Companies, spoke to the request. Director of Planning Enger said the Planning Commission had reviewed this request at its meeting on March 12, 1984, at which time it voted to recom- mend approval subject to the recommendations included in the March 2, 1984, Staff Report. MOTION: Anderson moved, seconded by Tangen, to close the Public Hearing and to adopt Resolution No. 84-55, approving the preliminary plat of Welsh Offices for Welsh Companies. Motion carried unanimously. V. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS NOS. 12634 - 12939 MOTION: Anderson moved, seconded by Bentley, to approve the Payment of Claims Nos. 12634 - 12939. Roll call vote; Anderson, Bentley, Redpath, Tangen and Penzel voted "aye. " Motion carried unanimously. VI. REPORTS OF ADVISORY COMMISSIONS There were no reports. City Council Minutes -12- March 27, 1984 VII . PETITIONS, REQUESTS & COMMUNICATIONS A. DOUGLAS INDUSTRIAL PARK by Douglas Skanse. Request for Preliminary Plat and FinaT--Pl-a-f—oT 5.9 acres for two lots for I-5 use. Location: northwest quadrant of Washington Avenue and Valley View Road. (Resolution No. 84-54 - preliminary plat and Resolution No. 84-64 - final plat) It was noted the public hearing for this platting request was conducted 1 at the March 12, 1984, meeting of the Planning Commission at which time it voted to recommend approval . Erl i n Eckbero-, architect, spoke to the request. Planning Director Enger reviewed the action taken by the Planning Commission and noted its recommendation was subject to the recommendations included in the Staff Report dated March 2, 1984. Director of Public Works Dietz stated the preliminary plat and final plat are being acted upon at the same time because this is a very simple proposal . MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Tangen, to adopt Resolution No. 84-54, approving the preliminary plat for Douglas Industrial Park for Douglas Skanse. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Tangen, to adopt Resolution No. 84-64, approving the final plat of Douglas Industrial Park. Motion carried unani- mously. B. PRESERVE: COMMERCIAL PARK NORTH 3RD ADDITION by Eden Prairie Car Care Center. Request for Preliminary Plat of 2.8 acres for Car Care Center. Location: northwest quadrant of Priaire Center Drive and Highway #169. (Resolution No. 84-56 - preliminary plat) Ed Flaherty, proponent for the proposal , addressed the request. Planning Director Enger noted the Planning Commission had reviewed this request at its March 26, 1984, meeting at which time it voted to recommend approval subject to the recommendations included in the March 16, 1984, Staff. Report. He added that this had not been to the Board of Appeals and Adjustments yet. MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Redpath, to adopt Resolution No. 84-56, approving the preliminary plat of Preserve Commerical Park North 3rd Addition for The Preserve of Eden Prairie. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Anderson, to continue the meeting to 12i30 a,m. Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes -13- March 27, 1984 C. Request by Hennepin County for Approval of new location for Leaf Composting Operation City Manager Jullie noted a letter dated February 15, 1984, from Luther D. Nelson asking the City to approve a site on the western edge of Flying 1 Cloud Airport as the new location for the County's Leaf Composting Oper- ation. Jullie said this appears to be an acceptable location. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Bentley, to approve the site. on the western edge of Flying Cloud Airport as the new location for the County's Leaf Composting Operation. Motion carried unanimously. p VIII . REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS & COMMISSIONS 1 A. Reports of Council Members Bentley - reported that realtors have indicated the berm behind the homes on Fieldcrest Road is the wrong height and this is why the homes adjacent to it are not selling. Planning Director Enger said a solution had been i arrived at last Fall ; a member of the Planning Staff had been working with the owner of tte building and the developer and it is anticipated more work will be done in that area this Spring. B. Report of City Manager City Manager Jullie noted he has been talking with architects on a con- ceptual basis. Three or four architects have expressed an interest. He stated conceptual design work was authorized in the 1984 budget. City Manager Jullie reported that there will be a special meeting on the Highway 5/212 corridor. That will come to the Council for its review on April 17th. Jullie noted that there will be a dinner on April 24th at which time the Rotary will honor the top scholastic high school students in Eden Prairie. The Council and their spouses are invited to attend this dinner which will be at the high school at 6: 30 p.m. It was noted that Councilmen Anderson and Tangen will be out of the City for the April 