HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council - 05/09/1967 - Village Meeting "C IL 9 11-1ay, 1967
TY4c--- neelliiiF, w--i---; czill .!,= i to OrLier by Mayor Osterholt at- 8: 00 p.m.
TJ-1-;-- ;neetin;- was eiNctronically taped.
PF ESF",17'
DavL, Ccvterlh-):t, 7"ayor Paul Redpath
Liam es C. Frown, Clerk-. Rolf Siaugen, Treasurer
Alvin Bren Quentin K. Wood, APW
Arthur Niller W. Harlan Perhix, Attorney
2 The invocation was vriver, by the Rev. J. Rusthoven, Director of the Westminister
Heights Camp, followed by the entire group giving the Pled of Allegiance.
ITEM 5-2-657 "'
�,JjrUTS OF 4-25-67
On Item 14-29-67, insert the word air between for and conditioning in the
second line.
On Item 4-36-67 Subject C Topview Acres.
The last sentence should read, Mr. Wood and Mr. Perbix will draft an ordinance
which would prevent the issuance of building permits on roads which cannot be
C001 maintained by the Village for the people who are livIng., on them even though
44C they have been properly dedicated. until such time as the developer has
o LA- completed sufficient grading to make the road passable and maintainable with
Village equipment.
In Item 4-35-67 (Minutes which went out)
The third paragraph was repeated. This is to be deleted. On the Village
copy the third paragraph is not repeated.
On Item 4-A-67 The second sentence should read, People have been complaining
that they have not been able to get at the water instead of spring.
Motion was made by Paul Redpath, seconded by Arthur Miller to approve the
minutes as published with the corrections.
The motion carried.
Motion was made by Alvin Bren, seconded by Arthur Miller to approve vouchers
4103 through 4166 for payment. The motion carried.
/'Zj The Clerk read a statement regarding the operation of the Village Government.
A copy of this statement is filed with the Minutes in the Village Minutes book.
COUNCIL 111-:ETIN'G 2 9 May, 1967
The hearing was called at the request of the. Planning and Zoning Commission
who had made the initial request to have the property rezoned.
Mr. W. J. Sime, the owner of the property appeared before the Board and read
a statement which lie felt that if the Board would give him a zoning which
would allow him to legally operate a Golf Course as presently constituted
with a Pro Shop, the refreshment area and the repair and storage areas; he
would be happy to accept this type of zoning. As presently constituted he
felt his attorney had advised him that no zoning outside of the M-2 would
legally allow him to operate a commercial type operation golf course in the
A motion was made by Arthur Miller, seconded by Alvin Bren to continue the
Hearing until July 11, 1967 and to request a report from Mr. Perbix and
Mr. Drauer as to the type of ordinance which would allow this.
The motion carried.
Mr. Walsh and Mr. McKellip represented Northern States Power at the meeting.
Mr. Walsh made the presentation on the 115,000 KV line. Mr. Walsh stated
that he had presented plans to Mr. Quentin Wood for study. Mr. Quentin Wood
had the plans available and the Council looked at the plans. Mr. Walsh stated
that in one area they had made a change and moved the line at the request of the
property owner over what the original proposal had been to the Village.
Mr. Quentin Wood stated that there was a jog in the line which he felt should
be straightened out. This is between Highway 169 and County Road #18 where
the line crosses Highway 169, makes a jog to the south, follows 494 over to
the Bloomington-Edina boundary and then goes north to the Bloomington-Edina
border and follows along this particular area on down through Bloomington. He
felt that the line should follow the 16th line and not jog south to 494.
Mr. George Holasek was in the audience and is one of the property owners involved
in this particular area, stated that when the people originally approached him,
he asked them to consider the l6th line as the possible line for right-of-way
acquisition. Mr. Walsh stated that he had not received knowledge of this part-
icular area, that the line was presented to him by the engineers from Northern
States was as he had presented to the Council.
Mayor Osterholt then asked Northern States to re-evaluate this particular area,
to contact Mr. Holasek and the Bren family who own the other piece of property
involved and determine the location that the line should be placed in that
particular area.
They would then come back with this information at the next meeting.
On the 69 KV line, they had a line route plan which they presented to the
/ Council. They did not have the detailed location of poles and profiles but
COUNCIL MEETING, 3 9 May, 1967
just the basic route as to which side the road the line would go on. The
Council felt that this was the best alignment of this particular line, that
Nthey were keeping; the line generally ,there the present line is now. The only
difference would be that they were moving it off the edge of the road on to
the edge of the right-of-way.
C3 Motion was made by Arthur Miller, seconded by Alvin Bren approving the proposed
s route for the 69 }CV line and requesting that the NSP people come back with a
complete plan and profile which would be filed with the Village. They are to
return with this on May 23.
The motion carried.
Mr. Perbix stated that a resolution was being prepared. Due to a situation
in the office of Rieke-Carroll F. huller the information was not complete in
time for the meeting; but that he would have a resolution ready the next morn-
ing. He had everything but a couple of informational items which were re-
quired in the resolution.
