HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council - 07/27/1976 r.' i'r hj J. E C IT'j' CO'LI N C I L { _ ULSLA , JULY 27, 1976 7:30 PM , CITY HALL COUNCIL MEDAETI?S: Mayor Wolfgang Penzel Billy Bye Joan Meyers Tim P ierce Sidney Pauly z COUNCIL STAFF PRT_'tL-r1T: City Manager Roger Ulstad City Attorney Iiarlan Perbix City Engineer Car? Jullie City Planncr Cick Putnam Director of Community Services Marty Jessen Finance Director John Frane Recording Secretary Joyce Provo PLEDGE OF 1-;LLEGIF";%"E INVOCATION: Pastor James Barth, Immanuel Lutheran Church r ROLL ".'ILL: Byre, Pierce , Pauly and Penzel present; Meyers absent. CT J I-EJ �_I A AIti1 I) OTHER ITEMS OF BUSH:E,cc The following iterr,s were requested to be ached to the agenda under the "New Business" category: A. Discussion of Homeowner' s Associations . B. Discussion of PUD Ordinance P C. ',N CA Ordinance i 4 D. Communication received from the Eder+. Prairie School Board , E. Report from City Engineer Tullie on Sub,,rban Rate Authority and its activities E for next \,ear and contri))ution of same t MOTION: Pauly moved, seconded by Pierce , to approve the agenda as corrected and published. Motion, carried unanimously. ! TI. M INUTES A. Minutes of. the Reaular Council Meeting held Tuesday, July 6, 1976. Pg . 5 , 3rd para . , 2 nd line , strike- "agreement" and insert "proposal" . Pg. 7 , 80 para . , 3rd line , after "Eden Prairie" insert "for OPUS II" . 1\,OTION: Pierce moved, seconded by Bye, to approve the minutes of the Council meeting held July 6 , 197G as corrected and published, Motion carried unanimously. G . F3. A, ir,utes (if ti,r tine, iz`'Irl Jul•. 1.3 , 1976 Pg . 2 , 5th para . , 3rd 11r.e, strike^ "Recommendation of the Planning Commission" and insert in lieu thereof "Recommendation for denial by the Planning Commission"f in the same para . , 4th line, strike "Riviness" and insert "Riveness" . Y tf Pg . 7 , 2nd para . , last line, strike "a " and insert "an at" . MOTION: L'yc moved , seconded by Pierce , to approve the minutes as corrected and published . Motion carried unanimously. A. 1st Reading of Ordinance No. 337 , regulating hunting in Eden Prairie. . Several concerns were expressed by CounciV$members regarding Ordinance i No. 337 ,those being: boundaries, possibility of obtaining a permit for the shooting of varments outside of designated areas , and check State haw to see if there is a clear definition of deadly weapons . 's MOTION: Bye moved, seconded by Pierce , to approve the 1st Reading of Ordinance No. 337 , requiring permits for the discharge of firearms and repealing Ordinance No. 120 , and that the concerns expressed by Council members be addressed by the 2nd Reading. Motion carried unanimously. B. 1st Rea dinr of Ordin,a_n_ce No. 336 , establishing lic:.nse fees for mechanical amusement devices and amusement centers , arnendino Ordinance No. 280. As there seemed to be some discrepancies in Ordinance No. 336 , the Council directed the City Attorney to redraft the ordinance and bring it before the Council at a later date . IV. PI:TIT,..�.5 RF U.�STS & gOMMUNICA.TIONS r SOT r A . FenU�st from Mrs . Newell J. Liebler to discuss the Dutch Elm Disease problem in rden Prairie . Mrs . Newell J. Liebler , 15901 north Hillcrest Court, appeared before the Council and read a letter from Mr. & Mrs . Howard Tyson , 15980 North Hillcrest Court. (Letter dated July 25 , 1976 attached) Mrs . Liebler stated the ordinance passed in 1973 regarding dutch elm disease has not been enforced and the people in the North Hillcrest area have been very good about taking care of their own problems regarding diseased trees , but the City has not done their job_ Mr. Liebler expressed concerns about diseased trees in Ecklund and Swedlund's outlot in the North Hillcrest area , noting that the City had been called in 1973 regarding this problem and nothing has been done to-date. h . R quest from Mrs . 