HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council - 01/14/1975 i
COUNCIL MEMBERS : A4ayor D. W. Osterholt , Joan Meyers ,
Wolfgang Penzel and Sidney Pauly
William Bye was Absent
COUNCIL LTAFF PRESENT: Acting City Manager John D. Frane ;
City Attorney Harlan Perbix; Planner
Dick Putnam; Engineer Carl Jullie
INVOCATION - Silent Prayer
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Mayor Osterholt suggested deferring until later in the meeting.
A. Continued public hearing on sanitary sewer and watermain
1_m_E_r�ovements along D La .eTrail within the Lochanburn
Additio,a-Long T . He IM sou h or uc Lake Trailq an on
Lotus iew rive, hesolution No. 933 .
Mr. Jullie explained the most economical method for installing
sewer and water and the necessity of a loop for the water.
He stated, in the Lochanburn Addition, ten residents favored
curb and gutter, fifteen opposed and eleven did not respond.
It will cost $4?10 per unit for water and sewer in Lochanburn,
and $4180 on Lotus View Drive as the street will not be up-
graded. The amount of $15 ,000 to overlay Duck Lake Trail
is included in total project costa
Mr. Paul Albrecht asked if the $530 figure for curb and gutter
included a storm sewer. Mr. Jullie replied it did. Also,
inquired as to why the people in Lochanburn were paying for
the Duck Lake Trail overlay and Mr. Jullie replied they weren' t
Mr. Leo Dorf asked if the installation of the trunk line would
be where the stakes were located. If so, it would require the
removal of trees forty to fifty years old. Mr. Husby replied
the stakes marked the survey line , not the trench and they
would try to avoid the trees . Stated the residents could see
the plans if they wished.
Mr. Albrecht questioned the digging of s ,parate trenches for
sewer and water and Mr. Jullie explained they had to be separ-
ated by at least ten feet .
Minutes —2— January 149 1975
II. PUBLIC FIEt" RT14TGS : (Cont ' d. )
Mr. Loron Irvine stated water was not necessary along 101 as it
was being installed to create a loop and would only benefit a
few homes. Inquired as to why Chanhassen was being charged a
mere $75 ,000 for about 300 acres while Eden Prairie was being
charged for the major portion of the project and yet it only
involved a-- .. '_-r:atc:v 80 acres . Mr. Jullie explained water along 101
is for fire equipment accessiblity and looping of water is necessary to complete
system, and Eden Prairie may be able to recover some of the cost from Chanhassen
as the area involved is developed.
Mr. Irvine stated the grater should be a trunk rather than a
lateral as . it would not benefit the property directly on 101.
Mr. Blomberg stated his concern about the assessments to be
levied against his property and said with sewer and water on
opposite sides of lot , it would double cost to service property.
Thought there must be another way to assess this unplat•ted land
as the present method is prohibitive . 4
Mrs . Meyers asked if Lotus Viet;r were excluded and only Lochanburn
serviced, coult Lotus View be served by another project without
costing the City $l40,000. 1-4r. Jullie replied there would not
be a savings realized by excluding Lotus View as it is most con—
venient now and the cost is continually on the increase and this is
the most feasible engineering method to service Lotus View.
. Mrs . Pauly asked if the water could be run along the sewer line .
Messrs. Jullie and Husby explained the water should be run down
101 in order to serve property that may be developed in the future
Mr. Albrecht cited an example of a fire hydrant in the middle of
a corn field in Minnetonka and stated water did not have to go
along 101.
Mr. Irvine stated he approved of the sewer, but not the watermain
along 101 as it was for Hidden Ponds' benefit and the developer
should install it. Asked that the watermain be clarified as to
whether it is a trunk, sub trunk or lateral. If it is a lateral,
he will not give easement for the water to go along 101.
Mrs. Meyers stated Resolution 11o. 933 called for bids to include
curb and gutter and should be amended so bids will be received
with and without curb and gutter.
