HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council - 04/12/1977 - Special Meeting E7r.N 2' LAIRi�. CTTY 30U';UIL �-
SPr 0,1PJ, ?fir:'ri14G
AiRIL 12, 1977 ?s 3G F':�I, CITY ?ALL
"OUN"M 2-2-2. RS: Mayor 1,101fgang Fenzel
Billy Bye
Joan Meyers
Dave Osterholt
Sidney Pauly
CG-UN3= ST-A.FF Y' T: City ?'.a:alter Foger Ulstad; City Attorney
Harlan Pe_bix; Planer Dick Putnam;
city* .^.`iiaE'6r Carl jullie; M i ec for of
Coi,-=nity Serv .ces ::arty Jessen; and
Doana Ste-rley, Recording Secretary
I1rJ0.hTi�'17; Cauncil-non Dave Osterholt
P1,ia)vE OF AT.T b'!I;-NCE
:-tOTL 'ALL: Penze1, Meyers, Pauly, and vsterholt present; Bye absent.
:ne follovi ng items were requested to be added to the agenda under t'.:e z
"10.4 BVSIMESSI' category:
A. Re-scheduling of June 7. 10,77 s-et pc.
B. Attention to s c-eno'n for neat meet{nfy.
ISOT ICN: Meyers mo;ed, seconaed by Osterholt, to arprove the Council
Agenda as published and amended. 2btion carried =n?ninously.
A. ? 2uffs nIt/-: Iest. ustnd I)e;:A1�:nent Corr;oration, rer,unst for PUD
�or.,�f'nt~ r,r-r;,vnl on Z.00 acres of ri r-1 e !y=-iay' --qd i::u tln2 ex P D
rr eiliiin my i3lint ?!mod re7onina from
Ra:el to R' -] '2. fcr the ue Lern 200 acres of the ri,t
City Y-Rnnger Ulstad spoke to the background of the rurgatory Creek
corridor area and to the resolution Fnssad by the Council providing
guide lines for the City to follow in consideration of upcoming pro-
Wallace iiustnd, Hustsd .Development Corporation, introduced consultants
Robert Engs-romp D--,strom Associates; Ftic1 and Sather, McCombs Knutson;
IA,-ry Griffi"h; and .firs eOstenson; "d spoke to present proposal devised
as a compromise betiJeen the t14o positions of privrte or public owner-
/ ship of the Creek Va-ZI ey.
City Plannncr slick Putnam ea-plra.ined the Environmental Assessment Process
required by the State of Minnesota.. with the use of the Environmental
Assessment Workshest to provide the necessary information to determine
_ 7*h-, -I 71n -,=.ental Impact State-ent is required.
D5,r�at.or of Cz:,_-::nunity Services Marty Jessen spoke to the PR and NMI Ooi=_ission
et4nr- of -rch ?, 1977, and the accerptance of the c-ompr-c-mise plan after 2ent,'-t-hy
4 Y--t
disc. sicn,
ar"d e-xplained briefly the sources of funding disczssed.
Oittly Planner Dick FlutrLam spoke to the outcc•me of the prev-ious Planning Commission
r-eetiWig, and to the ?potions nnz:sed: to recom-mend that :EMW findings and conclusions
are nc_,;rEAe end that a Nc,_-,F%tive Declaration ?Notice requiring no :.IS be filed with
the Qaaaity Council; to reco=end approval of the PUD concept for the
400 acre Bluffs F-as., rest
r,,roject; and to recommend approval of rezoning request
subject to
Y.r. :)on Fennie e�rpressed tlne cc,ncerns of the Riley-pt_--atc;ry Creek Watershed
Pi strict and of Barr Engineering reFardiag the difficult hy4raulogieal control
mat :rill be reauired along -Unis area.
11-Ae Der.-elopers and Staff answered questions of tube Council members.
Cco.)nci I n Lave Osterholl -co,.icsted a copy of the' Purgatory Creek Study and
or' r-i- 1 s-,:tenic easement referred to by Mr. Hustad for the 3reek. Valley, and
also a cc-py- of the revised map of the prelimimsry plat.
Mr. Al Teas, 15824 Park Terrace Dr.,, questioned why the 400 acres we are talking
abo-ot is dim ded into sections, because the ori,-7i;ial Study is for the entire
creek; P-nd if t11-ls or3::-os--1 is ar,="oved., will all of the n-reas of the creek
be pn5lic or pri-.-at-L. 1:n-,Dr Ponzel responded that the Puz-gatory Creek Study Report is
not under dis';M;59410:i toniF.-h-111 but t-he H stad development proposal, and that the
uses suggested M the Study are used as a guide when these projosals come be-
fore the Council .
