HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council - 09/21/1982 APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY , SEPTEMBER 21 , 1982 7:30 PM, CITY HALL a COUNCIL MEMBERS: Mayor Wolfgang H. Penzel , George Bentley, Dean Edstrom, Paul Redpath and George Tangen CITY COUNCIL STAFF: City Manager Carl J. Jiffl ile, City Attorney Roger Pauly, Planning Director Chris Enger, Director of Community Services Bob Lambert, Director of Public Works Eugene A. Dietz, and Recording Sec- retary Karen Michael INVOCATION: Mayor Wolfgang H. Penzel PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL : Councilman Paul Redpath arrived at 9: 00 p.m. I . APPROVAL. OF AGENDA AND OTHER ITEMS OF BUSINESS The following item was added to the Agenda under IX. New Business: A. Consider- ation of Additional_ Grading in the Southwest Quadrant of the Major Center Area. MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Tangen, to approve the Agenda and Other Items of Business as amended and published. Motion carried unanimously. II . MINUTES A. Regular City Council Meeting held Tuesday, August 17 , 1982 MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Tangen, to approve the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting held Tuesday, August 17 , 1982, as published. Motion carried unanimously. B. Special City Council Meeting held Tuesday, August 24 ; 1982 MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Tanqen, to approve the minutes of the Special City Council Meeting held Tuesday, August 24 , 1982, as published. Motion carried unanimously. III . CONSENT CALENDAR A. 2nd Reading-of Ordinance No. 82-14, rezoning Baypoint Manor Apartments from Rural to RM 2. 5 and RI--22 for 152 units located north of Neill Lake and approval of Developer' s Agreement B. Final plat approval for Baypoint Manor Apartments (Resolution No. 82-229) City Council Minutes -2 September 21 , 1982 k C. Approval of Ridgewood West Two PUD and Phase 1 Developer's Agreement for construction of 57 single family homes south of Cumberland Road D. Final plat approval for Ridgewood West Two (Resolution No. 82-227) E. Set Public Hearing for vacation of unnecessary easements in Ridgewood West Two for 7:30 p.m. , October 5, 1982 F. Clerk' s License List G. A Resolution of the City of Eden Prairie authorizing filing of application and execution of Grant Project A reements to develop Staring Lake Park under the provision of the State Natural Resource Fund Resolution No. 82-222 H. Corrective easement , Lot 7, Block 2, Edenvale Industrial Park I. Change Order Number 2, City West Improvement Project 52-025 Bentley noted he had voted against prior Council actions relating to Buypoint Manor. While his feelings had not changed regarding the project, he indicated he would vote in favor of the Consent Calendar items A and B this evening since it would only mean delaying the vote until Councilman Redpath' s arrival later this evening. He conceded the items would pass. MOTION: Edstrom moved, seconded by Tangen, to adopt items A - I on the Consent Calendar Motion carried unanimously. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. 1982 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS PUBLIC HEARING (Resolution No. 82-230) City Manager Jullie reviewed the procedure. Director of Public Works Dietz then reviewed the projects individually and expl-ained the assessment. rates for each as outlined in Exhibit A of Resolution No. 82-230. 1 . I .C. 51-308 A & C, 51-340A & 51-398 - Dan Enblom, 10610 Valley View Road, asked if the assessment was a one- time charge. Dietz said it was in regards to these projects . Frank Smetana, 7680 Smetana Lane, asked about the deferments for persons over 65 and the amount of interest which would be added onto the assess- ment. Penzel noted the purpose of the deferment was to allow senior citizens to remain in their homes until they personally chose to move . David S. Anderson, attorney representing the Minneapolis Retail Meat Cutters & Food Handlers Pension Fund, noted a document had been filed objecting to their assessment. i a City Council Minutes -3- September 21, 1982 k Letters of objection (see attached) regarding this assessment were received from Michael E. Lynn, 111 , Vice President and General Manager of the Minnesota Vikings (Vikings II , Inc. ) ; Lorrie Wohnoutka, 8591 Flying Cloud Drive; Myrtle S. Peterson, 10601 Valley :View Road; & David S. Anderson , Peterson, Bell & Converse , on behalf of the Minneapolis Retail Meat Cutters & Food Handlers Pension Fund. MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Tangen , to accept the assessments for I .C. 51-3O8A & C, 51-34OA & 51-398 with the exception of the Minne- apolis Retail Meat Cutters & Food Handlers Pension Fund parcels and the Vikings 1I , Inc. parcels which are continued to October 5, 1982. Motion carried unanimously. 2. I .C . 