HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council - 01/14/1969 - Village Meeting 5
UfeS, J-7! . �:'iZ .L' , 1c ti 7 .1iO P.ti. :gill;-e .:all
c--;- s+Fi .> "1vBI; :Yi` tne- Rev. S—tarr, foilowei... by tt1P caUi,.; e nce
i ..
-?oi.'i.l.::,'•' �C, D%Ste.rll:.71t in -l`.i:e P1ef-I's?e of A 11 c,-7 iaiicP_.
�"ers :)I,;_gent frere .:a,,,or Javi(1 Osterholt, Paul Redpath, golf i;au en,
r 21nh :.eSul tt , aZi WarrE'72 ihiilt7. :ieor{;Z L. illte,
�'=llctk?E:' t.rand,'er.
10 A 1'; 20, 2968
TIie -d-v-,tes cf Jecom-1.,or 10, 1969 were unan.TnOUS1V aPj)1'OVec, upon motion by
i'r• starren ::hult: n<.' S^_conQ by . r• eClpath.
Tile ::iinutec of Lece,-.ber 20, 196E' ; ere unanimously approved upon motion hy a
7'• Re: - V, nii COa':�: : ,• I`. . Shultz.
II . i`t. ;iI :a�'AKI,;(!S
r . V3rialcce Rt-riu^ t - Lcklunu zin< >wecilund for variances pem. itting front
yaru .yet acks, of 25 feet rather than the required 50 feet on Lots 1 through
C� , 31ncr 2, ::illcrest Courts. ire note, that the request was submitted
Lecauc«� t:i tono,:ra-�°zJ of the properties ;areventec.: reasona^le development
i 5 tie -io:-les ilau to t o set 'rack the required 50 feet. he also noted that
( ti;e se z .;.-lck on the closest ad acent h(;me was 35 feet an(". recommended that
\ varil-m :cs 1)er iittiT:? 315 foot set bacf:-- or, Lots 1 through 6 Le granted.
..r. : wec-l.unc; was present and indicated his approval of the recommended
35 foot setLacks.
t r. i e,. pat i novec and h;r. i:esi.i tt seconded, that zoning variances be granted
on Lots 1 throug . 6, block 2, Hillcrest Court permitti;2p front yard set backs
of 35 fee*. t'otion was seconded by ter. Nesbitt and unanimously carried.
III . ni'..trSJ✓::TATIO:tS
A. 1969 Goals and Recommendations - Mayor Osterholt.
Mayor Osterholt asked Mr. Shultz to chair the meeting so that he might step
down and address thf_ Council. Mr. Shultz accepted the chair and recognized
Hr. Osterholt. Mayor Osterholt presented a statement , a copy of which is
made a part of these minutes, outlining; a series of foals which he hoped that
he and t:^.e Council could accomplish during 1969. These included the
esta:)lishrient of a Citizen's Advisory Committee consisting of representatives
of the many cormunity and nei;hborhood groups within the Village. The
Advisory Collili ssian would advise the Village Council and its advisory
commissions on matters of concern to the residents of the community. He
further recoitimended the existing advisory committees be expanded to include
members of the Hii7h School student body so that the younger persons in the
Village could contriLute their talents while at the same time gaining a
better understanding of the local government. Mayor Osterholt added that
high on his list of jowls for 1969 was the establishment of a commercial area
to serve the residents of the community. He concluded by thanking both past
and present Councils for their contributions to the Village and added that
he felt the Village was in a unique position to take advantage of the many
opportunities that were presenting themselves. Mayor Osterholt then resumed
chairing the meeting.
COU, CIIL I'.Liv"ir
i. P afire two
IV. AP?UIra T"L:iT.>
'�. illa}?n Attorney
'r. Hite recommen e( that ::r. iiarlan Perbix be ap aointed Village Attorney
for 1961--). Ile in 2lcdte(I that he and Mr. Perbix had d'_scus;ed the increasinf;
le;Tal service work load an(.; that it seemed apparent that Mr. Perbix woul3
rieeca adr-itional asr;is-Lance within the hear future. Mr. Shultz moved and
Mr. i:esbitt .second that the recommendation be accepted. The motion
carried unanimously.
