HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council - 01/07/1975 ECTU
'JTFSDAY.. January 7, 1975 7:30 PM, City _Hall
Me e
COUNCIL A.I�-ZBERS : Mayor D. W. Osterholt , Joan y rs
Sidney Pauly, Wolfgang Penzel,
William Bye
COUNCIL STAFF PRESENT : Acting City Manager John Frane
City Attorney Harlan Perbix
Planner Dick Putnam
City Attorney, Harlan Perbix, administered the oath of office to recently elected Council
Members Joan Mevers and William Bve.
Invocation was given by John Miles, Seminarian, Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Pledge of Allegiance .
Roll Call.
Pg . 5 , Para . 3 , delete "Park and Rec.Commission"s", insert "his" .
Pg. 102 Para. 69 2nd line , delete "75"s insert
Pauly moved to approve minutes as corrected and published, p-leyers
seconded. Notion carried unanimously.
A. Resolution No. 926 — 1975 Ileeting Dates and Times.
Penzel moved to adopt Resolution No. 9261 Pauly seconded.
Mayor Osterholt stated meetings will be held on the first, second ,
and fourth Tuesdays of the month and suggested reserving one meeting
for public hearings, if possible. Motion carried unani—
B. Resolution No. 927 — DesIgnati.ng Official Newspaper.
Mr. Jeff Peterson of the Eden Prairie Newspaper requested the
Council to withhold designating an official paper for 90 Days
until their legal status has been settled.
Councilwoman Pauly asked if it would be possible to divide thy:
year between the two papers and have each designated as the
official paper for half a year. Mr. Perbix suggested the
deletion of 111975" from the Resolution so the City could
change their designation during the year.
Meyers moved to adopt Resolution No. 927 and delete in the
title and text the year 111975" s Penzel seconded. Motion
carried unanimously.
C. Resolution No. 928 — Official Depository for City Funds,.
Penzel moved to adopt Resolution No. 928, T-Ieyers seconded.
Motion carried unanimously.
Minutes —2— January 7, 1975
D. Resolution No. 929 — Investment Authorization
Penzel moved to' adopt Resolution No, 929, Pauly seconded.
Motion carried unanimously.
E. Resolution No. 930 — Signatory Authorization f
Meyers moved to adopt Resolution No. 930, Penzel seconded.
;lotion carried unanimously.
F. Resolution No. 931 — Facsimile Signer atorj Authorization
Penzel moved to adopt Resolution No. 931, -Pauly seconded.
Motion carried unanimously.
G. Mayor Osterholt requested a nomination for Vice Mayor. Penzel
nominated Councilwoman Meyers, Bye seconded. I-lotion carried
A & B. Association of Metropolitan Municipalities
Penzel nominated Mayor Osterholt to fill the position of
Official Representative for the City with Council Members
Bye , Meyers , Pauly and Penzel acting as alternates . Meyers
seconded. I-lotion carried unanimously.
C. South Hennepin Human Services Council
Penzel' s term has another year to run. Penzel nominated
Mrs. i-lary Hayden as consumer representative and Acting
City I-Tanager John Frane as representative for the City.
Meyers seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
D. CATV Study Commission
Penzel nominated Councilwoman Meyers as representative for
the Council, and Acting City Manager John Franc. Bye
seconded. I-lotion carried unanimously.
E. Board of Appeals and Adjustments
Pauly moved to appoint present members Messrs. Anthony Hirt,
James Wedlund, Don Sorensen, and Tom Cebulla; and nominated
Mr. Bye as Council Representative. Penzel seconded. Motion
carried unanimously.
F. Building Code Board of Appeals
Penzel moved to nominate Messrs. Wayne Brown, Paul Molzahn,
Robert Lapic, Charles DeBono and Meyers seconded. Motion
carried unanimously. Mayor Osterholt will nominate another
individual later.
Minutes -3- January 7, 1975
?'II. APPOINT?, ENTS : (Contd.)
G. Planning Commission 4 ..
Mayor Osterholt nominated Dr. Ben Bofenkamp, Bye nominated
Roger Boerger, Panzcl nominated Norma Schee , and Meyers
nominated Richard Fcrrick. Pauly moved to consider all
four names nominated, Penzel seconded. Ilotion carried
unanimously. A vote was taken and I-Irs . Schee and Mr. Boorger
were named to tho Planning Commission.