Mr. Blomberg said his property could not stand an assessment of
ten REC ' s as it would increase the cost of the land to a point
where it could not be sold. Mr. Jullie stated that adjustments
can be made: with a change order upon receipt of a plat of the land -
Mrs. Pauly asked if the project could be bid three ways: (1) sewer
and water ( 2) sewer only and ( 3 ) sewer and water oxcept along 101.
Mr. Busby explained they considered the fact abutting lots in
Chanhassen could be served by the proposed watermain.
Minutes -3-- January 14, 1975
IT. PUBLIC HEARTNGS : ( Copt ° d. )
11r. Albrecht stated the land is so loco, it would be difficult
to develop.
Mr. Jullie said tYe watermain could be designated as a trunk
line and it would obon be covered by City funds .
Pars. Meyers said a Change Order could move the: water along
the road if one is to be built . P-Irs . Pauly inquired as to
the time limit for making a Change Order. 14r. Husby said
this can be done right up to digging the trenches .
Movers moved to approve Resolution No . 933 ordering improve-
ments , approving plans and specifications , combining projects
for bidding and ordering advertisement for bids on I .C . 51-269
and alternate bids with deletion of water lateral along T.H. 101 from Lotus View
Drive to Duck Lake Trail : and to delete "at an estimated cost of *015,C00" from
Page 2, Penzel seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
B. Sanitary sewer and watermain improvements on Center Drive ,
north o1 forth Rillcrest Court 9 ?ro,ject j•; 5 4- -1k, 1.cso-
tion i�o . 934 .
Mr. Jullie stated the official notice was published for this
project , out Mr_,ssrs. Labore and Otten did not receive their
notices so they were contacted by telephone * Dir. Jullie
stated lAessrs. Labore and Otten were in favor of the project .
The total cost of the; project would be $22 , 500. For lots
developed prior to June I, 1971, the per REC charge would
be $3332 and for the other lots , about $1000 additional . }
Mr. Jerry Otten stated they wanted sewer and water at the
time they purchased their property, but it was not available
and as a result, the cost for service is now about $1000 more .
Penzel moved to approve Resolution No. 934 ordering improve-
ments and approving plans and specifications and ordering
advertisement for bids on Project 1-4IS 74-9-14 under I .C.51-269
and closing the Public Hearing , 14eyers secondod. Motion
carried unanimously.
C. Family Care and Group Cure Homes , presentation by Mr. Robert
Williams , Chairman of Human Riahts commission, on the recom-
menacd changes to Zoning Urainancc Do. 1 35 T rmitting Family
Care Homes and Group Care Hones in residential districts.
Mrs. Linda Enger asked Mr. Williams what type of Family Caro
Homes ho was rcfarring to and the kind of housing required.
Mr. Williams stated it would be for the mentally disadvantaged,
aged and physically handicapped and the maximum number of
people in a home would be six. The homes take many formats
such as private homes, condominiums, apartments„ etc.
Mr. Putnam recommended approval of the Ordinance changes with
minor modifications.
Minutes -1�- January 1.4., 1975
II. PUPLTC HEARINGS: ( Cont • d. )
4 Mr. Perbix voicod his concern about Group Care Homes needing
Council action to be formed whereas Family Care Homes need
only a permit from the City P•Ianagar. They both have the
sama rc:quiroments and the same rights although thoy serve
different typos of problems .
Mrs. Meyers said the Planning and Zoning Commission requested
the City Attorney to rovicw the Ordinance .
Mr. Putnam cxplzin;:d the Planning;/Zoning Commission and Human
Rights Commission tried to write in discretionary control for
the Council as they were concerned about the wording of the
Ordinance .
Mr. Perbix opposed the issuance of Use Permits or Licenses
as the Supr me Court does not uphold discretionary use: except
under special conditions . He needs more information about
the Group Carc acctiLn of the Ordinance. '
Mr. 11illiams stated the PUD Ordinance allows discretionary
control and possibly those homes could be accommodated through
that Ordinance .
Ruth Quaal asked if the homes were state or-privately owned
and if the operators were paid for running them. bar. Williams
replied there wcrc a number of altcrnativcs: state owned,
privately owned, run by non--profit organization, run by a
religious organizations etc .