11 1 . Lieblcr to discuss the Dutch Elm Disease proMein in I den Prairi,-, (continued) Marty jessen , Director of Community Services , explained that the City is currently cutting trees down on public property. He further outlined the policies set in other communities regarding the taking down of diseased trees , citing in particular the community of Minnetonka, whereby Minnetonka pays 100% for the cost of removal of diseased trees . jessen further explained Minnetonka has a population of approximately 40 , 000 and a smaller area than Eden Prairie. I-,lso that I,:Iinnetonka' s tax re Venue has been approximately 20 mills higher than Eden Prairie and they are more blessed with income and able to support such a i program . t Mary Sethre , 16150 North Hillcrest Court, spoke to the problem of the Ecklund and Swedlund outlot noting that trees had been marked last year for dutch elm disease and that nothing has been done. jessen responded that there were some diseased trees last year that were not removed , but they are being cleaned up this year. v Eye stated that this is a tremendously big problem and we-as a small unit are attempting to do what we can. He also expressed that he was sure the ordinance F mould be enforced from now on. 44 ick Root, 16001 Alpine NVay, explained that all the people in the. North Hillcrest area are asking for is equal treatment and that they would take their diseased trees down if the City and Ecklund & Swedlund would do so too. Jim Wedlund , 16211 North Hillcrest Court , expressed his opinion that if removal is done quickly and correctly, we might have our elms with us for 3O,more years . He also questioned if it isn't against the lacy to leave a pile of debris, i . e . , Ecklund & Swedlund's pile of trees , for such a long period of time. City Attorney Perbix stated that steps could -:e taken to have this debris removed, and that we have another ordinance pertaining to this sort of thing. Mr. Donald Sethre., 16150 North Hillcrest Court, asked if there couldn't be a general ' contract agreed to for the removal of all diseased dutch elin trees in Eden Prairie . Ralph Hoffmann , 15950 North Hillcrest Court, stated he respectsthat the Council's hands are tied in this situation and asked if it wouldn't be incumbent for the Council to tale specific steps with the Legislature. Feels we should assess the whole thine against the whole community. Suggested the City sponsor contract to, for example , bid on 700 trees and then have the next six months to cut them down. Give the people more than 20 days . Penzel responded that the State Statutes require the 20 day i removal . rri cCIDrr. St tc Rcprese•ntatLve T_I )uclas Ewald stated that the Legislature did allocate ::lilitly over a million and a half dollars for tree disease for 1976 throughout the state , and that nol-)ody in the State of Minnesota could realize the full impact c,f ri,lir.} 'Am disease . Representative Ewald further explained he was certain the- City% _-an plan on incrczjsing spending in this regard in the next session of thIf.- Legislature . Cannot promise the State can solve all of the problems , but i sure iI:crc_sed aid v _11 _ c;iven in the ,next legislative session . State Scr:ator Jo?-in ]Kc-efe c:_pressed his concern and stated we ought to be thinking on t.:e offsnse c,.-d _netting off the defense. Senator Y-.eefe also feels cer-F-in the Legislature is ding to approve additional monies for tree removal. Can see no reasor: why a pc' sor. who has a t;ge taken down should not be able to deduct it from their income taxes. Other alternatives would be to take it outside the levy limitations and take out tree bonds . Looking for ways we can provide some innovation from, the people . 6 John Bcrgan .'r87 05 Bent-wood Drive , would like to see DDT being used again in the treatment of dutch eIm disease. or Penzel requeste:l that item V. E . A be considered at this time . i,. E. _. PT5, ^r C. �1 -P S C, DF &. COI�f?VrTScz10T`S E hti w.�"t of 7)r1 s_ c, orr1mur,it ' Se s 1 . Pefcrest:;ticr. _.-:.._c_ .r_a_m_ f_o_r- renlacin..�u-_d�i.-----E.-a--s-�ed_t_.r.__e_..�es__.. _. Director of Ccr.