HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council - 02/07/1984 APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7 1984 7:30 PM, SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION BOARDROOM COUNCIL MEMBERS: Mayor Wolfgang H. Penzel , Richard Anderson , George Bentley, Paul Redpath and George Tangen v I CITY COUNCIL STAFF: City Manager Carl J. Jullie, City Attorney Roger Pauly, Finance Director John D. Frane, Planning Director Chris Enger, Director of Community Ser- vices Robert Lambert, Director of Public Works Eugene A. Dietz , and Recording Secretary Karen Michael i INVOCATION: Councilman Paul P,edpath PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: all members were present I . APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND OTHER ITEMS OF BUSINESS The following item was removed from the Agenda: V. A. Resolution No. 84-26, relatino to the issuance of bonds for Baypoint Manor in the amount of�— $7,0 000_00.- -- MOTION: Anderson moved, seconded by Bentley, to approve the Agenda and Other Items of Business as amended and published. Motion carried unanimously. II . MINUTES A. Minutes of the-City Council Meeting held Tuesday, Janus 3. 1984 MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Tangen, to approve the Minutes of the City Council Pleetinn held Tuesday. January J, 1984, as published. Motion carried unanimously. B. Minutes of the Special City Council_ Meetinq held _Tuesday . January 10, 1984 • MOTION: Tangen moved, seconded by Bentley, to approve the Minutes of the Special City Council Meeting held Tuesday. January 10, 1984 , as published. Motion carried unanimously. C. Minutes of the City Council_Meetina held Tuesday, January 17� 1984 MOTION: Anderson moved . seconded by Tangen, to approve the Minutes of the City Council Meeting held Tuesday, January 17 . 1984 , as published. Plotion carried unanimously . City Council Minutes -2- February 7 , 1984 III . CONSENT_CALENDAR tA.A Clerk ' s License List B. Minnesota State Aid System Route Designation (Resolution No. 84-27) C. Receive Feasibility Report for Traffic Signal Installation at Shady Oak Road/Flying Cloud Drive and Set Public Hearing, I .C. 52-057 Resolution ' No. 84-29 i D. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 55-83 for Zoning District Change from Rural to R1-13. 5 for Hidden Ridge by Ron Krueger and Dick Mackenzie, and approval ii Rescilution No. 84-24 _ approving Development according to Specific Plans . Location: east of County Road 4 at Duck Lake Trail . E. Donation from Vikings Bassmaster' s Club t F. Request authorization to advertise for bids for play structures at Red W Rock Park and High Trail Estates G. Final Plat approval for Hidden Ridge (Resolution No. 84-28) H. tor I . 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 2-84 for Zoning District Change from C-Regional to C-Re ional Service for 3.26 acres for an office building for Welsh Con- struction, and adoption of Resolution No. 84-18, approving Development According to Specific Plans. Location: north side of West 78th Street, east of Prairie Center Drive. J. Resolution Nos . 84-17 and 84-23, authorizing application for Mn/DOT Bike Grants _ K. Resolution No. 84-30�d�esignating depositories for the City of Eden Prairie MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Anderson, to approve items A - K on the Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanimously. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Vacation of excess right-fof-way:__ West 78th Street, east of Prairie Center Drive- V�Resolution No. 84-15 - continued from 1/17/84 City Manager Jullie stated it would be premature to vacate this right-of-way until plans for TH 212 are finalized . MOTION: Tangen moved , seconded by Anderson, to close the Public Hearing and to table this item to a date not certain. Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes -3- February 7, 1984 B. Vacation of excess right-of-way: West 78th Street, adjacent to northwest corner of Rosemount property Resolution No. 84-16) City Manager Jullie explained that the strip of land to be vacated is excess right-of-way which will not be needed for any future widening of West 78th Street nor will it be needed for the Prairie Center Drive/TH 5 interchanne. MOTION; Bentley moved, seconded by Redpath, to close the Public Hearing and to adopt Resolution No. 84-16, vacatina roadway and utility easements on I-lest 78th Street from approximately 500 feet east of Prairie Center Drive to approximately 1200 feet east of Prairie Center Drive. Motion carried unanimously. C. PRIMETECH by Prime Development and M R Properties. Request for Planned Unit Development Concept Amendment to the City 14est Planned Unit Develop- ment for a twenty (20) acre office and industrial park , Planned Unit Develop- ment District Review and zoning District change from Rural to Office, with variances , and 1-2, with variances . and Preliminary Plat of six acres for four buildings to be known as Primetech Park . Location; west of Highway 169/212, northeast of Shady Oak Road. (Ordinance No. 14-84 - PUD District and Zoning and Resolution No 84-20 - Preliminary Plat. ) City Manager Jullie stated notice of this Public Hearinq had been published and property owners within the project vicinity had been notified. Ron Erickson, architect with Korsunsky, Krank, Erickson Architects , Inc. , addressed the request. Planning Director Enger said this proposal had been reviewed by the Planning Commission at its meetings on December 12, 1983, and January 9. 