Flacc5, directed her question to Co=, In U
-s. Sally 100,S0 Ren-netA !A-.v
-vices Director ieggen on recent discussion of the public acouisition area
i-nd the connection by bridge over the creek. Jessen ex-plained that the idea
was discussed by the PR & IM, '14o=ission,, but that no final recorursendation
resu'Ited. He continued that the sugecot-ed bridge would be very high, with cor,,,-
ple-Le control5, but to give viewers the "feel of the valley".
Felen Fowler, 10315 Riverview Rd., sj1*ke to the proposed 252 lots on the
Brown y.T-oj:crt.y,, of which 29% would be under 13,,500 so. feet, and expressed
c^_n s(-r n w .1
with 'he' r She asked whether this was Une Tallest lot size
. size. AA
r lttc�dA Fenzel responded that this lot size,, a.-
:7i iLnA_-_r F1,7D concept. Mayor r
i.! r3 or an acre, is the s::�allest according to our Ordin-ncep with power
by the Ooiuicil to vary from the requirements of the Ordinance.
Mrs. Fc-.,rier �iointed out additional concerns such as the additional traffic on
Riverview Re. and the lack of the value of the rmaller lots., from a tax basis*
to mi—oort a child in School. She asked whether Mr. Wilkie would be asked to
contribute to the park area. 41-'ayor Fenzel answered that if and when he chose
to 6e:,elop his p-r-operty, he would be asked to contribute.
Fovaer asked ?��r. Hustad to comment on property value. Hustad responded
that q,:.,=e of the homes would be in the w60.600 price range, such as in the
Prairie Ff st ce v el oz.::.ent, ind sowme would be hi�r��r, with 1. "rer lots and
70% lotc. Fie ac. :3d that. they are not tat king a'xut low cost hor._es,
and that the -65,009 h_^.es are Eden P:airie's ttb_t ad and I.Jut ter", and U.-As is
the nice that i st people are buying.
Mr. De," L."Ae, 10450 ;Y'hite Tail Crossing, suealdng as president of the Creek
Y.nolls r-,me-)wners Asrociation, expressed the opinion t.: t they vould like to
1ea:•e all of the 2--rd as it is, but I"`7 ,°w this was not possible, and therefore,
sl�Y.e in favor of the HL stsd _rroi)Osa_l.
Y.. Gerald -'_r.:s, 5955 Fioneer Trail, spoke to the d_ainwge acres in Area C
of the t.: po '1 and a=l-_ed abotit dy'kes and berm- s to control d aining into their
property. Hust9d ex-plained that zhe area east of the Creek has not had engineer—
in� rs=:cerPiic:, yet, and «Then this develoF,--ept is e:ni_nent, the,- will be
Gordon nrb ell, ('a01 F.i v_' ea Rd., izgt wed whet L.her the interests of
some of the could be preserved by controlling t:.e sizes of tine
houses on t=:e lots, therefore, eliminating the possibility of encouraging the
s~411er houses. Y;ayor Penzel responded that t:4ere are no restrictions accord—
ir)Z to the vlty Cr.(3—Li nae.
X . F?us::ad sd4ei that :r�y people are looking for s Ys11 er homes, but of higher
duality, and dial not feel that >quare footage would m.Qke any, sense.
F,--y Wei ter, Jr. F3 sneer Trail, suggested taking lots along t-e creek of 1/2 acre
ar - .3e land down to the creek and ciz-ide them up. Flustad ex"1185 -ed 11 t the
f :f the homes ..as 1.3 per acre and that no new major area has been platted
W. t :low of density. He continued that there is access to the Creek Va11ey
.rz-. ious Points, and it could be bailt down into the Creek Valley, but it does
Mt .,ould have fewer lots that could be on this property and would affect the
a:. s of -t:ne property.
M--s. :;n ask ed ::hat the density would be. Hustad responded that there were 25 - lots
on 187 acres and that is 1.3 hc+-azes per acre, and added that on the bluff sites
overlooLi ng the creel:, the density would be two houses pC-- acre.
Jer*zne Brandt, 12:jDO Riverview Rd... said her understanding u.as that Riverview
Rd. would end at the E! Sehlar-Tp property, and armed that if this were the case,
how would they get to their hone. Hustad answered that they could use the reggular
route, and they are trying to avoid a drag strip on that section by putting up "stop"
signs at either end.
