HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council - 04/20/1982 APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1902 7:30 PM, CITY HALL COUNCIL MEMBERS: Mayor Wolfgang H. Penzel , George Bentley, Dean Edstrom, Paul Redpath and George Tangen COUNCIL STAFF: City Manager Carl J. Jullie, City Attorney Roger Pauly, Finance Director John D. Frane, Planning Direc-, for Chris Enger, Director of Public Works Eugene A. Dietz, Director of Community Services Bob Lambert, and Recording Secretary Karen Michael m i i INVOCATION: Councilman George Bentley PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: all members were present 1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND OTHER ITEMS OF BUSINESS The follo:ying items were added to the Agenda_: VIII. A. Set Special Meeting of Council and Human Rights and Services Commission for 6:00 p.m. , May 4th; VIII . B. Excavation Permit for Edenvale; VIII . C. Resolution Re ardin rM Pro ert ; VIII . D. Request from John Reedy; VIII . E. Update on Lardfill Expansion. MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Redpath , to approve the Agenda as amended and published. Motion carried unanimously. II . MINUTES A. Regular City Council Meeting held Tuesday, April 6, 1-982 Page 3, just before the 1st Motion para. add: "There were no questions or comments from the public regarding this proposal ." Page 5, para. 4, line 1: replace "of the building of berms along Shady Oak." with "and its effect on the berms along the roadway." Page 7, G. , second line of Motion: change "of" to "for" Page 8, VIII. A. 1. , line 2, add after Carling: "as Minnesota's Small Business Person of the Year. " MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Bentley, to approve the Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting held Tuesday, April 6, 1982, as amended and published. Motion carried with Tangen abstaining. City Council Minutes -2- April 20, 1982 i B. Special City Council Meeting held Tuesday, April 13, 1982 MOTION: Edstrom moved, seconded by Redpath, to approve the Minutes of the r Special City Council Meeting held Tuesday, April 13, 1982, as published. Motion carried with Tangen abstaining. j III. CONSENT CALENDAR 3 A. Clerk' s License List i B. Award Tennis/Multi-Use Court Bids for Staring Lake Park and Hidden Ponds Park C. Approve plans and specifications for Westwood Industrial Park, I. C. 52-015 and authorize bids to be received May 27, 1982, at 10:00 a.m. Located west of Baker Road and south of County Road 62 -(Resolution No. 82-71 D. Approve plans and specifications for Mariann Drive I . C. 52-017 and authorize bids to be received May 27, 1982, at 10:00 a.m. - Resolution No. 82-74 i E. Approval of agreement with Hennepin County for Mitchell/Baker connection, I . C. 51-340B Agreement #PW 05-49-82, Co. Proi . No. 7915 Resolution No. 82-72) F. Approve plans and specifications for City West, I . C. 52-025 and authorize bids to be received May 27, 1982, at 10:00 a.m. Resolution No. 82-73 G. Final plat approval for Overlook Place (located west of Creek Knoll Road and north of Pioneer Trail ) - lResolution No. 82-75) H. Request from Canterbury Restaurant, Inc. (Chester' s) for a liquor license. Located at 7765 Mitchell Road - removed the Consent Calendar to immedi- ately follow the Public Hearings (after IV. E. ) I. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 82-05 rezoning Sheraton Inn to C-Re -Ser and approval of Developer' s Agreement. 5 acres located south and east of Eden Road and west of Glen Road. MOTION: Edstrom moved, seconded by Bentley, to remove item H. Request from Canterbury Restaurant, Inc. , from the Consent Calendar to immediately follow the Public Hearings for further discussion. Motion carried unanimously. Tangen expressed his displeasure with the smaller spaces for cars as spelled out in the Developer's Agreement with Sheraton Inn. He stated he will continue to voice his opposition to smaller parking spaces. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Edstrom, to approve items A - G and item I on the Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanimously. _. - - - City Council Minutes -3- April 20, 1982 IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. LAKE EDEN CARRIAGE HOMES by Zachman Homes , Inc. Request to rezone and pre- liminary plat 8.7 acres from Rural to RM 2.5 which land is part of the Edenvale South Planned Unit Development (PUD 73-11. ) Included with the zoning are vari- ances for setbacks and the use of wood as an exterior material . Located north of Anderson Lakes Parkway and east of Darnel Road (Ordinance No. 82-06 - rezoning; and Resolution No. 82-51 - preliminary plat) Continued from April 6, 1982 Steve Ryan, spokesman for Zachman Homes , Inc. , said he had met with Lake Eden area residents ' representatives and an agreement had been reached as to the color of the siding. He noted the parking had