Penzel moved to nominate Pleyers as Council Representative ,
Pauly seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Pauly requested the matter of Council Members serving on
advisory boards bo discussed or placed on the agenda for
a futura meeting. The decision was made to place on agenda
for February 4, 1975 meeting.
H. Park and R,:croation Commission
Mayor Ostcrholt recommended Brian rlikkelson as Youth Member,
Mr. Jerry Kingrey, Pars , T•Iary Upton; and Mr. Penzel as Council
Pauly moved to accept the Mayor's recommendations for the Park
and Recreation Commission, Penzel seconded. Motion carried
I. Human Rights Commission f
Mayor Osterholt recommended Lou Teslow, Eleanor Beal, Daffney y
Krause; and Mrs . Pauly as Council Representative. Penzel
nominated Mrs. Cheryl Grussing. Bye moved to approve the
nominees, Pauly seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
J. Appointment of Acting City rianagcr
Mayor Ostcrholt recommended Mr. John Frane be appointed as
Acting City Manager,
Meyers moved to appoint Mr. John Franc as Acting City Manager,
Penzel seconded. T-Zotion carried unanimously.
K. Appointment of City Attorney
Mr. Franc recomm,-,nded Plr. Harlan Perbix for City Attorney.
Penzel moved to appoint Mr. Perbix as City Attorney, Bye
seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
A . Communication from Sun News a ers requesting designation of
c.. op in.-i q xnncton a- , en Prairi.c; Sun as the City's official
newspaper for 1975.
Penzel moved to receive and file , I-layers seconded. Motion
carried unanimously.
Minutes -4- January 7; 1975
B. Communication from Sheriff Don Omodt dated December 20, 1974
in icating aiscontinuation of t eir coverage ,of the Crosstown-.
Mr. Hacking presented to Council and stated it posed no
problem at the present time .
Mayers moved to receive and file , Penzel seconded. Motion
carried unanimously.
A. Second reading of Ordinance No. 280 regulating fees and
c arges or busincss licanscs ,, permits and municipal servicEs
for repealing Ordinance No. 210.
Penzel requested clarification of Sec . 8.19 A-1 regarding
townhouses and apartment versus condominiums.
Attorney Perbix will change wording to clarify meaning.
B. Second reading of Ordinance Iuo. 27$ providing for review of .�
certain proposed signage programs by the Chief Building
Inspector, amending Ordinance No. 261.
Meyers moved to adopt second reading of Ordinance No. 278y
Penzel secondcd. Motion carried unanimously.
A . Report of Councilwoman P•Ieyers
1. Review of Major Center Area Report Bids:
Councilwoman T•To-yers rvqucstcd that Mr. Putnam present
this matter to the Council.
Mr. Putnam stated a total of 932 orders have been received
and that a cost of $5 .49 per copy would cover the total
cost of printing. Metro Printing gave low bid of $5122 .00.
Penzel moved to authorize the printing of 2500 copies of
the PICA Report. by Metro Printing at a cost of $5122.00,
and a uniform price of $5.00 per copy. Bye seconded.
Roll call vote taken with Council Members Bye , Meyers,
Pauly and Pcnzcl voting in favor and Mayor Osterholt
against . Motion carried.
B. Report of Actin City P-Iana&Qr
1. Employee Compensation Program for fiscal 1975
Pauly suggested delaying action and rcquostod additional
.information. Meyers asked for an existing salary table
along with increases, various grades and the $100 monthly
Minutes r-5- January 79 1575
B. 1. car allowance.
Mayor Osterhelt "asked that grade increases be separated
from cost-of-living increases.
Pauly suggested the 1$0 a mile car allowance be justified.
Bye suggested the Council recieve more imput as to how they arrived
at the recormiended amounts.
Mayor Ostcrholt suggested this matter be placed on the
agenda for the February •4, 1975 meeting, and making the
raises re-troactive.