-munity Services Tessen spoke to memo dated July 23 , 1976 regare}i nc the R;:fore station Program . Dave Dorl e , Sun Newspapers , questioned what the new trees would be and if they would be subject to any kind of diseases and if they are, how are they � .,.)I g to be t.Eated . jessen responded that.we have tried to find six trees that :1 e ccnera lly accepted to be as disease free as any. If any one of them poses a problem , they will be deleted from the list. Senator John Keefe stated that the Department of Agriculture strongly recommends that a series of different ' f trees be planted in each area i 'ou Donovan 1SPS1 Hillcrest Court questioned how the City was going to I_ , 4 Y g 9 decide where trees had been removed when a new tree is picked by a resident jessen responded that when a City inspection is made and a tree is marked diseased, then it becomes a part of the record and a new tree can be picked up in its place. n e felt that our next issue of the HAPPENTIZICS should explain the program P e z 1 1 P p 9 if adopted by the Council . Tohn Bernan , C.705 Bent-wood Drive, sub,,I-, st;cj fli,,t the nev,, treics should come %,ith a sticker telling people to "Please water me " , as new trees definitely need a lot of water to survive . MOTION: Pauly moved, seconded by Pierce , to direct the staff to consider the alternative proposals for financing an enlarged dutch clin program and bring these proposals back before the Council on August 10 , and to 1) investigate -1utch elfin control outside the levy limitations; 2) ask the Lerii -Iloture to develop some kind of hasic law for entire state; 3) encourage the Legislature to support any bills appropriating additional funds to Communities; 4) in the devElopmcnt of a state—.%ricie program , give leeway. for individual communities; 5) appeal to t.-je federal government for some help on the state level , and 6) pursue all possible rnez,-ns for reforestation . Further aLithorize staff to proceed with the reforestation program as outlined in memo dated July 23 , 1976 , and that an onsite inspection be done to establish who is entitled to receive trees . Also that staff consider in their recommendations the use of a task force made up of one member of the Parks, Recreation & Natural B#Ysources Commission to be selected by staff, one Planning Commission member to be selected by staff, one staff member, and no less than 3 citizens to be selected by staff. Motion carried unanimously. Council directed staff to send this information to our State Sl'nator John' Keefe , State Repi-esentative Douglas Ewald , and tl-�-- appropricte subconnnittees of the Legislature studying the tree disease prohl E--, in Minnesota . Ill. TETTTIOT�JS REQUESTS & C-01,41VI-TIZICATIO'NS (continued) B. Neill Lake Apa_rtrnents , The Preserve , request for mcv2ification of EDevelopment Man for 84 units . T-- site is located on Neill I.ake across from the Iiigh Point sirigle, family area. City Attorney Perbix spoke to his memo dated July 23 , 1976 and answered questions Of Council Members . W'illiam Bale , legal counsel for The Preserve, stated the Preserve v,7ould.,Iil,-e to be advised of what their zoning is on the site in question, and what does it become on this project if the Council does not approve this proj ect? Does this mean that the zoning we have now can be withdrawn, or can we Izeep the RM 2 . 5 for the project . City Attorney Perbix explained in his opinion if the Council turns the project do%yn, The Preserve still has a RM 2. 5 zoning with an approve-d PUD. The clustion is not zoning, it is whether the amendment. to the PUO rneets with the approval of the Council . Don Hess , The Preserve , displayed graphic Illustrations of the NeL11 Lake Apartments proposal. 13 rl' "oil V,.r' 11r^servr rcqucst for Modification of 1'�(!velr-,p=Qt- H :ill for (!/I mjts . (continued) i­rt'Carl^on , 9DGI Neill Lake Road , Jim Mars , 10700 Lake Fall Drive , Bert Hud:.-.on , 9030 High Point Circle , and Porn Bach, 9051 Neill Lake Road a In rc,r I in-apposition to tlilc, Neill 1.t:'Ke Apartnicnts project expressing VZ�IIOLIS concerns, i . e . , plan does not use depth perception, all parking will not bc, below stnicture as previously stated by the proponents , pay high ta:-.r!s to live in a single family area not in a transient area . To!'." Crouch , legEJ counsel for the opponents , spoke to his communication datc(I July 22 , 1976, recornmending, denial of the Neill Lake Apartments project-. Pauly questioned whatwould the typical renters be in the $400 . 