been revised and there are now 202 spaces as opposed to 148 in the original plan; 41 of these are "expansion stalls" and will be constructed if and when the need is realized. The Darnel acess was redesigned to create- a 140' separation between the public street and the private street and eliminates the conflict with the Daluge driveway. Edstrom asked if anyone has addressed the question of turning lanes on Ander- son Lakes Parkway. Director of Public Works Dietz said there could be room for turn lanes, if they are necessary; there is as much flexibility as one would need. k Tangen inquired as to whom is responsible for deciding when expansion spaces are necessary. Planning Director Enger said the Developer's Agreement provides for this situation in two ways: either the owners of the property would provide for the additional parking when they felt it necessary or the City would sign the adjacent streets to force the construction of additional parking. The in- clination would be for the homeowner' s association to take care of this situation on its own. Willard Daluge, 8785 Darnel , felt the interior road should be a cul -de-sac. He expressed concern as to how snow removal would be handled because the in- terior road will be a private road. Michael Furst, 8693 Darnel Road, noted much of the access to homes in Ridgewood is via Darnel Road. He expressed concern that this development might, be marketed in a sale/lease back manner in which event they would not be necessarily owner occupied. He asked that the plan be looked at very carefully and be referred back to the Planning Commission for further study, Bob Lamoreaux, 8905 Darnel Road, asked about the need for a variance when the wood siding turned out to be aluminum. Enger explained that under Ordinance 135 the City has been advised by its Attorney that it is most appropriate to detail the variances. It was thought from looking at the plans that the siding in this project was wood; the variance is not so much specifically to wood but to anything other than brick. Furst stated at the last meeting it was said in order to qualify for this type of home a $50,000 annual income was necessary. He said this was incorrect, it would be more like $35,000. R F i City Council Minutes -4- April 20, 1982 Dick Feerick, 6518 Leesborough Avenue, said he has watched Ryan's presentations and the manner in which he has worked with City Staff and neighborhood residents and wished the record to reflect that Ryan has done a fair and honest job. Lamoreaux asked how the expansion parking funding would be set up. Penzel ex- plained how a homeowner's association works . Lamoreaux said he would hate to see "No Parking" signs along Darnel Road. Barb Hopson, 8770 Darnel Road, further questioned the internal parking. Penzel said those things included in the Developer's Agreement are legally binding. Ryan went on to explain the types of financing which might be used noting Zachman is attempting to facilitate first time home buyers through creative financing. He stated the aluminum siding to be used is supposed to be main- tenance free for forty years. Ryan explained the pros and cons of the various alternative access points on Darnel Road and the reason for the point selected. Edstrom asked where snow will be "stored. " Ryan said on the east side of the development at the end of driveways so it will melt towards the pond. i Furst related methods of financing with which he was familiar. Terry Mahoney, a sales manager for Zachman, said the methods of financing they use are used in other areas of the country. Redpath asked if it should be the concern of the Council ; it is an issue the Council has not concerned itself with in past developments. _ Furst expressed concern about snow being dumped near the pond. Dietz explained this pond is really just a pot hole and was intended to be used in this manner as a silt trap for waste water. The storm drainage system drains into this ponding area. ffi 1 Sam Hopson, 8770 Darnel Road, would like Zachman to install a privacy fence along the property line which separates his property from Zachman's property. Ryan said Zachman would be willing to remove the berm and put in a privacy fence. Hopson said a fence would keep children from playing in his backyard. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Bentley, to close the Public Hearing and to give 1st Reading to Ordinance 82-06, rezoning 8.7 acres from Rural to RM 2.5. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Redpath, to direct Staff to draft the Developer's Agreement incorporating comments and recommendations included in the Staff Report of February 17, 1982; and those comments made this evening including a provision for additional parking, consideration of on-site dis- posal of snow along the east side of the development. The question of a fence along the northerly lot line is referred to Staff for appropriate action prior to 2nd Reading of the Ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. Tangen noted the developer has made a good attempt and has made every effort he could to appease everyone. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Bentley, to adopt Resolution No. 82-51 , approving the preliminary plat of Lake Eden Carriage Homes . Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes -5- April 20, 1982 B. Feasibility Report for Martin Drive Drainage Improvements, I .C. 52-007 Resolution No. 82-64 - continued from April 6, 1982 Director of Public Works Dietz spoke to the expansion of the project whereby a pipe would be extended south of Martin Drive. This would increase the cost from $327. 16 per acre to $1319. 16 per acre. Dietz said he felt this would deem the project not feasible. Dietz showed yearly cost summaries , as re- quested by the Council , for several properties. Redpath asked that the same problem not occur on the property to the south as has occurred on the Lane property. Dietz said the City had not received any easements for the ditch on the Lane property; easements will be insisted upon on the Equitable property. Dick Kast, Metro Machine, 8001 Wallace Road, read a letter from his company's attorney in which he expressed an opinion on the assessment in regard to benefitting properties. City Attorney Pauly concurred that it all comes down to a matter of benefit. Jack Humphries, representing Equitable , felt there is only one benefitting property owner and that is the petitioner. He stated the problem is a result of the parking lot having been built too close to the ditch. Bentley noted the water that goes though that ditch comes from adjacent sites. The size of the ditch is necessitated by the upstream flow of water. The problem rests with the amount of water that has to flow through there and that comes Fro.M. lots other than those immediately adjacent to the ditch. ry. M. E. "Skip" Lane, petitioner', added that the ditch is also a safety hazard, Pauly stated one of the theories in assessing upstream property owners is that, while they may have natural rights to have their waters flow down hill , the fact is that by developing their properties it usually results in a greater flow of water flowing down hill than that to which they have a right;and therefore it is appropriate to find benefit to those upstream property owners. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Tangen, to close the Public Hearing and to adopt Resolution No. 82-64, ordering plans and specifications for. Martin Drive drainage improvements , I. C. 52-007. Motion passed unanimously. C. PAX CHRISTI ADDITION by Pax Christi Catholic Community, Request for Planned Unit Development approval of multiple residential , open space and a church site upon a total area of 40 acres, and preliminary plat approval to divide the 40 acres into 3 lots. Located north of County Road 1, south of Purgatory Creek and east of Creekwood and Pleasant Hill Cemetery. CResolution No, 82--69 -- PUD, and Resolution No. 82-80 —.preliminary plat) Jim Hill , representing Pax Christi Catholic Community, introduced Father Tim Power, Bill Herbert, and Dick Feerick. Hill spoke to the proposal and the requests before the Council . Feerick also addressed the proposal , City Council Minutes -6- April 20, 1982 v Planning Director Enger noted the Planning Commission had discussed this pro- posal at its March 22, 1982, meeting at which time it voted to recommend approval of the PUD concept subject to the conditions contained in the March 18, 1982, Staff Report as well as the additions noted in the Minutes of the March 22nd meeting. The motion to recommend approval of the preliminary plat was defeated by a vote of 3-2. Director of Community Services Lambert stated the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission had reviewed this proposal at its April 5, 1982 , meeting and had recommended approval subject to the conditions contained in the March 22, 1982, Staff Report and further conditions as outlined in the April 5th Minutes. Edstrom asked what moving the wetland would entail . Lambert said they are proposing to move it further to the west by about 50 feet. Penzei stated he has a problem with the rationale for a density transfer from a church site and wondered what justifies this sort of transfer. Hill said The Preserve had shown 250 dwelling units and some commercial on this site in their plan. The City's Guide Plan shows this as low density residential . Penzei said that might have been The Preserve's concept but it had never come before the Council with that plan. Enger said the City has not had a situation like this in the past. Feerick said they are in no way proposing a certain number of units, but rather they are showing what might be done and what type of density might be considered. They also are attempting to try to tie