B. Park and P.ecreation Commission
Mayor Osterholt appointed Nr. Daniel Boos ar.d Mr. Dorsey Holt to the Park
and Recreation Commission sLiblect to the approval of the Council. Mir. Red-
path moved that I'Ir. Boos's appointment be confirmed. Mr. Hauge..i seconded.
All voted aye. The :notion carried. tlr. Nesbitt -moved that Mr. Dorsey holt's
appointmelt he confin.ieu. I'Ir. Shultz seconded. I4ayor Osterholt, ;r. Nesbitt
aad. Mr. . Shult:, voted aye. i1r. flaur-en and I'r. I edpath abstained. The motion
C. "Human Rir-hts Commission
iiayor Osterholt re-appointed Messrs. `r:obert Fopesky, Virgil Steinhoff, and d
Stanley Starr subject to the confirmation of the Council. Mr. Redpath moved
that tl e appointments be confirmed. Far. fiaugen seconded. The motion
carried unani-iously. }
D. Industrial Commission
Upon request of Mr. Redpath consideration of these appointments was deferred
until the jar,uary 2 th meeting.
A. .Metropolitan Council 1969 LAWCON Application.
Mr. . :Iite advised the Council that the Metropolitan Council had approved the
1969 LAi COII annlicatioa. fie noted that this approval dial not constitute the
grantin of the *coney but that it represented an important step in the process
of the application through State and rederal agencies.
3. Eden Prairie Athletic Association - Re uest to use the Village Hall.
fJr. P.ednat , moved that t Fe Men Prairie Athletic Associgtion be authorized
to use the Village Hall on either the third or fourth Monday of each Month A
without cost. P'r. Haugen seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
A. Marren Carlson Request for Mobile Horse Permits.
:'r. Hite noted the location of the proposal and advised that he had asked
Mr. PFr'_;ix to prepare a resolution for the Council to consider', which
resolution would cinstitute denial of the requested permit: and would indicate
the reasons for such action. Mr. Perbix read the resolution. Mr. Shultz
moved that Resolution fi257 he adopted. Mayor Osterholt seconded. All voted
Faye. The motion carries,
I�. flop e Lindman Request for Mobile Home Permits.
Iar. Iiite noted the location of the petitioner's property and advised that he
had requested that Mr. Perbix prepare a resolution denying the request and
a ;
L.VV.\CZ!a i1+.1U iL..J
Januar_; lii, 1969
Page three
stating the reasons for such action. :1r. Redpath r-ioved that Resolution. #,258
he adoptecl. ir. :Nesbitt seconded. All voted aye. The motion carried.
C. Plann .n? Commission Recommended Zoniri7 Ordinance.
ir. Mite :,resented each Councilman with a copy of a new zoning ordinance
which had been recommended to the Council i--y the Planning Commission at the
Co-r:isrsion's January 7th i.,eetinpr. lie indicates: that additional copies would
Le ivaila:le in about a week for distribution to others who might be interest-
ec.. "-r, Re'path moved that the proposed ordinance be received for consider-
ation anc tt;at a public hearing on the ordinance be scheduled for January 30th
at 7: 30 r.CI. t1r. l'.auFen seconded. All voted aye. The motion carried.
D. 1969 Licenses.
ii: Hite presenters a list of license applications for 1969 and recommended
that all b approved.
1. ::r. 'Oes'Li tt moves: that the gravel mininti* licenses be approved. 'Mr.
If.e:A,), . seconded. All vote: aye. The Notion carried.
Tl.,e Cou::cil x equested that at the tine the mining; pr-.rr:it applications are
con i'.lort'•,! a;. ain that the- Ldtial date of tie issuance of the license he
1C teC':. ('1r 1ilte reported, that SU`'te 'tli..e LAUr 1Ii,^, thenext year he would
t)rc_'�cirt a r(,-p.c')rt cr, eac"i of the riilnlrig operations Tor th.e Council's
2. Wells.
11r. Redpat'ti -loved that the well licenses be approved. Xr. i-au^en seconded.
