HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council - 07/28/1970 - Village Meeting f 1INUTES
Tues,dav, Jul ,! 1^7C 7:3C t .f , Village '..all
iici;ibers present were flavor Osterliolt, Councilmen Naugen, Nesbitt, Redpathh
and Li eb. Also present were Village ;tanager, George C. fii to and Village
;'%ttorney Harlan Perbix.
A. !`Vets or Peace. Gonation for Flan Purchase. f r. Rav Carly, Executive
Secretary for Vets for Peace , presented a check; In tle amount of a 6.00 to
Mayor Osterholt for the purpose of purchasing an American Flag to use at the
Village (fall . flavor Osterholt thanked Mr. Early and his organi a`.ic.t fcr
their donation.
T I . 71IfiUTES OF JULY 14 1970
ie Ili notes of July y - , 1970 were approved without correction.
A. he reserve and " CdenvalF-1T PUD Concept Hearing. Mr. Redpath moved
that the Council schedule a public hearing on the Preserve's Planned Unit
ueveloprIL:i t Concept proposal for August 17th at 7:30 P.M. . in the Village Nall .
11r. Nesbitt seconded. All voted aye. Motion carried.
f1r. Naugen i-ioved that the Council conduct a public hearing on Eden Land
Corporati ons's Planned Unit Development Concept on August 24th at 7:30 P J1.
at the Eden Prairie High School . fir. Lieb seconded. All voted aye. Motion
C. Stanton :'Associates Inc. Metro alitan Area Salary Survey-. The Manager
presented each member of the Council with a copy of a survey of 1970 salaries
for governmental employees in the Twin City Area. He asked the Council to
study the report prior to the time they consider the 1971 budget.
C. County Commissioner Robb. Notice of County Board of Equalization Meeting.
flayor Oster o t announced that he intended to attend this meeting and as. e a
:.ther Council members attend if they could. f"r. Redpath moved the adoption
of Resolution No. 359 expressing the Counci l ' s concern about possible variations
in property revaluation policies in various Hennepin County Communities as well
us tc request that the Hennepin County Board exericse restraint in establishing
its 1971 tax Levey in consideration of the high percentage of assessed valje
increase due to revaluation. Mr. Nesbitt seconded. All voted aye. Motion
D. League of flinnesota Munich alities. Request for SupRort of Tax Exempt
ProheerrtyFArren ment. Action on this r,ha ter was deferred until e meeting o
ugus-t 11th.
E . HeCb 11 5 Njaing. of Transistor Electronics. By letter
(tated , u y ), 1177C T.r. , Oason advised the Council thatthey were having some
di , , icul 'Lv disoasin- (if t.;,•e rerlairlinn nateria , from their minino operation.
I;t' exnressed optieAsn that thev WOUld be able to :iisnosc of the entire bill
u-/ tiii s fa 1 or ncx , intc,r. T��r r�u, i1 asl:ca. _,iat "��naq r rite r.
�:lil:lllf ,i'"• Tor ilis status report and expre'ssinq t�-iu Courcil 's �!esire
as Cuickl - as -ossil,lr.
E. E(lio'n PrE?.irie la-!cces ' E:xr ression of f rinositiori to TkPcndment to State
Sal�_s ax atr. /; cat Zr ro;-, t i,e 15 en prairie „ajycra� s a :visrc� the o{sr�ct
t','ic. L
c,,,yc 's are op:-os=:d to any proposu: : revision of the 'tate Sales
..;4 1(_'rF�r 'lam �,^ri l t)t�s )f :1u ",IX US ".IO 11 U �( rC tUrnc-d :Bras!; to tic corimuni k.Y
i t i s cc;l a, te.:. T r= a r;a aer seas �zsl:c�" tc� :wi to t!-.f J :cecs
ire ..ic : for 1,14eir Ie*I-ter aii,! adVisi,1r1 ther, that the Council toould (live
t:I it Pcasi clan seri� us cor;siceration if s.lci legislation is 1)roposccl.