Mr. Putnam stated the homes will be restricted to no more than
eight people and all homes would have to be licensed. Will
attempt to document the conditions better.
Mr. Perbix suggested continuing the Public Hearing until a late
date to give him the opportunity to review the matter.
Penzel moved to continue Public Hearing until February 11, 197�.
and direct City Attorney to work with Human Rights Commission
and Planning/Zoning Commission and report back to the Council
at that time . Pauly sccondod. Motion carried unanimously.
D. 4/5 Mini-So ctor Study, land use and transportation study for
about 550 acr;:s surrounding the Co. Rd. 4/T.H. 5 intersection.
Prosentation of the consultant staff report dated Jan. 6, 1975 .
Mr. Putnam told the Council no action was necessary since the study had
not yet bec.n approved by the Planning/Zoning Commission. It is
mcrcly rocommcndations of the staff and consultants. He said
the Task force looked at four alternatives and recommended
Alternative A , th:3 upgrading of Hgwy. 5 to a four lane , rather
than wait for the completion of 212 which is many years away.
Minutes -5- January 14, 1975
Mrs . Pauly asked if the proposed land use plan would not also
be cffcctivc with Alternative D. Mr. Putnam replied that it
would; howovor, the probl`m would be the increase in traffic
without a comparablo upgrading of the road.
Mr. Penzel inquired as to whether tho study considered alternate
commercial sites just outside immediate study areas . Mr. Putnam
stated not "specifically for purposc;s of this study."
Mrs. 14cyors stated alternate sites wore discussed at the Planning
and Zoning Commission meeting just last evening, howcvc;r, the
sites wero not considered by the Task Force .
Mrs. Pauly stated she didn't see how three four-lane roads would
be cheaper to build then 212. Mr. Putnam explained.
PQr. Robert Williams expressed his concern about the increase of
traffic along Luther Way if this plan were to be implemented.
Suggested the City contact the Hennepin County Board regarding
the possibility of a community library in that area.
Mrs. Eames asked if the area across from Mitchell Lake on Hgwy. 5
was wide enough to accommodate a four-lane highway and if so,
what would happen to the Norway Piny: trees in that area. Mr.
Putnam stated without e. specific engineering study, they could
not be certain if the trees would be affected .
Mr. Don Peterson of Edcn Land Corporation stated his opposition
to a major change in the Comprehensive Guide Plan adopted by the
City. His firm had pursued a shopping center at Valley View
and Mlitchell Road as the Comprehensive Guide Plan was dedicated
to keeping; commercial ventures off Hgwy. 5. Have been trying to
lease their shopping center for a year and a half[ but have been
unable to do so due to the throat of a center on Hgwy. 5. Stated
they arc against a proposal which would change the policy of the
Comprehensive Guide Plan and City should consider more than just
Co. Rd. 4 and 119wy. 5 when changing policy.
Dr. John Savaryn stated he was concerned about cxpensivo parks to
north of his land and said it was not good planning to have resi-
dential homes so close to offices - there should be multiple
dwellings to permit maximum number of people to use facilities.
There will be transit along Hgwy. 5, so commercial ventures should
be near there to permit the maximum number of people to use them.
Mr. Pat Allison, representing Eden Land Corp. , stated the firm's
opposition to this plan and said they pay a great deal in taxes
and have always cooporatod with the City. The 4/5 project is not
all -that is being discussed, it is the whole city. Eden Prairie t
does not have the population to support another shopping center.
Their understanding was that future road studies and building was
to eliminate traffic on Hgwy. 5. They will not build any more
facilities until this issue is resolved.
Minutes -6- January 149 1975
II. PliBLIC IIL;.RIIIGS: (Cony d. )
Mr. Roger Pauly voiced his concern regarding the proposed
upgrading of Hgtry. 5 into a four-lane highway which would
approach freeway standards and represented a major policy
change on the part of the City. Asking the Council to make
a major policy chango was beyond the scope of the study.