51-331 A letter of objection had been received (see attached) from Hennepin Realty and Insurance Corporation. Penzel stated he felt the assessment should be adopted due to the fact the improvements were completed because the City had received a 100% petition. MOTION: Edstrom moved, seconded by Penzel , to accept the assessments for I .C. 51-331 . Motion carried unanimously. 3. I .C. 51-375 No questions were asked. MOTION: Bentley moved , seconded by Edstrom, to accept the assessments for I .C. 51-375 with a 17 year period on the Heinen homestead. Motion carried unanimously. 4. I .C. 51-381 Mrs. Lawrence Russell , 12101 Sunnybrook Road, stated the project was desired only by The Preserve . She felt this improvement only works as a hardship on the senior citizens in the area. MOTION: Tangen moved, seconded by Edstrom, to accept the assessments for I.C. 51-381 with Staff directed to work with the Russells on a defer- ral . Motion carried unanimously. 5. I .C . 51-409 A letter of objection (see attached) from William J, and Claudia Ann Bearman dated September 21, 1982 , was received. William Bearman , 9955 Valley View Road, asked for points of clarification regarding the assessments . Director of Public Works Dietz spoke to the points addressed by Bearman. City Council Minutes -4- September 21 , 1982 Don Sorensen, attorney for Bearman, requested the Council read the letter which had been presented by Bearman. He addressed the benefit which would be derived from this improvement in regards to the Bearman property. Bentley noted the assessment would be deferred until the property is developed or sold. Edstrom stated he felt there were enough questions raised that this matter, should be continued. 5 MOTION: Edstrom moved, seconded by Bentley, to approve the assessment as proposed with the exception of the Bearman parcel which was referred to Staff for further review prior to the October 5, 1982, meeting. Motion carried unanimously. 6. I.C. 52-001 An 'objection was received from Michael Sutton , 11341 Pioneer Trail . Stuart Finney, attorney representing Sutton, stated his client would like a deferral on his assessment until the property is developed or sold. MOTION: Edstrom moved, seconded by Bentley, to approve the assessment as proposed with the exception of the Sutton parcel which will be referred to Staff for further review prior to the October 5, 1982, meeting. Motion carried unanimously. 7. I.C. 52-004 An objection was received from Robert H. Eidsvoid, St. , Eidsvold Property Company, 7100 Washington Avenue South (see attached. ) MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Edstrom; to accept the assessments for I .C . 52-004. Motion carried unanimously. 8. I .C. 52-007 There wei a no objections. J. MOTION: Tangen moved , seconded by Bentley, to accept the assessments for I .C. 52-007. Motion carried with Edstrom abstaining due to a relationship with a client. N i, City Council Minutes -5- September 21, 1982 9. I .C. 52-013 There were no objections. MOTION: Edstrom moved, seconded by Tangen , to accept the assessments for I .C. 52-013. Motion carried unanimously. 10. I .C. 52-016A There were no objections . MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Tangen , to accept the assessments for I .C. 52-016A. Motion carried unanimously. 11. I .C. 52-017 Letters of objection (see attached) were received from Donald R. Peter- son, 7025 Mariann Drive, Leonard W. Grannes , 6990 Mariann Drive, and Barney Bjornsen, 6.975 Mariann Drive. Councilman Redpath arrived (9:00 p.m. ) ` Leonard Grannes addressed his objection. b Donald Peterson spoke to his objection. r MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Redpath, to accept the assessments (, for I .C. 52-017 subject to the revisions in assessable costs to be re- covered by the City. The City will absorb a pro rata share of the capital- ized interest, engineering costs and fees for the City funded portion of the project. Motion carried unanimously. 12. I .C. 52-025 Penzel questioned the 17 year assessment period. City Manager Jullie said Anderson Construction had agreed to construct a good portion of the trunk sewer and water line along Shady Oak Road. Because Anderson picked up the cost on that, Jullie recommended extending the assessment period from five to 17 years as was stated in the Developer' s Agreement. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Edstrom, to accept the assessments for I.C. 52-025. Motion carried unanimously. 13. I .C. 52-031 An objection was received from Steve Walsh, Regional Manager, The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States (see attached. ) y An objection from the property owner on the south side was withdrawn. F, _.. p� City Council Minutes -6- September 21 , 1982 Peter Tietz, representing Shelard Companies, managing agent for The Equitable, stated it was their feeling the street improvement was put F in solely for the benefit of the adjacent property and was of no benefit to the owner of the property they manage. He also felt the property to the west would receive benefit and should be assessed. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Eds trom, to accept the assessment for I .C. 52-031. Motion carried unanimously. t ' 14. Supplementals Director of Public Works Dietz noted the following changes : under Trunk Sewer and Water delete 12-116-22-14-0002 (Bearman) and under Lateral Sewer and Water 11-16-22-23-0012 (Conner) reduce the interest to 6.6 . A letter of objection was received from William Conner, 12800 Valley View Road (see attached. ) ti William Conner addressed the reasons for his objection. Dietz noted how the error in omitting this parcel from the rolls might have occurred. City Manager Jul l ie spoke to this issue. Tangen said he felt the City had a responsibility to assume since it was responsible for the omission. City Attorney Pauly said he did not know if there had been a direct approach to the City at the t"6me the property was sold to see about the assessments. Beth Malmgren, realtor with Bermel-Smaby, said she had personally checked to see if there were any outstanding assessments prior to the sale of the property. She stated she thought the City had four different occasions on which to notice this property had not been assessed. She thought the City was at fault and the Conners should not have to pay. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Bentley, to continue action on the Conner' s assessment to October 5, 1982. Motion carried unanimously. Tangen said he thought the Council had heard some good reasons to with- hold the Conner assessments from the tax rolls. MOTION: Tangen moved, seconded by Redpath, to accept the Supplemental Assessments as published with the exceptions noted by Dietz. Motion carried unanimously, MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Tangen, to adopt Resolution No. 82-230, approving the 1982 Special Assessments , with the exceptions noted on Exhibit A as recommended this evening. Motion carried unanimously, j F e X City Council Minutes -7- September 21 , 1982 B. NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BAN KSOUTH by Banco Properties , Inc. Request to rezone S 2. 5 acres from Rural to C-Rea-Ser and preliminary plat the 2.5 acres for construction of Northwestern NationalBanksouth. Located in the northwest corner of TH 5 and future Prairie Center Drive. (Ordinance No. 82-26 - rezoning and Resolution No. 82-225 - preliminary plat) Walter Klus, Northwestern National Bank representative., and Doug Watschke, architect, were present. Klus spoke to the proposal . Director of Planning Enger, noted the proposal had been reviewed by the Planning Commission at its August 23, 1982, meeting at which time it voted to recommend approval of the preliminary plat and rezoning requests by a vote of 4 - 0. This action was subject to the recommendations included in the Staff report of August 18, 1982 , and additional recommendations as inclu- ded in the Planning Commission minutes . Director of Community Services Lambert stated the Parks , Recreation & Natural . Resources Commission had reviewed the proposal at its August 30, 1982, meet- ing and had recommended approval subject to the recommendations included in the Staff report and those of the Planning Commission . Edstrom asked how this proposal fits into the overall plan for that area . Enger explained what type of development was anticipated in that general area and stated it would be compatible; he noted Ciprpenter, owner of the ' property, had not made any definite plans to date for the remaining parcels . Road access was discussed. Tangen asked how much elevation would be left to the west once the grading is accomplished -- he wished to know how the westerly slope is to be handled. Watschke reviewed the grading proposal using visual aids. Discussion on the elevations ensued. Klus said he had been working with the property owner to the west for several months attempting to work something out which is mutually beneficial and acceptable. He said they have only a certain amount of money available far the project and if they can do it within that they will go ahead. Bentley said perhaps the 2nd Reading of the Ordihance could be contingent on grading being worked out. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Bentley, to close the Public Hearing and to give 1st Reading to Ordinance No . 82-26. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Bentley, to adopt Resolution No. 82-225 , approving the preliminary plat of Northwestern National Banksouth. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Penzel , to direct Staff to draft the Developer' s Agreement including the concerns and' suggestions expressed in the Staff Report of August 18, 1982 , and those of the Planning Commission and the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission; the details of the grading plan are to be worked out prior to 2nd Reading of the Ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes -8- September 21, 1982 Klus said they would like permission to begin grading right away. { MOTION : Redpath moved, seconded by Edstr•om, to issue a grading permit if the grading is resolved and a preliminary grading plan is approved . Bentley said the Council has consistently been saying no to requests such as this . He said he did not think a grading permit should be issued prior to 2nd Reading of the Ordinance and the signing of a Developer' s Agreement. There are too many chances of problems occuring. Tangen said this is a continuation of what is going on already on the property so he does not see where there is anything new being done. Penzel said the conditions to be resolved are the building pad grading and how high the hill to the west is going to be. Bentley said all of this is subject to an agreement being worked out; what happens if this does not meet with their approval or fit into their budget? Redpath withdrew his motion with Edstrom` s approval . Director of Public !forks Dietz stated what is presently there is a 3: 1 slope and the Council is talking about a 2: 1 slope which is steeper. MOTION : Edstrom moved, seconded by Tangen , to continue consideration of an early grading permit to the September 28, 1982, meeting of the City Council at which time it will be discussed at 8: 15 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. C. CHERNE CONTRACTING CORPORATION by Cherne Contracting Corporation . Request to rezone I7T.43 acres from Industrial to Office for a 103,000 sq. ft. corpor- ate headquarters and approval of an Environmental Assessment Worksheet. Lo- cated south of West 78th Street (I-494) frontage road and between Gelco and Cabriole Center. (Ordinance No. 82-25 - rezoning, Resolution No. 82-224 - preliminary plat, and Resolution No. 82-223 - EAW) Penzel noted the proponent had requested this item be continued. However, Penzel had requested Director of Community Services Lambert to review the scenic easements, Blacklock line, Lambert line, etc. for the Council using a map. Lambert explained the various lines and the reasons for each. Bentley asked if there was any further expansion to the south planned. Bill Cherne, representing Cherne Contracting, said their f-Irm had hired an environ- mentalist who had assisted them with their plan. It was not their intention to expand to the south. Bentley noted that corporate citizens in Eden Prairie had been very generous and very cooperative in helping the City to preserve its natural amenities -- and at the same time helping the City in maintaining its park system. MOTION: Tangen moved, seconded by Redpath, to continue the Public Hearing to the October 5, 1982 , meeting of the City Council at the request of the proponent. Motion carried unanimously. .,l City Council Minutes -9- September 21 , 1982 V. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS NOS. 3718 - 3976 MOTION: Tangen moved, seconded by Penzel , to approve the Payment of Claims Nos. 3718 - 3976. Roll call vote: Bentley, Edstrom, Redpath, Tangen and Penzel voted "aye. " Motion carried unanimously. VI . REPORTS OF ADVISORY COMMISSIONS There were no reports. r , VII . PETITIONS, REQUESTS & COMMUNICATIONS A. Request from W. G. Pearson , Inc . for permission to use a portion of Smetana Lane for haul inggravel City Manager Jullie asked the Council to note that Pearson's application is pursuant to Ordinance No. 103, which is no longer in force because the City Code is now effective. Section 6. 08 of the City Code , in effect, replaces Ordinance No. 103. It states that "the Director of Public Works may in his discretion impose upon vehicular traffic on any part or all of the s-reets such load limits as may be necessary or desirable. " It may also be possible that Section 11.55, "Mining Operation and Land Alteration Regulations ," could be used to require Pearson to restore the area he graded to construct the haul road or at least require him to apply for and obtain a formal land al - teration permit. After speaking with t1r. Smetana it appears that he will continue to insist that trucks be forbidden. Don Bundlie, attorney for W. G. Pearson, addressed the application for a special permit for driving trucks on part of Smetana Road. He said the Ordinances which are now in effect are quite clear because they speak of prohibiting through truck routes when they involve traffic from without the City. The question then becomes a moot issue as Pearson's trucks are only coming from the Ring Route. In regard to the load limit issue, the trucks are coming in on Smetana Lane empty so they are under the 6 ton limit. Pearson is willing to enter into an agreement to make any necessary repairs to the road which might occur as a result of the truck traffic. City Attorney Pauly further explained Section 7.02 relating to through truck traffic. Bundlie said Pearson is asking for a temporary permit. Tangen said it is not a temporary use