}•:r. Wa;-ne Frown, 10200 Wild Duck Pass, Creek. Knolls, wanted to go on record in
favor of the project, quid added that they live 100 feet above the creek and have
been very concerned vith the creek area,and were very pleased with what has been
wor}:ed out by the Staff.
Mr. 'Vetter cxFressed disapproval with the idea of having trails tlxough the valley.
Yr. Ed Schlr.=pp, Jr., 100,01 Riverview Rd., asked about sewer asses--aments south of
Riverview ?.d., and was concerned with the sewer along Riverview Rd. Yzyor Fenzel
responded that there would be no assess dents for sewer on south side of Riverview
Rd., and that the Council would have to hold another public hearing to decide
this, and ad.�ed that in rwst cares when, a larger area is developed, the developer
wrill put in :L=pr o ements.
Frs. Fowler avestioned the accuracy of the setback require__ents un.er the w
sor_-nth cla::si_fications in variance as listed. Mayor Fenzel explained t:-:at
t!1ese were minim.-gun setb-acks if the house ca_+inot be placed in t2.e center of ni
the lot.
Y.r. a7-ry Wilson, 12155 River-view Zd., requested to go on record in favor of I
the proposal, and explained Uhat be feels the matter is complex, but that the �
out.li ned plan wri.11 en_'irince the area. He ad,---led that he was speaking as a hone '
owner, and also has an interest because of his co=pany located in 7nden Prairie.
Y. s. Broum as�:e3 ;ijere the EIS world come from if it were needed. mayor Penzel
answered thrt the City Staff would prepare the document if it were determined that
a need elid exist for requiring an EIS.
EOTICN: Oster?;olt raved, seconded by Pauly, to continue the ratter to the next
regular neeting of I:ay 3 w-ith further infornation on the following: Possible
recuina.men;,s of land dedication for open space; funding sources for Purgatory
Creek S t-dy; complete report from engineering stuff regarding storm sewers etc.;
esti-..ates of the number of children moving into the project and whether there
are further paans for a school; detailed infor—oration on economics of the
;property for deJeiopment from the developer; copy cf the chenges in the lots
and inyDut not presented to the Council; deter:^_ine whet-her or not an EIS should be
t,4:1at was the tlming, cost, and wrould prepare it; what would be the
i :.act on the rest of the i-`,.:rgatory Creek Study, as far as allowing compromise on
building- on slopes or percentage of slopes, and how proposal is handled; what Would
be the s icitio gal *o3 --e of traffic on P.iverview aad ?- oreward hills Roads; and who
:rr�'•:ld be ..eY.,...ec ted to meet these costs when they come up. Motion carried unanimously.
Cour_c n Pauly ec?.jes..ed to go on record as favoring the approach of the plan
ant -.- ressed appreciation for all of the work done on the concept, but had
ri nt.ion.s on the lot sizes, not for the sake of incc-:ne, but because of the sheer
r: of people p,ut in adjacent to the most sensitive area in Lien Prairie and
emenaous impact that would make.
Mayor Penzel called for a recess at 10:45 PM.
:II. COU"NOIL GO."Z &: QR?F,TI rS FOR J-977-19-78
MUTION: 2:eyers moved to continue this matter until the April 193 1977 meeting.
asterholt seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.
SV. 1 K-1 UST-7,SS
A. Ha= chedul.inL of June 7. 1977 neetinp
10TION: Meyers moved, seconded by Osterholt, to re—schedule meeting of
June '7, 1977 to .vane 14, 1977. Ytion carried unanimously.
B. At r! ..ion to mends for ne:-t neeting
City 11anager Ulstad spoke to following ite=s for Council considerations
1. Min.^.esota housing and Financing Report on siding application to Windslope.
2. D_v eJ ormnent franework for Area G to be put on Agenda for meeting of
April 19.
3. F£_.,rI'£T1 t of L`i.i---I:i es on daiie of closing or 120 days., ln1hichvver comes f:�rst�
rather V-zn at bllildi L ,permit time.
C. Rc+scju0gn 1:11, 77-L8. aztnori:ins* re-'mova1 of di--cared tree
KCITlON: 0:t-erholt moved, seconded by Pauly, to adopt Resolution No. 77-4$p
authorizing rcr,Lo-cal of diseased trees. Motion carried unanimously.
MOTION: Gsterholt r�ovcd, seconded by Pauly, to adjourn the neeting at
11:15 F:•S. tbtion clyried vunan-=Usly.