Referred to a study in depth about routing 212 along 5 by
HNTB. Experts revicvx:d the history of the Village 's policy
when doing this study and this must be taken into account
by anyone making a docision on the proposed plan. Also,
stated that the upgrading should have to meet at least the
same set of standards as a freeway. 4
Mr. Putnam said the 170 traffic projections for Hgwy. 5 were
higher than those predicted for 212. Also, Per. Putnam stated
they were not changing the Conipra hens ivc Guide Plan relative
to transportation policy as Hgwy. 5 is an arterial and were
not recommending a frooway for Hgwy. 5 .
Ruth Quaal stated pcoplo aro tired of wall to wall cement and
the environmentalists will fight 212 and -stop it 35 they did
in Duluth.
Mrs. Meyors stated sha read the HNTB study and mentioned the
safety conditions along Hgwy. 5 were intolerable and some
improvement must be mado. 4
Mr. Paul asked about a • d
y map in the 70 report showing a parkway
and wanted to know the source and status. Mayor Osterholt
said it was part of the Comprehensive Guide Plan and part of
the 212 Corridor Study which the City supported.
Mr. Claire Kispert stated his concern that a four-lane road
would bo too close to his property.
Mr.. Peterson asked what land uses were going to be allowed
along this corridor. Mr. Putnam said at this point in time,
he could not answer the question.
Mrs. Pauly said she had letters from concerned citizens which
she wantz:d to appear in the record. The letters were from:
Mrs. David Anderson, Mrs. John Kasid Don and Barbara Johnson,
and Ron Johnson. All the letters stated their opposition to
the upgrading of Hgwy. 5.
Mayor Oste"bolt surZosted taking no action until the Council
receives the Planning and Zoning Commission' s recommendations.
Meyers moved to continue Public Hearing until February 11, 1975.
. Penzcl seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Minutes -7- January 149 1975
Meyers moved to act on the Clerk' s License List at this time in the
meeting, Pc;nzel seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
D. Report of Finance: Director.
1. Clork' s License List .
Mr. Gould requested the Council renew his license for
a private kennel even though some of his neighbors
were against it. He presented about 18 letters from Dy
friends and neighbors stating his dogs are not vicious .
He said a lot of money has been spent to build up the
kennel, that he cleaned the kennel three times a weEk,
and did try to keep his dogs quiet.
Mr. Harvey Hladky said he wanted to see the letters
presented to the Council.
Mr. Dale Evans stated Mr. Gould's license when first
issued was for only 12 dogs and there: are many more now
and they howl at all hours of day and night. He said
• Mr. Gould (1) could not be trusted ( 2) could not handle
his dogs (3 ) boat the dogs (4) electrocuted them if
they barked and ( 5 ) had some of the dogs trucked away
in the last few days. Mr. Evans presented a letter f-om
his Veterinarian regarding an incident where one of the
dogs got loose and attacked Evan' s pet lamb so viciously,
the lamb had to be put to sleep.
Officer Wall inspected the kennel in question without
the owner's permission and walked among the dogs without
being bit . He said if all ordinances were to be enforced,
most of the people at the meeting complaining of the dogs
would be in trouble . Thcre were junked cars in front of
one house and in the yard of another, ten to twelve horses
on a one-acre lot. `
Mrs . Pauly mentioned a similar experience with a dog
attacking ono of their pet lambs and yet the dog showed
no other signs of being vicious .
Mr. Hladky said it was not just the lamb incident , but
the dogs howl all the time and disturb the neighbors.
Also, the same dog killed a neighbor's cat.
Mrs . Meyers asked Mr. Gould how the dog got loose , how
long the dog was loose and if the if the dogs wore being
Mr. Gould said the harness clip broke as it was rusty
allowing the dog to get loose . The dog was loose for
only a few hours as he couldn' t catch it by himself.
He denied mistreating the dogs and stated he uses a
Minutes —8— January 14, 1975
pellet gun to shoot thc;m in thy: rear when they bark, however, due to
heir thick fur, it does not hurt them — just stings. It is an appro—
.ed dog--handling practice: . He told tho Council he got rid of the dog
involved in tho lamb incident the sn nc: day end triad .to replace the
Evans' lamb, but Mr. . Evans would not accept the la-mbs a
Mayor Ostcrholt asked Mr. Gould why he had more than the 12 dogs
originally apprcved. Mr. Brent Prciaise , representing Mr. Gould,
stated tho original license was for 12 dogs, but after six months ,
he received approval for 18 dogs. The reason thero are more dogs
is some of them arc under six months old and are from the litters
of his dogs .