when it will be for a year or two. He felt the residents would have to put up with a lot. Bentley concurred with Tangen. Penzel said he was concerned with the Flood Plain Ordinance and the Water- shed Districts -- had a permit been taken out? Jullie said the Department of Natural Resources had issued a permit for the creek crossing ; the Water- shed District had said it was a minor action which did not necessitate a permit. i City Council Minutes -10- September 21 , 198 2 e t$ Redpath asked if there would be a way for Pearson to work with Helle (the adjacent property owner) to have a road going north out of the Pearson property through the Helle property and onto Valley View Road. William Pearson, Prior Lake, said he had talked to Helle about a road. He reviewed what had happened about the storm sewer the City put through his property and into his ponding area. He said he had wanted to build a cul -de-sac at the end of Smetana Lane so the school buses could turn around -- this was turned down by Smetana. He stated the reason they built the road they are using which necessitates the use of a short portion of Smetana Lane is because of the work they are doing for the City on the ring roads. He felt the bid price would have to be raised because of the extra hauling costs if they are not able to continue to use the route they are now using. Redpath said Helle had proposed a north-south road through his property and he suggested Pearson check this out with Helle. Bentley said the Council is not interested in making it more difficult for Pearson but the Council is concerned with safety. ~ MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Edstrom, to instruct Staff to get together with Pearson and Helle to see if a north-south road can be worked out. Motion carried unanimously. Marilyn Heath , 7665 Smetana Lane, said she supported the Council 's comments. MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Redpath, to continue the meeting past 11:30 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. B. Request from Robert Mason for Red Rock Ranch EAW approval (Resolution No. 82-231) City Attorney Pauly noted the regulations of the Environmental Quality Board have been revised and that under those new regulations an environmental impact statement would be required. Under the old regulations the local community determined whether or not an environmental impact statement would be required. The Environmental Quality Board Staff has indicated that City Council action this evening is appropriate and there will be no legal obstacles . Director of Planning Enger further outlined what the past procedure had been. He said this project has been "in the hopper" for a long time and the Council will not be asked to proceed in this manner again. The proponent has said they are willing to prepare an environmental impact statement should the City determine one is necessary. Edstrom asked if the Parks , Recreation & Natural Resources Conmission had re- viewed this . Director of Community Services Lambert said they had not. Enger noted that the environmental assessment worksheets will now be shorter but most proposals will call for an environmental impact statement. In the past two years , had the new regulations been in effect then, the City would have had to complete 26 environmental impact statements . City Manager Jullie stated the new regulations will discourage area-wide planning, , r xl e City Council Minutes -11- September 21, 1982 Tangen said if assurances can be made that an environmental impact state- ment could come at a later date if necessary , then he would support this. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Bentley, to adopt Resolution No. 82-231, finding the environmental assessment worksheet for Red Rock Ranch a private action which does not require an environmental impact statement; and to in- clude the letter of September 16, 1982, from Robert H`. Mason to the Mayor and City Council Members in which he stated he would be willing to prepare a voluntary environmental impact statement after full City review should the Council find it necessary. Pauly said he could not assure the Council that the letter would be enforce- able. Enger said he felt the City has many other controls which might be implemented. He did not think there are environmental impacts and there is no need, in his opinion, for an environmental impact statement. Dick Putnam, spokesman for the proponent, said they would be willing to do an environmental impact statement should one be deemed necessary. VOTE ON MOTION: Motion carried unanimously. C. Request from Golf Vista residents regarding street address change � City Manager Jullie addressed his memorandum of September 17, 1982, to ( the Council which addressed the problem. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Edstrom, to allow the residents of Golf Vista to keep the house numbers which they now have and to acknowlege the name of their private street as Vista Court. It should be noted the . name of the street which provides access to Vista Court is St. Andrew Drive and not St. Andrew's Drive. St. Andrew Lutheran Church will con- tinue to use Valley View Road as its mailing address. Motion carried unanimously. Bill Wright, 7240 Vista Court, thanked the Council for allowing the residents to continue to use the present numbering system. D. Petition to complete trail construction in Prairie East 7th MOTION: Edstrom moved, seconded by Tangen, to approve the 100% petition to construct a 6" wide bituminous trail per #8 of Prairie Fast 7th Addition Developer' s Agreement of February 20, 1979. Motion carried unanimously. `h�9Rr ft City Council Minutes -12- September 21 , 1982 s VIII . REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS & COMMISSIONS A. Reports of Council Members Edstrom: Said he had recommended George Bentley as his replacement on the Waste Management Board Task Force. He called attention to the Townline Road site as one of the locations under consideration for a hazardous waste collec- tion site. Discussion ensued on the role the City should play in this . Director of Planning Enger stated there was no staff report available and there was no agenda available for the hazardous waste site discussion meeting. B. Report of City Manager s There was no report. C. Report of City Attorney There was no report. D. Report, of Director of Community_Services 1 . Strategy_ for resolution of the Camp Indian Chief property question MOTION : Redpath moved, seconded by Bentley, to adopt the strategy 4 as outlined in in Director of Community Services Lambert' s memorandum dated September 15, 1982, for the resolution of the Camp Indian Chief property question. Motion carried unanimously. E. Report of Director of Public Works 1. 100% petition for utility and street improvements for Arbor Glen Addition by BFK CResolution No. 82-226) City Manager Jullie outlined a proposal regarding a City policy which would require a developer to deposit 15% of the proposed assessment for specials which would assist the City in recovering some of the costs for projects in the event they are not carried out.- Fenzel stated this was a legitimate recommendation. Dick Feerick, 5518 Leesborough Avenue, one of the Arbor Glen prinicpals , addressed the request before the Council as well as Jullie' s proposal . He noted this would contribute substantially to the cash flow problems which developers now face. Jullie said a bond would probably be difficult to get for this. Tangen noted this would be a first and would be a dramatic change in- the City' s policy. Redpath said he would like time to talk about this. Tangen said he thought a policy should be developed. Edstrom thought the policy should detail when the various costs occur as well as consider how much of a problem this would create for developers. I City Council Minutes -13- September 21 , 1982 Jullie ill istrated areas which are or ha re been a problem to the City. Tangen suggested Staff come back with further information. A new policy should not be applied to the Arbor Glen project. MOTION: Tangen moved, seconded by Edstrom, to adopt Resolution No. 82-226, receiving 100% petition, authorizing the preparation of plans and specifi- cations for Arbor Glen. Motion carried unanimously. IX. NEW BUSINESS A. Consideration of Additional Grading in the Southwest Quadrant of the Major Center Area Don Opheim, representing Teman and Smaby, spoke to the request by Teman and Smaby to have 60,000 - 100,000 cubic yards of material moved from the east to the west side of Prairie Center Drive. The cost for this would be assessed to the property owners. Dean Wenger, traffic consultant, had told Opheim that the material could be moved for as low as 80t a cubic yard since the equipment is already in the area. Penzel stated that proposals such as this usually are assessed over a period of five years. Opheim asked if this could be extended to 17 years; Penzel said that would be too long. Edstrom- said he shared concern with Penzel regarding the benefit of this to the City. He thought it might provide a rather unique financing tool . Penzel said the City has no concept of what these properties might be used for in the future. City Attorney Pauly addressed the legal aspects of the request. Jullie spoke to the stabilizing of the roadbed. Pauly suggested this be looked at more carefully. MOTION: Edstron► moved, seconded by Redpath, to refer this matter back to Staff for review with the possibility that this can be discussed further at the Special Meeting of the City Council scheduled for September 28, 1982. Motion carried unanimously. Tangen said he felt the City should receive a 100% petition for this before he would vote favorably. X. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Edstrom moved, seconded by Bentley, -to adjourn the meeting at 12: 25 a.m, Motion carried unanimously.