Ecl:lund and S,�e nd. 1!I!A ication 'For Lot division. ;;ilicrest Court
2n l ti on. ;:t7so uti on No. 35 . The proposal to move a lot line seven feet
was presented, i)v tine V age tianaaer, who noted that the Planning Corimission
i lad conducted a pudic hearing on the proposal and had recommended to the
Council that it 11-ic approved subject to the relocation of the utility easement
centered on the present location of the lot line. INr. Nesbitt noved the
adoption of 1'esolution i;o. 357. approving the division of Lot 2, P;lock, 3,
HsillcreSt Courts 2nc t,dui tior� as proposed by i,r. Swedl und. iir. Redpath
secondcei. .l l voted aye. t oti on carried.
!i. Gar-Son 'Building Corp. Notice of August 3 1970, 7:30 P.H. Nei hborhood
'-let in r ,s terian Church. ie age ,anager advised the ounce tatq
Uor Son Cui ing Corporation wriuld be presenting their Planned Unit Development
concept proposals for tine property located at the south end of Bryant Lake
adjacent to Valley View Road at a neighborhood meeting to be held at 7: 30
P.N. on August 3rd at the Eden Prairie Presbyterian Church.
A. E en Land Corporation, i-Nning Permit Application. Mr. Don Peterson
of the Eden Land Corporation, present= t!,eir request or a 1970 mining permit
for the purpose of removing material from property they owned on the north
side of TFi 5, and immediately east of Purgatory Creek. The Village Manager
reviewed the history of mining on this property which had been previously
conducted under a permit issued to Roy E. Olson. Fie recommended that a 1970
permit be issued subject to a maximum removal of 170,000 cubic yards. tie
further recormrended that the application be required to weigh or otherwise
measure the material as it is removed from the pit and that these records be
made available to the Village Inspector. Fie suggested that no futher permits
be issued after December 31 , 1970 until such time as an overall grading plan
relating to the proposed Edenvale Development had been prepared and approved
by the Village. tie further suggested that material removed from the hill not
be placed in the flood plain of Purgatory Creek until such time as appropriate �
permits have been obtained from either the Purgatory Creek Watershed District
Conservation Department. r"layor Osturholt suggested further limatations be
applied to the permit limiting the scope and depth of the mining to that
allowed under the original Olson permit. Mr. Peterson noted that the mining
they proposed was considerably less then that originally proposed by f1r. Olsen,.
t'r. Redpath moved that a 1970 mining permit be issued to the Eden Land Corp.
subject to a riaxiru:; removal of 170,009 cubic yards; that the riininn not
execs that originally proposed on the Olson permit; that the material be
Council ':ii nutes
,July 1970
Page 3
{ wei piled or rieasured and records inade available to the Village; and, that
no additional permits be issued until such time as an overall grading plan
related to the proposed Edenvale project had been approved. Mr. Haugen
seconded. All voted aye. Motion carded.
The t1anager was asked to advise those mining that they would need to obtain
,Y necessary permits from the Watershed District or the Conservation Department
3 before they place material in the flood plain of Purgatory Creek.
0. Special Assess►ient Hearinc, Date `?esolution No. 358. tr. Haugen moved
the adoption o Resolution �o. 1 establishing : On September Cth
t- as the tine for special assessment hearings on the Washington Avenue Utility
Lf and street improvements and the Ccrral Lane and High View Drive Tcrporary
LLJ Street Improvements. Nr. Nesbitt seconder;. All voted aye. tlotion carried.
A. Audit of Clai-ms 7540 through 7633. Nr. Nesbitt moved that claims
7540 through a au ized for payment. Clain No 7672 was voided.
Ftr. Redpath seconded. On roll call , all voted aye. Motion carried.
0 Re B. 1970 Budget. First Six Months ort. The Manager presented a
statement o actual revenue an expenditures compared with annual budget
estimates for the first six months of 1970. The report disclosed that
General Fund reveoues of $148,G02 represented 32.4 0 of those anticipated
for calendar year 1970. The General Fund expenditures and encumbrances of
:P-1 31 ,270 represented 41 .71 of 1970 budget estimates. Mr. Haugen suggested
that the arrangement of the tabulation be adjusted so that the percentage
column is better related to the revenue and expenditure plus encumbrance
figures. The Hanager corTnented that he felt that the compari si ons indicated
that the General Fund accounts were in good shape. The Council concurred.