17, 1984, meeting. There was discussion on what might be done to spread the work load since there seem to be a good number of public hearings coming up in the near future. MOTION: Anderson moved, seconded by Bentley, to set a special meeting of the City Council for Tuesday, May 29, 1984, at 7:30 p.m. in the School Administration Building. Motion carried unanimously. City Manager Jullie stated there will be a Highway 5 Coalition meeting on Thursday at 11:30 a.m. at the Chanhassen Dinner Theater. Redpath and Bentley said they are planning to attend. City Council Minutes -14- March 27, 1984 i C. Report of City Attorney ` There was no report. D. Report of Director of Community Services 1. Five-year Capital Improvement Program for Eden Prairie Parks and Open Space Director of Community Services Lambert addressed his memorandum of March 22, 1984, in which the five year capital improvement program was outlined, MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Anderson, to authorize the Director of Community Services to apply for Lawcon grants for lighting the Round Lake ballfields. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Anderson moved, seconded by Bentley, to approve the Capital Improvements Program for 1984-1988 as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Bryant Lake Surface Water Use Ordinance MOTl:ON: Bentley moved, seconded by Redpath, to give 1st Reading to Ordinance No. 28-84, Bryant Lake Surface Water Use Ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Community Ed/Recreation Duplication Director of Community Services Lambert reviewed his memorandum of March 6, 1984 , in which he gave background information on this matter. Penzel stated this issue is not one of staffing as that is the pre- rogative of the City Manager. The Council is to determine or resolve programming matters. He said the issue is how should the City proceed with its recreation programming -- should some or all of this be con- solidated with the programs of the School District; he noted that there ought to be some consolidation if it will save money. He recommended the Council ask the School Board if' it is interested in joining forces. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Bentley, to refer this matter to the School Board for its formal response. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Approval of puns for North Star Addition Director of Community Services Lambert referred to his memorandum of March 22, 1984, in which plans for the North Star Addition were outlined. MOTION: Anderson moved, seconded by Tangen, to accept the North Star's plans, Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes -15- March 27, 1984 5. Purgatory Creek Recreation Area Draft Master Plan Director of Community Services Lambert noted his memorandum of March 22, 1984, and introduced Ted Wirth and Gary Tushie who were present on behalf of the design team. Lambert reviewed meetings which had been held in the past few weeks with the Watershed District, Planning Commission, and the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission. Meetings had also been held with property owners . Lambert specifically noted the Staff recommendation that the City Council request the Watershed District to review the feasibility of this plan by determining the ten and twenty-five year flood levels, as well as determining the feasibility of lowering the flood- plain elevation. Lambert said this information is pertinent before proceeding with the plan. Lambert said the property owners who have not responded are Feeders , Carmody, Miller and Tudor Oaks. Wirth reviewed the differences between the plan which won the com- petition and that which is now under consideration; he noted the differences are subtle. Tushie discussed the importance of the ele- vations in the floodplain area and the flood storage capabilities. Bentley said concern regarding the storage capacity had been expressed to him by property owners. Redpath said water might have to be pumped into the area to keep the ponds full . 1i Lambert noted this will be reviewed again by the Watershed District at its April 4, 1984, meeting and recommended that the Council continue this to April 17th so it can be apprised of action taken by the Water- shed District. MOTION: Tangen moved, seconded by Redpath, to continue this item to the April 17, 1984, meeting of the City Council . Motion carried unanimously. 6. Tax Forfeited Lands Director of Community Services Lambert referred to his memorandum of March 22 , 1984, in which he outlined the parcels which are available. MOTION: Anderson moved, seconded by Bentley, to direct Staff to prepare a Resolution incorporating the recommendations for acquisition of tax forfeited lands as per Lambert's memorandum. Motion carried unanimously. IX. NEW BUSINESS There was none. X. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Anderson, to adjourn the meeting at 12:16 a.m. Motion carried unanimously.