HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council - 12/20/1968 - Village Meeting :a
The meetITW was called -to order by Mayor Osterholt at 7:50 P.M.
Present were: Mayor I)avid W. Osterholt; Councilmen Arthur Miller
and Paul Redpath; Village Manager George C. Hite.
Invocation was given by Father Firman who also expressed his admiration
for the public service career of Councilman Arthur Miller.
Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Mayor Osterholt noted that the meeting marked the end of Councilman.
Arthur I-iiller's long tenure of public service to his community and
asked that he preside.
A. Miner's Spring. Councilman Arthur Miller presented a deed for the
property upon which the natural spring adjacent to County Road #4 is
located. lie said the land was a gift from he and his brothers to the
residents of Eden Prairie. Mayor Osterholt thanked the Millers for
their gift and moved that the land be accepted and named "Miller's
Spring!'. Motion was seconder by Paul Red->ath and unanimously approved.
Mr. Miller also presented a copy of the original Village Zoning
Ordinance adopter] in 1968.
A. Metropolitan Airport Commission - Flying Cloud Field.
A letter from the Commission outlining their 1969 Flying Cloud
improvement program was presented. The program consisted of
runway widening and extensions at an estimated cost of $140,000.
(See Resolution f255).
B. Metropolitan Council - Com2rehensive Plan.
By letter dated, December 5, 1968, the Metro Council advised Eden
Prairie that the statutory 60 day review period had expired and that
as a consequence, the Village was free to proceed with the implementa-
tion of its Comprehensive Plan. The Council would review the plan at
a later date and submit its comments and recommendations at that time.
A. 30 FM Radio Receiver Alert Monitors.
Mr. Hite presented a tabulation of bids received on these units and
recommended that the bid be awarded to the low bidder, Fire Safety
Corporation, at $4,981.50. He advised that the two exceptions to the
specifications by the low bidder were not significant and that the
objective of the specifications was satisfied. Mr. Paul Redpath moved e
that the bid be awarded to Fire Safety Corporation. Mayor Osterholt
seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
December, 20, 1968
Council tiinutes
Page two
A. Animal Control Contract For 1969.
Mr. kite recommended that the Tonka Kennels, Inc. contract for 40
hours of patrol service per month be renewed for 1969 with an increase
in the hourly rate from $6 .25 to $6.88. Mr. Paul Redpath moved that
the 1969 Tonka Eennels contract be awarded as recommended. Motion
was seconded by Mayor Osterholt and unanimously approved.
B. (_'.S. McCrossen Company - Permit to use Plehal Mining Area.
Fir. Hite recommended that C. S. McCrossen be permitted to locate their
field office for their S.S.S.D. project on the Plehal mining site for
a period of one year. The property is on the east side of Baker Road
just north of Holly Road. bloti.on to approve was made by Mayor Osterholt
and was approved unanimously.
C. Cedar Forest Addition - Final Plat Approval.
1'he final plat of the property located south of County Road #1 and west
of Eden lieights was presented. fir. Hite reported that Mr. Quentin Wooe,
has a?proved the engineering and that the developers agreement had
been prepared. Per. Paul Reupath moved that the plat: be approved.
_lotion was secoridec. by !1ayor Osterholt and unanimously approved,'
D. heilcelberk, Addition - Preliminary Plat Approval.
Mr. Hite t:)resented the 14 lot preliminary plat of the property located
Last of Hiawatha Avenue inct south of Scenic heir hts :Road. The Pi.annina
C:omn;ission had recomtnennced that the plat ;Ze approved proviced a full E
60 fef_t of rir:ht-of-w,.iy was establisheu for iliawatl:a Avenue from Scenic
;:s.i?hts i-;oad to the soutl; line of the plat.
Jim i,.ir..cl3ey, thr_ ceeveleper, reporter: that ire had met wit21 l:r. Kay
litenell re;�ard_IM7,, the portion of the needed additional right-of-way
adjacent to the Mitchell i-Derty but that Mr. Mitchell was not willin;,
tc s;rjant the. land. %Jr. 111itche11 confirmed this position.
::r. l±ite noted that boti; 1•1r. Nitchell'u ono ;Nr. Lincsevls land was in
>1n,, 1E3 C?'vJnP.2'Sh, �t QnH t 2 �E' aIl:_i t�lc t the IarOV l S ion of ri;7ht-of-way for
,!->lic streets to Permit rlattini. was vjc� responsibility of land owners
:nc not tt:n Vi11�3FTe. ?:iyor Osterholt moved that action on the plat be
i;elri until such tine as the necessary ri-lit-of-way was proviLleGi. Motion
s€�cOIILe 1 !?r. Red—,.ath and unanimously approved.
i;. i%PT' oval of Jarrett (:71un Club) Purchase Contract.
!!r. Hite recommended that the Mayor and Manager be authorized to execute
a purchase contract on behalf of the Village for the L.P. Jarrett property
on Count•. Roadt,F. The, contract would conform to the agreement approved
iju the Council at the uecember 10, 1988 meeting. Mr. Redpath moved
that the recommendation be approved. Mayor Osterholt seconded. All voted
aye:. The motion carried.
Deceinl)er 2U, 196,3
Council }'iillu-tes
i" C}:ar,hus.,en onin ;.
i!1te reportec that the Villct,`,e of Chanhassen heal approved the zoning
,_iescri�ed at t7he December 10, 1968 meeting. Chanhassen officials said
tt,ey Sd01114 work closely with Eden Prairie in regulating the development
of t>ie property.
G. S.S.S.D. - Municipal Representative.
i-ir. }iite reported that the S.S.S.D. Board had approved his request that
the Village of Eden Prairie be reimbursed by the S.S.S.D. for the
services of Village personnel assigned to represent the Village on S.S.S.D.
construction projects within the Village. The rate of reimbursement for
current construction would be $200 per month.
ii,. Eden Prairie Industrial Center - Final Plat.
Mr. Paul Redpath moved that the final plat of the industrial property
along Wallace Road be approved. Mayor Osterholt seconded. Motion
carried unanimously.
A. No. 255 Metropolitan Airport Commission - 1969 Improvement Program.
Mr. Paul Redpath moved and Mayor Osterholt seconded that Resolution
No. 255 approving the MAC's 1969 work program for Flying Cloud Airport
4Lbe approved. Motion carried unanimously.
13. No. 256 Village Sewerage Policy.
Mr. Paul Redpath moved and Mayor Osterholt seconded that Resolution
No. 256 prohib+ting certain types of high density land uses on sites
not served by public sanitary sewer be approved. Motion carried t
A. Vouchers 5800 through 5839.
Mr. Paul Redpath moved, Mayor Osterholt seconded that vouchers 5800-5839
be approved. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Mayor Osterholt , seconded by Mr. Paul Redpath to adjourn ,
at 8:40 P.M. Approved unanimously.
Mayor Osterholt, Mr. Redpath and a number of those in attendance expressed
their admiration and appreciation for Arthur Miller's many years of
dedicated service to the residents of Eden Prairie. Mayor Osterholt 1
presented a Distinquished Citizenship Award to Arthur Miller on behalf of
all the Village's residents. It was unanimously agreed that Arthur Miller
was a great guy and that his active public service would be sorely missed.
Odmor Skjel tad, Clerk