Meeting adjourned 8:20 P.M.
fi Edna M. Ho mgr er
�r W
Wednesday, July 29th 1970 7:00 P.M. , High School
Members present were Mayor Osterholt, Councilmen Haugen, Lieb and Nesbitt.
Also present was Village Manager, George C. Hite.
A. Eden School Addition. Lateral Sewer and Water. Street Surfacing.
The Village anager presented and explaihed the proposed improvement project.
He indicated that the estimates have been revised since the first hearing on
June 23rd by subtracting from the earlier figures the amounts that had been
included in the cost estimate to cover a number of contingency items. He
presented a report dated July 27th which identified the contingency items
which had been removed from the estimate and the new cost estimates. He
said that the contingencies which had been removed were things that could
possibly happen on a project but the probability of thier happening was remote.
He presented the total assessable cost of the proposed lateral sanitary
sewer at $59,951 . Estimated costs for each of the estimated 46 REC's was
$1 ,303. Total estimated assessable cost for watermain was given as $68,092
with an estimated cost per REC of $1 .188. Street Surfacing was estimated
to cost $43,978 or $862 per REC. He noted that the sanitary sewer estimate
was based on the premise that street surfacing would be authorized. He in-
dicated that if the sewer work were to proceed then approximately $165 would
have to be added to the sewer estimate to cover necessary street restoration. x
He indicated that the proposed $862 per REC for street surfacing was based on
5 REC's being assignee to the industrical and commercial properties along the
ease by School Road. Approximately $13,453 of the watermain cost was assigned
to the Eden Pkairie School District.for service to the High School and Central
Elementry Buildings.
Some of the residents of the area said that they felt that the project was
premature and there was no evidence of pollution within their neighborhood.
A petition signed by 31 of the property owners voice their oppostion to the
project. Another petition signed by 5 property owners indicated their
support for the project.
Mr. Lieb said that he felt that the project was premature and that there had
been no evidence of pollution presented. He moved that the project be aband-
oned. Mr. Nesbitt seconded. Mr. Haugen said he felt the need was apparent.
Mr. Lieb, Nesbitt, Redpath, and Osterholt voted aye, Haugen voted No. Motion
B. Birch Island Area. Lateral Sewer and Water. Street Surfacing. The Manager
presented revised cost estimates w6ich tookinto account eliminati5g certain
contingency items from the estimates. A report dated July 27th was presented
identifying the contingency items which had been removed from the cost estimate
and setting forth the revised cost estimates. The total estimated assessable
cost of the lateral sewer was given at $420,221 or $1 ,811 per REC. Estimated
assessable cost of the lateral watermain was $241 ,358 or $1 ,183 per REC. The
street surfacing estimate was $162,317 or $775 per REC.
A number of residents from the area expressed stron opposition to the
proposed improvement indicating that they felt the project had been poorly
engineered, that the cost estimates were much too high and there was
absolutely no need for public sanitary sewer or watermain within the area..
Petitions signed by one hundred and two property owners asked that the
Council immediately table all consideration of the proposed improvements
and to rescind the recent authorization of the sanitary sewer and water
trunk facilities. One gentlemen indicated that sewer costs have only
increased 10% in the last 20 years and that there is no reason to believe
they would increase in the future. Other indicated that they were certain
that their neighborhoods could continue for at least another 10 years with
the private systems. They said they felt that if people would properly
maintain their systems, no problems would result.
A few indicated that they felt the problem was severe and much more wide
spread than was evident by the expression of those attending the hearing
Tow of three individuals advised the Council of problems that they had with
their systems which they felt could not be corrected by anything other than K
public utilities. Others indicated that although they were having no
difficulty they were aware of problems in the area and that they felt it was
in the best interest of the whole neighborhood to proceed with the project.
Mayor Osterholt said he felt it was apparent that the people would favor
the improvement if it could be made available at a lower cost but that he
was not convinced that a public health problem existed. Mr. Redpath moved
that the Council abandon the project. Mr. Haugen seconded. All voted aye.
Motion carried.
A. Eden House Sit Up U—cense. Mr. Lieb moved that the Council authorize the
issusance of a set up license to the Eden House. Mr. Haugen seconded. ' All
voted aye. Motion carried.
aG " l
Edna M. Holmgren, e