00-$440 . 00 , 3 bedroom apartrnent units . Hess responded that they would be limited to five mernbers and would make somewhere from -1$21 , 000 to $2 2 , 000 a year. They prol-'aLly would have relatively few children, at least fewer than a Condominium . They v.,_­jld 140rz judged to be in the upper middle income and high income levels. PE� �:ly also a -ked if a group of single people could rent one of these aria tlr:�rlts. Fless stated he thought this would be possible . John T)-.E-: Preserve , spoke in favor of the 1,. eill Lake Apartments project, Preserve has several million dollars invested in Eder. Prairie ar.,�2 d�SE,-.,CZ Some sort of consideration. Bye E._701a:ried, that we have a number of things that have developed. PUD's haVE not really `-een understood no.- properly explained. People react differently if they are a developer , another vjav if they are a resident, another if they are a Council menmll-;er. Bye further stated that he has strong feelings that there has been some faith and some trusts given and broken or taken away. Suggested that the proper position to take not Knowing the result , would be to replace this into a rezoniric; situati.Dn with exactly the same criteria and exactly the same format and same voting restrictions. Can see no other choice. 1\.1OTJON7: Eye moved, seconded by Penzel for purposes of discussion, to refer the T\': eill Lake Apartments project back to the Planning Commission for expeditious consideration under a PU D concept plan f'cr RM 2 . 5 density, with no zoning taking place at this time. Bye voted "aye" , Penzel, Pauly and Pierce voted "nay" . Mot ion failed . MICTION: Pierce moved, seconded by Pauly, to deny the Preserve's request for modification of development for 84 units for the Neill Lake Apartments, Pierce, Pauly and Penzel voted "aye" , Bye "abstained" . Motion carried . Pierce stated his reason for being opposed to the Neill Lake Apartments project is that it is against the City's plan as far as a gradual change from single family hove_ to highor density. fniL (,f Dr-yelopri;f-iit L i i,,j i--d) Pauly felt thEil- ()r1c'4 inal plan was approved with a lot of thought and consideration qiv��,n to the different facades. The Council felt at that time 'they were ncvc--rthcicss tz-ying to crcate something that was sensitive and acceptable to single family rcsic-Icnts . She does not feel one bier apartment building is sensitive to sirigl--: fc::-nily residents , and if I'he Preserve's use of the land is to be re,--'-.! , they should still alAide by the Cifv's dauision that there -,-,ould be ta- gg&rEd L'nit—c with viszi�,) appeal r e n--c-,I ::tza t c d t It .ire p ro p a I re p r e!7:c. ri t:s a m a tcriLl change from the previously anprc),.,c---! con- rr.in,1"A I'll proposal ,arion.- v,ri-,ich mere a change in parking location to a strcet c,-.-posure, chaff-lcter of the structure from a 1-nulti-roof line dpproach to a mon')I -St.!-4c avrti-tent block , and elitnination of sight accesses to Neill Lake froin Neill Lake Road. * M 0 TL 10-\T: Eye moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:15 P1,.1 . (As there was not unanlrnots support to continue t e meeting past the 11:00 PIA'A time limit set by Council resolution , the rnecAi,,,�. stood acljourncd at 11:15 PM All items not heard can the July 27th Council agenda to bE -----;ntinued tc the August 3 , 1976 Council rnec-1--ing .) a 1, / r � � -£ -�, c_ < � t. — cam✓ ,:._. t.c_� �,� , dam•--.'�!( � �t -L` � 't_.!�—G -r� -��a" /�'�.'�.!:✓.� .-•- ��-•l ���."l"G��" /i i te �_^-•C'L--tom- F.. -•.Z'"�...--►r��..��--•G"'....'C� /,� ../'C-••iC � �. /'1-C- Ca. LJ!�L -/.LIB'•�/C',.,,G.�.Lt. _ �+_ .ram-2-••=-_-••e%t-L�-Zr T .�!�'--'L�--L.�:�..-i .�„1'c�"„'� Z"' f �-/ �"'�r-�s-��/e t•:.--t...l �-�..�_.c_./ ._.._• �_.Z- c-.-•.-...�/ ? Gr: �....,j ._�G��.:•_�L.r,� ty�,,�• 6'"7'L.� t --��'�,`�ct.•rr tom/ ---"'"�•--•,-��.t{�l//L,j .:•-/ .�j/ �._.-LKr..�'/�/J-` �:�1._— _.—C=��.�.� i �-�•�-... -- , •.;�, �.�Crc,_.^,C'�•—� L'•'L C"7-._.._.�/ ct... 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