All votu;':. aye. TLe notion carried.
3. Dance `-;all s.
t1r. hultz iiIOVP_ that the < ance hall license be approved. 1-1r. Nesbitt
seconce,. . All voted aye. The motion carried.
u. Drive In.
11r. Reidp.ith moved that the drive in license be approved. Mr. Shult. seconded.
All voted aye. The motion carried.
5. CiZarettes .
r1:. Redpath nove'd that the ci arette licenses he approved. Mr. Nesbitt
sc Conuea. All votes? aye. The notion carried.
G. 3.2 beer on.
: r. iiite reported that he had asked the Sheriff's Deputies to review the
;ecr licenses and that vley had approved all of them. Mr. Redpath moved
that the 3.2 peer on licenses be approved. Hr. Haugen seconded. All voted
ay F.. i'}ie motion carried.
3.2 L`or off.
I r. Redpath :roved that the 3.2 beer off licenses be approved. Mayor
( Osterholt seconded,. All voted aye. The motion carried.
7. I'iwnbzng.
Nr. tiite explained that plumbers were not licensed; only registered. As a
consF_1quence the fee was ;2.00 rather t Nan the $15.00 as it had been in the
r v
mc)veci that the p1uT bznr rer -.,-Stra-t ions 'De approve'.� .
Zr. 1fed att. e c on e All votes; aye. The notion carrieG.
..r. (-Ve' t, the sc:!wcr lice.-ses -tc app proved e d Mr. Laugen seconded.
A 1I I votes ay(-.. Carrieci.
h. Villa,,,e of 11--celsior - 1969 Fire Service Contract .
11r. Ifite recomTrnencledl the fire service contract with the Village of
Excelsior for 1969 ap?roved. He. i.ote(-1 that he was requesting that
Excelsior agree to a return of part of t',,e retainer portion of the contract
x_-ee in the event T 1.,,:�en Prairie should be able to serve itself before the end
of the -,,-ear. -I"r. K'ed-,-)ath moved treat the propose.: contract be approved.
11r. ii.aq-en secc.,nded. All voted aye. The motion carried.
F. A.cceptance of Outlot 4, Eden View SecondAddition.
Out-lot 14 is located on Pur-atory Creek imme(2iately adjacent to the west
side of Count- Road 4 (EI-Jen Prairie Road). The property was tax forfeited.
fir. Shultz mover; that the Village accept Outlot 4 , Eden View Second Addition.
Yr. Re-�Path seconded. All voted- ave. The notion carried.
G 169-212 Al;znment Study Meetin - Jan. 21. 8 P.LI!
r. advised the Council that a meetinl- had been arranged with tine
consultants retained by the 11-Innesota Highway Del--artment to consider t11Q,
169-22.2 alignments. The meetinc-' would be held at the Village liall on
January 21st at 8 :00 P.M. and 1,e asked that both the Council and the
Planninj7, Conmission be present. The purpose of the meeting would be to
adv--'sc those conducting the study of Eden Prairie' s interests and attitudes
on this matter.
il. Village - School District Cooperative Purchase - Twedt Property.
Mr. Hite reconmende(I that the Village enter into an agreement with the
Eden Prairie School District whereby they would cooperatively purchase the
Twedt property which is located west of County Road 4, south of West 72nd
Street and generally north of Round Lake. The Village had previously
indicated an interest in a portion of the Twedt property adjacent to Round
Lakr.i whereas the School District was interested in other portions closer to
County Road i,4 as a part of their proposed high school site. The remaining
portion was indicated on the Comprehensive Guide Plan as a community park
site which was to he developed in conjunction with the high schcol site.
lie recommended that the Village's current land acquisition program be
broadened to include this future community park site. He advised that it
would he difficult at this time to determine the relative allocation of the
property between the School District and the Village in that the alignment
of Valley View extended and the needs of both the high school and the
community park would have to be established before such allocations could he
made. Mr. Shultz moved that the Villa7,e enter into the recommended agreement
with the Lden Prairie School District and that it extend its current park
acquisition pro„ram to include the remaining portions of the Twedt property.
r1r. Recipath seconcaed the motion. It is noted that the funds for the purchase
for the additional property would be made available through the park bond
issue. All voted aye. The notion carried.