Mr. Karl Kurtz 'said the dogs are noisy.
Mr. Perbix suggested Officer Wall check the situation every so often.
Mr. Evans stated in Dccenber of t 72, they appeared before the Council
to state their opposition to renowal of his license. The Council
set up a private mecti.ng, hovrcver, they were unable to attend. He
said they did not receive notice that 14r. Gould was granted permission
to have more dogs.
Mrs. Stenehjam stated the dogs do howl just before they are to be fed,
. but she does not find it offensive.
Nirs . o Me rs asked if them was an cnclosurc Y"' for the dogs while being
nitchcd to the sled so they could not get loose . Mr. Gould said he
does not have such an cnclosurc.
Mayor Ostcrholt asked if each dog was licensed and Mr. Gould replied
they weren't, but he would do so if required.
Mr. Evans stated he was not out to do harm to Mr. Gould but wanted
the dogs out of thera and offered to let hin use his truck to do this
and would help him if necessary.
Mr. Penzcl asked if the Ordinance did not cover this situation, what
was the City's legal. right. Mr. Perbix explained the Ordinance; is
not perfectly clear as to what constitutes a nuisance concerning dogs.
Officer Hacking said the kc:nncl was inspected by the Public Safety
pept. six weeks prior to the complaints and it looked the; same then as
when they completed their more recent inspection. He suggestod the
Council mc;mbers go out and look at the kennel.
Meyers moved to approvo the license for 18 adult dogs and a maximum
of seven pups zrid direct the Public Safety Dept . to make six random
. insp::ctions prior to September 1, 1975, keep a log of verified
complaints and rrmort hack to the Council at the first mcetina in
Se tember, 1975 and for Mr. Gould to provide enclosure for dogs while being
hi?ched to sled. Penzel secnnded. motion carried unanimously.
_ 'a
Minute s _9- January 141, 1975
II . PUBLIC HEA RINGS : ' ( font' d. )
E. The Preserve Commercial Plan 200+ acre concept plan for the
'land surroun ing t u tdon Prairie Shopping Center in the MCA.
Presentation of overall concept and recuest for preliminary
plat approval for Area F contained in the proposed Preserve
Commercial Plan.
1. Resolution No. 938 approving the Preserve Commercial Plan.
2. Resolution No. 939 approving the preliminary plat of
Area F contained in the Preserve Commercial Plan.
Mr. Don Hess of the Presorve stated The Preserve Commer-
cial Plan will tako three hours to presont so, tonight, k
they are seeking approval for the preliminary plan plus
a PUD for the whole area and concept approval for Area F.
He said the plan was divided into areas to make planning
and approval of the plans easier to deal with; .and when
they have received approval for the preliminary plan and
the concept plan for hrea F, they will go on with the
other areas.
Mr. Loren Galpin of Development Concept Corp. explained
the specific areas and the various possible uses of the
land. He discussed access points, walkways,, bikeways ,
Hgwy. 169 and Ring Road Access and mentioned the holding
ponds for the storm sewer run-off from Homart .
Pauly moved to continue the Public Hearing for The Preserve
Commercial Plan (Resolution No. 938) until the Special
Meeting to be held at 7:30 PM on February 13 and direct
the staff to set up meeting with both the Planning/Zoning
Commission and Park/Rec. Commission. Penzel seconded.
Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Galpin stated they needed and felt they should have
direct access to the Ring Road as they are being assessed
for the Ring Road.
Mrs. Moyers asked why the plans showed the intersection
as a four-way when the Highway Dept. only approved a
throe-way. Mr. -Galpin replied that it is to be a three-
way intersection.
Mayor Osterholt stated his objection to a statement in
The Preserve's brochure that it is necessary for them to
have direct access to tho Ring Road to be a part of the
MCA . Explained this is not the case as there; will be
other businesses involved not having direct access, but
still a part of the MCA .