together a difficult piece of property. Penzel said he remains uncomfortable with the density transfer situation. Bentley said he could go along with PUD concept approval at this time but does not see justification for the density transfer. Steve Hill , 9559 Woodridge Circle, Creekwood homeowner whose property is adjacent to this development, said he agrees with the overall use, but expressed his concern with the density. He stated he is unclear as to what will happen to the wetland -- would not like to see it any closer to his property that it presently is. Jim Hill said this is not a protected wetland; it was suggested this wetland could be used as a tradeoff whereby by moving the wetland west, a portion of the eastern part of the wetland could be used for housing. Don Bell , 9561 Woodridge Circle, stated the wetland in question is a settling basin for Purgatory Creek. Steve Hill noted the grade of the wetland is such that moving it west could not be accomplished without significant regrading. Feerick said they had expressed their willingness to work this out with the neighbors. Redpath asked if any thought had been given to building the church on the middle lot and putting housing on the lot abutting Pioneer Trail . Father Power said they would have problems with parking if the church were not built on the flat portion of the property as they will need about 4 acres for parking because their sanctuary will seat about 1300 people. City Council Minutes -7- April 20, 1982 Don Redinius, 9524 Woodridge Circle, said it seems that Creekwood residents are faced with high density residential proposals on all sides of them and must come before the Council to voice their opposition. Bentley said it is no longer economically feasible for developers to build low density single family housing as was the case just a few years ago. Redinius asked that diligent planning be used and noted that the Hillsborough and Orin Thompson developments south of Creekwood are selling well . Tangen stated because of the terrain single family may not be feasible. Pat Bell , 9561 Woodridge Circle, asked about the extension of Homeward Hills Road and upgrading of County Road 1. Penzel said there is no known improvement planned for County Road 1 at this time. Homeward Hills Road has no improvements scheduled, but the plan is to have it extended concurrent with Phase I of con- struction of the church. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Tangen, to close the Public Hearing and to adopt Resoluticn No. 82-69, approving the Pax Christi Catholic Church Planned Unit Development amending the Guide Plan. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Rcdpath moved, seconded by Tangen, to defer action on the preliminary plat until there is a request to rezone the property. Motion carried unanimously. D. YEAR VII. C. D. B. G. Transfer funds from Project 009 to Year VIII Cummins- Grill House Restoration (Resolution No. 82-59) City Manager Jullie stated action on this resolution would shift $10,000 from year VII to year VIII for reroofing of the Cummins-Grill House. MOTION: Edstrom moved, seconded by Bentley, to close the Public Hearing and to adopt Resolution No. 82-59, requesting Hennepin County to transfer C.D.B.G. funds from Project #009 to Year. VIII Cummins-Grill Restoration Site Improvement. Motion carried unanimously. E. TITUS ROAD VACATION north of West 78th Street. (Resolution No. 82-76) Director of Public Works Dietz explained the property owner is asking' for this vacation in exchange for temporary easements which are necessary for the Schooner Boulevard project. The owner feels the vacation of Titus Road will give the owners more flexibility in planning their site which is presently platted but unzoned. Bill Herbert, attorney for the Pension and Profit Sharing Trust of Independent Millwork Incorporated, owners of the property, said they are unwilling at this time to commit to a connection between West 78th Street and Leona Road. They do realize that this is a probability when this parcel comes before the City when developed. Edstrom asked the purpose of the temporary easements. Dietz said they are needed for grading and slope easements. MOTION: Tangen moved, seconded by Edstrom, to close the Public Hearing, and to adopt Resolution No. 82-76, calling for the vacation of Titus Road north of West 78th Street. Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes -8- April 20, 1982 III. H. Request from Canterbury Restaurant, Inc. (Chester's) for a liquor license. ` Located at 7765 Mitchell Road. Penzel stated the City has a total of 12 liquor licenses presently available. The concern is that this number will not be adequate for future development since five have already been authorized. Redpath said he felt it unfair not to issue a license to a . business .which has been in the community for a few years when one might possibly be issued to a restaurant just beginning. Tangen asked if there will be any other establishments in the community wanting a liquor license in the near future . Several possibilities were named. Penzel noted this is one of the few circumstances where personal judgement is permitted. Strict application of the Ordinance is not the governing issue on whether or not to grant a license. City Attorney Pauly stated the liquor statutes provide for 12 licenses up to 20,000 population and 18 licenses up to 40,000. A special census can be taken if need be prior to the 1990 Federal census . Tangen expressed concern about future licenses; but stated he would not like to see this license denied as it would be discriminatory. Edstrom agreed and noted since there is a provision for a special census there are fewer restraints . i Bentley related concerns expressed to him by residents including that granting this license would eliminate a family-type restaurant; the proximity to Kinder- Care should be considered. Bentley said others should realize the Council will be closely monitoring future requests for liquor licenses. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Tangen, to grant approval to the request from Canterbury Restaurant, Inc. (Chester's) for a liquor license. Motion carried unanimously. V. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS NOS. 1270 - 1492 MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Redpath, to approve Payment of Claims Nos. 1270 - 1492. Roll call vote: Bentley, Edstrom, Redpath , Tangen, and .Penzel voted "aye. " Motion carried unanimously. VI. ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS A. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 82-07 , rezoning City West Phases l - 3 to Office a_nd approval of Developer's-Agreement. Located east of new Shady ak Road County Road 61 and south of Crosstown 62 and west of US 169/212. Penzel asked about the change in the Developer's Agreement of the building height. Planning Director Enger stated it was raised from 70' to 80, due to elevator penthouses, etc. City Council Minutes -9- April 20, 1982 Penzel noted that even though this development is not within the Schooner Boulevard assessment district the developer is voluntarily willing to con- tribute to the assessment district an amount of not less than $100 per acre. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Edstrom, to give 2nd Reading to Ordinance No. 82-07, rezoning City West Phases 1 - 3 to Office. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Edstrom, to approve the Developer' s Agree- ment dated April 15, 1982, with the two changes as shown on page 3. Motion carried unanimously. x VII_ REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS & COMMISSIONS A. Reports of Council Members Penzel - 1. Reminded Councilmen of the April 29, 1982, Tree City USA Recognition which will be held in the Governor's Reception Room. 2. April 27, 1982 , at 7:30 p.m. there will be a Special City Council Meeting to discuss Chapter 12 in the codification process. B. Report of City Attorney There was no report. C. Report of City Manager 1. Authorization to purchase computer equipment City Manager Jullie spoke to the April 7, 1982 , memo to the Council from John Frane, Finance Director, addressing the need for a computer. Discussion followed regarding compatibility and expansion of the system. Frane explained the Hewlett-Packard computer would have a combination computer terminal/computer/word processor capability and is compatible_ with the operating software of the Logis system. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Tangen, to authorize purchase of a CRT terminal/computer, letter grade printer and cable, disk drive and cable, and programs. Roll call vote: Bentley, Edstrom, Redpath, Tangen and Penzel voted "aye. Motion carried unanimously. D. Report of Director of Community Services 1. Camp Indian Chief Director of Community Services Lambert spoke to his memorandum of April 15, 1982, in which he outlined the action which might be taken regarding the Camp Indian Chief proposal . MOTION: Bentley moved, seconded by Tangen, to proceed with discussions with Hennepin County and MARC regarding Camp Indian Chief. Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes -10 April 20, 1982 E. Report of City Engineer 1. Plan approval of CSAH 1/18 Intersection (Resolution No. 82-77) Director of Public Works Dietz outlined the proposed improvements at the CSAH 1/CSAH 18 intersection which include the signalization of that intersection. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Edstrom, to adopt Resolution No. 82-77, CSAH 1/CSAH 19 final plan approval . Motion carried unanimously. 2. Plan Bulldozer (Resolution No. 82-78) Director of Public Works Dietz spoke to his memo of April 15, 1982, in which Plan Bulldozer, a disaster relief or emergency situation plan, was detailed. MOTION: Pedpath moved, seconded by Bentley, to adopt Resolution No. 82-78, authorizing and directing Mayor and/or Manager to execute "Plan Bulldozer" disaster relief contract with Associated General Contractors of Minnesota. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Preliminary Report on rerouting of Valley View Road at Topview Acres Director of Public Works Dietz addressed the rerouting of Valley View Road at Topview Acres and the three alterna4es proposed by RCM in a ( letter of April 12, 1982. Further discussion included discussion of a t fourth alternative. I Penzel stated the reason for reconsideration of a route in this area was due to a petition from the Topview Acres residents expressing their concern for access for public safety vehicles. Redpath noted at one time residents had petitioned to have no access. John Reedy, 7262 Gordon Drive, said most Topview Area residents had presumed the discussion on the access was to be decided when and if the decision as + there Schooner Boulevard would�•^• -.•. go was made. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Bentley, to consider the rerouting of Valley View Road at Topview Acres at the May 4, 1982, meeting. Motion carried unanimously. VIII . NEW BUSINESS A. Set Special Meeting of Council and Human Rights and Services Commission for 6:00 p.m. , May 4th MOTION: Edstrom moved, seconded by Redpath, to set 6:00 p.m. , May 4, 1982, as the date and time for a Special Meeting of the City Council and the Human Rights and Services Commission. Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes -11- April 20, 1982 f B. Excavation Permit for Edenvale 1 Director of Public Works Dietz explained the reason for the excavation permit as outlined in his memo of April 1, 1982. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Bentley, to grant the request for a land alteration permit from Equitable Life (Edenvale. ) Motion carried unanimously. C. Resolution Regarding Grill Property City Manager Jullie said he had received a call from Vern Lang who is representing the estate of Mildred Grill regarding her bequest of $10,000 to the City for the restoration and maintenance of the Grill House. He asked the City to pass a Resolution indicating its intent to restore the house. City Attorney Pauly wondered about the legality of such a request. MOTION: Edstrom moved, seconded by Redpath, to direct Staff to look into the matter. Motion carried unanimously. D. Request from John Reedy Penzel called attention to an April 20, 1982, letter from John Reedy rep- resenting the Eden Prairie Athletic Association (copy attached) requesting one free family membership to the new Eden Prairie Community Center to be used as a door prize at the Athletic Association' s Pancake Breakfast to be held May 8, 1982. Bentleysaid his only concern is that if this request is ranted it would Y q 9 set a precedent. Reedy said the Eden Prairie Athletic Association is actually five youth organizations ( Girls Athletics Association, Baseball Association, Basket- ball Association, Soccer Association, and Football Association) which are conducting a joint fund raising effort. He further explained 1,700 youth are served and one of the qualifications is that he/she be a resident -of Eden Prairie. Tangen asked if this was to be considered an annual donation. Reedy said it is a "one shot deal ," but he would not be adverse to coming back in a year to request a similar donation. MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Tangen, to donate one family membership to the Community Center to the Eden Prairie. Athletic Association to be used as a door prize at its May 8, 1982, fund raiser. Motion carried unanimously. Bentley asked that this be looked at over the course of a year' s time and if the situation is going to be abused then it will not continue. Tangen said he regards it at a one time situation and he will not support all comers. City Council Minutes -12- April 20, 1982 E. Update on Landfill Expansion City Manager Jullie stated he, Gene Dietz, Chris Enger & Rick Rosow had met with representatives from Hennepin County, Woodlake Sanitation, Minnesota State Department of Health, and the Pollution Control Agency on April 15, 1982. The City showed slides of the landfill which had been taken recently. There was discussion of the permit process, environmental assess- ment worksheets, and environmental impact statements. The Council discussed the fact that all the information received comes from Browning Ferris Industries; the role of the PCA; the role of Hennepin County; and the role of the Metropolitan Council . MOTION: Redpath moved, seconded by Bentley, to direct Staff to review whether or not a mandatory or discretionary EAW is required. Motion carried unanimously. IX. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Tangen moved, seconded by Redpath, to adjourn the meeting at 12:02 a.m. Motion carried unanimously.