Mayors moved to hold a special meeting on January 20, 1975
at 7:30 P14 `in City Hall to consider the Employee Coupon--
sation program, Pc.nzcl seconded. Motion carricd'unani-
2. Affirmative Action Program
Mr. Franc explained a program was necc$s.ary in order to
qualify for various types of Federal -funding.
Pcnzcl moved to approvo the Affirmative 'Action Program,
Pauly seconded. -Motion carried unanimously.
3 . Agrccmcnt for Contractual- Sorvi.ccs for Health Authority
3.or' the t;iuy "off' .Face Prairie or-1975
Meyers suggested'-the first line in Paragraph 5 be corrected
to read, "DZr. Holloway is expected to set up and conduct
a program of edudation and enforcement of Ordinance No.250."
Penzol moved to -adopt agroo.ment as amended, Noyers seconded.
Motion carried unanimously.
4. Public Safety Grant , Resolution No. 932
Officer Hacking rcquestc:d the Council pass the Rcso3.ution
for sponsorship of the grant. Also stated the second year
of the program would cost the City about $3900.
Meyers moved to approve Resolution No. 932, Pcnzol -secondod.
Motion carried unanimously,.
C. Report of Planning Director
1. December 24 ' 1974 letter from Nletrapolitan, Council. regard-
in& Major enter ARE =an Rciview.
Mr. Putnam requested an extensign on .the ravicw until
� 1
January 27, 1975. Bye moved to approve extension, MOyors
seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Minutes -=-6- 3anuary 7, 1 75
C. Report of Planning Dircetbr (Contd. )
2. Summary of V.10tropol'itan Council's ..staff reports on MOA
Plan and Edch Frairic ItIn€; RoutQse
Mr. Putnam stated the plan is being updated and copies
will be distributed to, Council mcmb-6rs prior. 'to meeting
to be held January 14, 1975. h
Penzel moved to place on agenda for January 14v 19759
P;eycrs seconded. Motion .eorri-od urianimously.
D. Report of Finance Diructor
1. Clerk's License List_
Mr. Franc stated Lyon' s Tap should be added to #.fie list
fora 3 .2 beer- license .
Council Mc,-mbcrs questioned, Mr. Berg, Owner,. as to the
person who- will operate the establishment, %oho the awricfis
are, etc.
Mr. Berg stated he and his wife own.- Lyon's Tape c�)ntigant
on their license being approved and` it will be An by them.
Mr. Penzcl asked why 'PTctro Water Conditioning and Sullivan
Septic Tank Scrvicc were-,not on the list because they do
business in :Edcni Prairie , , and what a Solicitor's LiConsc
Mr. Franc explained the Solicitor's License was for the
Uniform -Guard Service and that Metro Water Conditioning
and Sullivan Septic Tank Service had not applied for a
license .
Penzel moved to approve the Clerk's License List with the
addition of Lyon' s Tap and. the deletion of thc' Solicitor's
Licc.nso, :Meyers- seconded. Motion carried unanirsously.
2. Payment of Claims 'Nos. 5571,- 556$9 5656-5799
Mcyers moved, to approvo payment of Claims as listed, Bye
seconded. Roll call vote taken and mot on -aarriod> un&hi:-
A . Pauly suggested a Dog Day bc1 set for ,cog',rly sprig. -p poople
could bring their dogs in and get theirr' license and have a
,, Veterinarian on duty to give the roquircd. shots.
Minutes -7- January 7, 1915
B. Mr. Francs requested permission to hire .,an auditor for two
wooks to help him close the books.
Moyers moved to consider action on this matter, Penzel
seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Meyers moved to authorize Mr. Franc -tea employ _temporary
accounting help for up to $O hours at a rate of -not more
than $25 an hour from the George N. Hansen Accounting Firm.
Penzel seconded. Lotion carried unanimously.
C. Penzel moved to consider action on signing of Plutual Fire
Aid Agreements, Ncyers se-condod i Motlon , carried unanimously.
Moyers moved to authorize the Mayor and Acting City Managor
to sign Mutual Firc Aid Agreements for Edan Prairie. Penzel
seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Penzel moved to adjourn, Mayers seconded. - Mot::An Carried
Meeting adjourned at .1.0:20 PTS.