Mr. Lee Johnson said the easement of the pathways and
holding ponds would be granted.
Minutes -10- January 14, 1975
II . PUBLIC HEARINGS : (Cont ' d. )
E. 2. Mrs. Mcycrs mcnticned a staff report dated December 20, 1974
calling for the City to initiate some kind of policy for
overpassc;s and und :rpasscs ; and suggested directing staff
to develop policy for major bike—vray/hikowaysystems improvements .
Mr. Hess stated this was not a final plan — just preliminary
Mr. Johnson said they cannot sell parcel of land to Mathodis-'
Hospital until it is divided.
Mr. Gilpin explained they are requesting approval now as
tholy are trying to stay ahead of the game for planning.
Mr. Perbix did not see any legal problems to granting
approval for just this one piece.
Mrs . Neycrs asked Mr. Perbix if the Council could' grant
• - approval of th:: preliminary plat without doing anything to yx
affect the PUP rezoning. Mr. Perbix said the Council could
adjust the Plan accordingly. Mr. Galpin mentioned a firm
plan was not necessary as it could be changed.
Meyers moved to approve Resolution No. 939 approving the
preliminary plat of Arca F contained in the Preserve
Commorcial Plan and direct the City Attorney to draft the
zoning agreement and state the pathways/bikoways be made
public, Pauly seconded. Council 11::mbers Meyers , Pauly and
Penzel voted approval, Mayor Osterholt voted against.
Motion carried.
Penzel moved to consider only the following; Agenda items : Hidden
Ponds Final Plat Approval and Suburban Engineering Agri anent,
and continue rest of meeting until Thursday, January 161 1975
at 7:30 P111, City Hall. Pauly seconded. Motion carried
A. Report of Cit�,r rngincer
1. Final Plat approval for Hidden Ponds and 2nd Addition, a
sing c. amz'TJrosideFt-71—al plat located sour o uck
Lake trail and east of T.H. 101. Resolution No. 935.
Council mombers questioned Pir. Swedlund regarding trails,
outlots, 100' cut de sac, why two Valley View Roads , why
%thro:: T%-rtnn Curves. Mr. .1Krritson, S:•r:-:dlund ongincor re—
spondcd. Julli:: said_ tho 100• cul de sac was due to
Tossiblc purchase of property to south by City and School
ist. and cxplaincd the Public Safety Dept. had requested
they keep new street names to a minimum to avoid confus—
ion in time of an emergency.
Mr. Franc suggested Mr. Jullie adjust thq street names
and advise the Council accordingly.
Minutes -11- January 14P 1975
A . 1. Mcyers moved to approve Ram..solution No. 935 based on .
engineer' s report dated January 10, 1975 as amended
and under Park Dedication, add Outlot G to be dedicated
to the City as greenways and open spaces and adjust the
duplication of street names. Penzel seconded. Motion a
carried unanimously.
3. Approval of En?inecrin Al reenant with Suburban En ineer-
in o. atea 1/ Jt , for Ongineerin- services to be ro-
v1dod oonauthorized projects curing 1975.
Mr. Penzel asked about the City receiving copies instead
of originals and why the agxe.ement stated Suburban could
refuse to do a job.
Mr. Jullie Explained City has no direct need for originals
as long as the copies can be reproduced and essentially
serve the same function as originals. They were given
the option of being able to refuse a job as sometimes
there are extenuating circumstances which would prevent
them from completing the job to the City's satisfaction.
Mrs. Pauly stated she would like to see an affidavit from
Suburban as to who else they are doing business with, if
IL they halre an interest in any real estate or personal
property in Eden Prairie in ordor to avoid a possible
conflect of interest.
Penzel moved to approve the agreementpending clarification
of Paragraph C-1 on Pg. 4 and request an affidavit from
Suburban re conflict of interest as stated by Mrs. Pauly.
Meyers seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Penzel moved to schedule a special meeting at 7 PM on Thursday,
January 16, 1975 for City Manager consideration. Mayers seconded.
Motion carried unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 1: 27 ALMS to be continued at 700 PM, on
January 16, 1975, at City Hall.