1984 . The Planning Commission voted to recommend approval subject to the Staff Reports dated December 9, 1983, and January 6, 1984. Enger noted the plan has under- gone some changes from the time it was first reviewed to this time; he re- viewed and compared the differences between the original proposal and this concept proposal -- no industrial use had been contemplated in the original proposal . Director of Community Services Lambert noted the Parks , Recreation & Natural Resources Commission had reviewed this at its January 16 , 1984, meeting at which time it voted to recommend approval subject to the recommendations included in the Planning Staff Report dated January 6, 1984 . Redpath asked if the maintenance fees on these condominium buildings would be high and something which should be of concern to the Council . Enger said the covenants which cover this aspect of the development have been reviewed and maintenance fees should pose no problem. Director of Public Works Dietz stated there are a number of single family situations in Eden Prairie which are under similar covenants and they would be less likely to cover the costs in the future than a business/industrial use would, City Council Minutes -4- February 7 , 1984 Bentley asked Enger to elaborate on this proposal versus the PUD which r had been before the Council previously. Enger reviewed the original j proposal and pointed out where it differed from this proposal . Tangen asked for clarification as to the existing zoning in City West. Enoer � said 15 acres along Shady Oak Road have been zoned industrial and noted that was the proposal on which much work had been done on the architec- tural characteristics of the buildings. 4 i Penzel inquired as to whether or not there was adequate space to provide additional parking should these buildings be converted to another use some- time in the future. Ender said there was not; should this happen, some green space would have to be converted into parking. Penzel asked about the screening to be used. Erickson said there will be no front or back to the project but he was open to any suggestions which might enhance the project. Because of how the buildings would be situated, no screening, as usually thought of, was planned. Penzel said he was most concerned with the visual impact from TH 169. Chuck Tuchfarber, Prime Development , said 25% of the first phase, or 6 acres, is under contract and another 500% is in the negotiation stage. Tangen asked about the grading restrictions and asked if there would be restrictions with each phase . Erickson said they are trying to coordinate grading for all phases so the whole site could be balanced. This would save time and money. Tangen said that gave him some real problems due to the high visibility of the hill and the fact that this might be done and then nothing would be built for a long period of time. Erickson said they are not talking about slicing down the hill . Penzel said a solution might be to allow no grading on the site unless approved by the Planning Commission and the City Council. Staff will review this further. There were no comments from the audience. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Anderson, to close the Public Hearing and to give 1st Reading to Ordinance No. 14-84. Motion carried with Tangen voting "no. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Anderson, to adopt Resolution No. 84-20, approving the preliminary plat of Primetech Office Park for Prime Development and M R Properties. Motion carried with Tangen voting "no. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Anderson, to direct Staff to prepare a Developer' s Agreement per Commission and Sthff recommendations and with the provision that the grading question is reviewed by Staff prior to second reading. i City Council Minutes -5, February 7 , 1984 4 f Tangen said he is concerned with the grading on the site and stated he did not feel the questions regarding the grading were adequately answered. He said he also has a problem with the amount of industrial use which is being requested . Anderson said he would request Staff to complete a tree inventory before any grading permits are issued. VOTE ON THE MOTION : Motion carried unanimously. D. EDEN GLEN 4TH ADDITION by Undestad Investments . Request for Zoning from Rural to Commercial Regional Service on 3.36 acres for a bank building and preliminary plat of 4.99 acres into two lots . Location: northeast quadrant of Singletree Lane and Glen Lane. (Ordinance No. 15-84 . zoning from Rural to C-Regional Service and Resolution No. 84-21 - preliminary plat) City Manager Jullie said notice of this Public Hearing had been published and property owners within the project vicinity had been notified. Reynold Roberts , architect representing the proponent, addressed the request, Also present was Robert Cashan, Undestad Investments. Planning Director Enger stated this request had been reviewed by the Planning Commission at its January 9, 1984, meeting at which time the Commission voted to recommend approval subject to the recommendations included in the January 6, 1984, Staff Report. This request was not reviewed by the Parks , Recreation & Natural Resources Commission. Penzel asked if the sidewalks will connect with other uses in the area, Enger said they will . Penzel inquired about the signage on the TH 169 side of the building . Enger said the original design framework for this area proposed no signage on the TH 169 side .. There were no comments from the audience. MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Redpath , to close the Public Hearing and to give 1st Reading to Ordinance No. 15-84. Motion carried unanimously. • MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Tangen, to adopt Resolution No. 84-21 , approving the preliminary plat of Eden Glen 4th Addition for Undestad In- vestment. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Tangen, to direct Staff to prepare a Summary Resolution of Approval per the Commission and Staff recommendations . Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes -6 February 7 , 1984 V. ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS A. Resolution No. 84-26, relating to the issuance of bonds for Baypoint Manor in the amount o 7,000,000.00 This item was removed from the Agenda . k VI. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS NOS, 11775 - 12113 { MOTION: Tangen moved, seconded by Anderson, to approve the Payment of Claims Nos. 11775 - 12113. Roll call vote: Anderson, Bentley, Redpath, Tangen and Penzel voted "aye. " Motion carried unanimously. 3 VII . REPORTS OF ADVISORY COMMISSIONS 1 There were no reports , 4 VIII . REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS & COMMISSIONS R A. Reports of Council Members Redpath - Reported to the Council on' a recent meeting of the Area G of . the Preserve Committee at which time a compromise was ►•eached regarding access and signage for uses which want to go into the area between Regional Center Road and Middleset Road, Planning Director Enger reviewed the plans for the proposed uses on the site. Bentley commended Redpath and Enoer for their work on this proposal . Redpath - Stated the Eden Prairie Foundation had received a request from the Public Safety Department asking for money to complete the interior television system in the new facility, Redpath said he felt since other community organizations were most willing to contribute money for this, the City Council should be able to find the funds to complete the project. Director of Public Safety Hacking said about $4,000 more is needed. MOTION! Redpath moved, seconded by Anderson, to authorize Staff to work out the funding for completing the interior television system in the new Public Safety Building. Roll call vote: Anderson, Bentley, Redpath, Tangen and Penzel voted "aye. " Motion carried unanimously. B. Report of City Manager 1. Request _for Sta ffi nnc _i n Public Safety Department City Manager Jull ie referred to his memorandum of January 20, 1984, regarding staffing needs for the Public Safety Department; there is a need for an additional patrol officer to replace an officer who will he assigned to the investigation unit. Ju d ie reviewed the workload of the investination unit, City Council Minutes -7- February 7 , 1984 MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Anderson, to authorize the addition of one Public Safety Officer as of April 1 , 1984, at a cost of $23,500 for 1984. k Bentley requested that Director of Public Safety Hacking prepare a forecast of needs for his department prior to the time when the Council discusses the budget for next year. He asked where the money would come from to cover the $23,500. Jullie said it would come from the City's reserve. VOTE ON THE MOTION: Roll call vote: Anderson, Bentley, Redpath, Tannen and Penzel voted "aye . " Motion carried unanimously. B. ��Tval of Eden Prairie Fire Department' s Policies and Procedures MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Anderson, to approve the Fire Department' s Policies and Procedures manual . City Manager Jullie noted there were some changes which had been recommended by City Attorney Pauly. Pauly noted in Section 8{regard- ing disciplinary actianta change should be made so two suspensions would not have to be gone throught in the section regarding amendments to the Policy Manual , the City Council should be able to make the final recommendations . The motion was amended to include the chancres as noted by Pauly. There was discussion on due process . Pauly said this is not civil service and is not subject to the kind of requirements that requires. The consensus was that some wording should be included regarding due process. The issue of attendance was addressed. There was discussion on the fact that there was no non-discrimination clause included; the ! City has no choice but to follow the Federal guidelines. The motion was amended to include a reference to due process and { a non-discrimination clause. VOTE ON THE MOTION : The motion, as amended, carried unanimously. C. Report of City Attorney There was no report. D. Report of Director of Community Sery ices 1 . Request aaproval to enter into a limited use permit agreement with the State pf Minnesota for trail connection -from To view via the J 494 right or'-wa,� Director of Community Services Lambert spoke to his memorandum of January 11 , 1994, in which this trail connection was addressed. City Council Minutes -8- February 7, 1984 MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Anderson, to instruct Staff to enter into an agreement with Mn/DOT for a limited use permit for a trail within the right-of-way from Topview north along I-494. Motion carried unanimously. IX. NEW BUSINESS City Manager Jullie announced the appointment of Steve Sinell to the position of City Assessor. City Assessor Bob Martz will retire on February 29, 1984. Penzel . called attention to Resolution No: 84-31 supporting April as Selective Service Awareness Month. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Tannen, to adopt Resolution No. 84-31. declaring April 1984 as Selective Service Registration Awareness Month. Motion carried unanimously. X. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Tangent to adjourn the meeting at 9:53 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. s }