January 14 , 19611
Pa-e �ivC?
CI. A prais,al Contracts - Round and Starin Lakes.
-1r. Hite- recommended that Nr. Peter Patchin be retained by the Village to
prepare appraicals or. the property that is to be purchased for park purposes
in the Round Lake area. Ile indicated that tor. Patchin would be paid on an
hourly basis and the estimates total fee was between $500.00 and a800.00.
He further recommiended that Clifford Johnson of the firm Shenehon, Goodlund,
Johnson, inc. .)e retained on 3 fee basis to prepare similar appraisals on
Staring La�:e area. He indicated that the total fee in the Star. in7 Lake area
would be about $1,750. 00. Mr. Shultz recommended that Mr. Patchin and
11r. Johnson be retained as recommended by Mlr. Mite. Mr. Redpath seconded.
On a roll call, all voted aye. The motion carried.
J. Option of Kopasky Property - Anderson Lakes.
Mr. Hite recommended that an option be entered into for the purchase of the
Kopesky property adjacent to Anderson Lake.. The site contains about 19. 3
acres. It contains no structures. It has approrir..iately 700 feet of f
frontage on Anderson make. The recommended option was for a 6 month period
expiring July 1, 1969, at 3 cost equal to 1/2 of the taxes Cue and payable
on the parcel during; 1969 (approx1mately $75.00). Purchase price of the
option was a43,000 payaLle over a five year period with interest on the
unpaid balance. at 5%, per annum. Mr. Hite noted that the proposed purchase
price represented a value of about $2,200.00 per acre. Mr. Paul Redpath
roved that the Village option the property as recommended by Mr. Hite,
3iaugen seconded. On a roll call, all voted aye. The motion carried.
K. Land Purchase Assistance.
Mr. trite recor.7mended that Mr. Dob McDonald and. Mr. Bob Morehouse he retained
by the Villa,-e on a hourly basis to assist in the option or purchase of
properties desired by the Village. The hourly rate would be $10.00. He
said that the process of negotiating options or Purchase agreements was
very time consuming and that he was of the opinion that Mr. Morehouse and
Mr. McDonald would do an excellent -job in behalf of the Village because of
their considerable knowledge of land values and transactions within the area.
fie reported that they would not be used on properties which they had current
or recent listin;;s on and that on this basis he did not feel there would be
a conflict in the use of _local real estate personnel. for this purpose. r
Mr. tfesbitt moved that .1r. McDonald and Mr. Morehouse he retained as
recomme-nded by Mr. iii`te with the stipulation thatthe total fee should not
Exceed ,")'1,000 without additional authorization by the Council. Mr. Shultz
secon(:eu the :-lotion.. On a roll call vote, all voted aye. The motion carried.
L. Ai; .roval of Village Clerk's Bond.
t;r. ii.ite- reparte,:1 that a bond in the amount of $1,000 had been secured for
ors. :;olrl; r.en, Village Clerk, and recommended that it be approved by the
council. 71r. iteshitt rr.ove,,l that the proposed bond be approved. Mr. Redpath
secondc,' . Al? voted aye. T l:e ;:lotion carried.
:I Cou Ity Status :report.
:,l e- r .)Ol't d a.tna he a`l �;;Ct with tllic lienTlepi:1 Courity Hi7hway eng-Iveer
an( -1; :it. ` { tG CO:1 i ;C'r t:i' status of l:eT:TIep1T1 County .Jlf;tiwcly projects
S:'.tit :. :, �T it:'�.t, ,1ni1 that Ri: wouiu prep ;re a written report of that rleetin-,
COI" ;i. l_. Ci' L'ra?]J1G11 CCi1S CI a OT7.
'7111 U zi I
A T,-,e-iorandu;-,i dated, January 11; 1969 form his recc,7,miei-,Lations for
an enpj.o+(, T-r(-);. ram -For E_-'eri Prair;.e loyees in J.9- was
P-ese7-,7eC,4 -,,7. tho Cour--cil for t1ieir consicieration !,-,y i!- :`i�e. I.',- noted
t!"ial Inprovements in salary, slck leave, vacatlon
-.,ay of -rs f or all e-.p I oycec and -hat it rnade addit tonal
c'rian�7� in, tie_ -_Lc}". _,ei-Ave and vacation policy to the exterit that it would
to receive credit i--or T-Ir.10-_ service in other organi::a-
tions t4hat such service_ contrihuteL to the requirec. Job skills.
..r. that recommendations set forth in the January 14, 1.96,91
Mc!irfoylaii('U11-11 IDe a,6_rove,._. 11r. A`auzen seconded. On a roll call, all voted
aye. V;,e i:ic.)t-io- carried. Schedule of tie approved e-mployee compensation
pro=rra;.-, 2.s attachei,1 any_. a part of these minutes.
0. 1169 anu ProF*ran.
71r. h"tc reportec! t1-4at he was analyzing the iir.)nrovecd 1969 Ludget and would
soon submit to the Council for their cons 1.`-leratlon a revision of that budget
wiAch woulc -ruvide for some re-allocation of available fullc]is between the
bucZct accounts. The re-allocation would not in any way affect the property
tax levy for 196.).
P. 'Ch--_,c)c Signing by Fac,;-,-.,iile Equipment.
Mr. lilte recomimende,'i that the sii7,natures of the Mayor an(: Treasurer on
ViLla�,e vouchr.rs he affixed by machine and that only the Manager's signature
he manual. i,e further recommended that a check protecting and signing,
machine costini, 1$435.00 he purchased.
!'Sr. liaup_,en inquired about the responsihility for the two keys needed to
operate the equipment. Mr. Hite recommended that one key he assigned to him
and the secona assigned to the Deputy Treasurer. It was agreed that one
key should be issued to the Manager but that the second key should be
i-, ne"' to the Villa; e Treasurer. Mr. Shultz moved that the Council
authorize the facsimile signing of checks 1:)y the Mayor and the Treasurer and
that the ke-,,ys needed to operate the check signing equipment should be
signing I
aSSilT"Ined, one to the Village Hanager and the second to the Village Treasurer.
Mr. Redpath seconded. On a roll call, all voted aye. The motion carried.
Mr. Shultz moved that the Village purchase a check signing and protecting
machine at a cost of approximately $435.00. Mr. Redpath seconded. On a
roll call, all voted aye. The motion carried.
'K.- ANo. 129 Assigning Certain Licensing, Permit and Appointive Powers to
Tir. Perbix presented Ordinance %129 to the Council for their consideration.
He noted that the intent of the Ordinance was to bring all Village ordinances
into compliance with the State Statutes establishing the Council-Manager form
of government and that for the most part the ordinance provisions provided
for the transfer of certain license and permit issuance powers from the
Council, Village Clerk, Village Engineer to the Village Manager. Mr. Hite
noted that even though the Manager would be empowered to issue licenses,
licenses would still need to be approved by the Village Council before they
would be approved.
January 14, 1969
Page seven
Mr. Redpath ;roved that Ordinance r!129 be adopted and the Council dispense
with the first reading. Mr. Nesbitt seconded. On a roll call, all voted
aye. The motion carried.
A. p roval of Vouchers 5856 through 5918.
Veuchers a5856 through S918 were approved upon motion by Mr. Redpath
second by 19r. Haugen. On a roll call, all voted aye. The motion carried.
B. Cash and Investment Report.
December 31 and January 14, cash reports we�_,e presented. Mr. Haugen asked
if the ^-;40,000.00 cash balance was normal and was advised by tor. Hite that
it was a little higher than it should be. Mr. haugen asked that the
balance be kept at an absolute nimimum. .
The nee}ink; adjourned at 9:45 P.M.
Edna M. Holmgren, Clerk