Motion was Trade by Alvin Bren, seconded by Paul Redpath to adopt Resolution 162
on the Scenic Heights Road project.
The motion carried.
Mr. Stanley was not present and no action was taken on this matter.
fi ITE14 4-28-67 ED STOW
Mr. Stow petitioned the Council to grant him a �license for a Sanitary Land Fill.
He was advised that we could not act on his as such because we did not
have an ordinance that allowed the Sanitary Land Fill.
A motion was made by Paul Redpath, seconded by David Osterholt to table the land
fill matter indefinitely.
Upon a roll call vote, Paul Redpath voted yes, Arthur Miller voted no, Alvin Bren
voted no, James Brown voted no and David Osterholt voted no. j
The motion was denied. i
4< Several ordinances have been presented to the Council, one from the Planning
and Zoninp Commission, one by Mr. Stow, one by Mr. Joe Ruzic, and the Council
was in the process of studying the ordinances but had not come up with any action/st
o information as regarding the land fill ordinance. }
S ¢
Motion was made by Alvin Bren, seconded by Arthur Miller to receive the applica-
tion from Mr. Stow and place it on file.
The motion carried.
Coo„lT,rI T� 9 Na,Nr, 967
i� ;
ITE?: 5-:r2 _67 I;r;i:i�EPI i C^i NTw r'rsh.i+ Ftk S}:RVE : IrT%ICT'
The P;'3rf e; serve hac1 calle(_' and stated that they would not be able -to rake
the meetinE and a letter'' was following the call which would advise the reasons
why an-.1, when they woul " .)e able to -mieet with the Council.
i.o other action was tal-en at this time.
Councilman, Alvin i�r(-n, Chairman of the Committee on the dc.)g ordinance read
his report to the Council.
The Cc,.inc,..i felt that:
.L There should be a licensing program for dogs in the Village.
2. That the Village should contract with sore firm such as Tonka Kennels for
collecting stray dogs and unlicensed dogs and problem dogs in the Village.
3. That they should contact such an organization as the Animal Rescue League �
for the impounding of these animals.
If the basic problem still persisted, they would probably then have to go to
a leashing ordinance. At this time they felt that with the open space we had
they would not like to have to recommend a leashing ordinance.
Plr. Ben Toensing was in the audience and asked to be heard and spoke out against
leashing, licensing and recommending that the Council have the dog owners place
a name and address tag on the dog so people could readily identify them.
Other individuals spoke briefly for and against dog control. All recognized
that there are problems in the community due to individuals who will not
completely care for their animals and also to the fact that animals have been
dumped in the community by individuals from other communities and left to
run on their own.
Recommendation of the committee that the Council hold a special meeting with all
the pros and cons of dog control could be discussed by the various citizen
groups in the community.
Motion was made by Paul Redpath, seconded by Alvin Bren to set a special public
meeting for June 8th at 8:00 p.m. at the Village Hall.
The motion carried.
There were no reports on the sewer programs.
1. Mr. Don Nygaard appeared before the Council asking approval to hire the
following persons for the Summer Recreation Program.
COUINCIL MLLTII`:G 5 9 May, 1967
Mr. William liolte at $850.00
Miss Peggy Swanson at $225.00
Mr. Dennie Bergman at $225.00
And also to authorize the expenditure of $225.00 for equipment and $100.00 for
incidental supplies.
Motion was made by Paul Redpath, seconded by James brown to authorize to hire
Mr. William liolte at $850.00 for the summer, Miss Peggy Swanson at $225.00 for
the summer and Mr. Dennie Bergman at $225.00 for the summer and to authorize
expenditures up to $'225.00 for equipment and $100.00 for incidentals for the
Park and Re^reation Program for 1967.
The motion carried.
2. Kutcher property.
Mr. Perbix presented to the Council a signed purchase agreement from the
Kutcher brothers. He explained that the two brothers shared in the property
but not eoually and this is the reason two purchase
agreements were presented for different dollar amounts. The total of the two
agreements equal the total amount required to purchase the property.
Motion was made by Arthur Miller, seconded by Paul Redpath to accept the
purchase agreement for study.
The motion carried.
Mr. Rusts was not in the audience. Mr. Richard Bren, the Building Inspector
explained that Mr. Rush wanted to move a trailer home on to the property of
the Lip- "D" Discount Station on Highway 169 and intersection with Research
Road. lie had recently leased the station and planned to operate it, himself,
and felt that by having the trailer home on the grounds, he would be closer to
his home and easier to operate his business.
Motion was made by Paul Redpath, seconded by Arthur Miller to deny the request
for the trailer home to Dale Rush.
The motion carried.
Mr. Serios was not present. No action was taken on his request.
Mr. Munse had requested that he be deleted from this agenda.
Y i
It was felt that changing from Highview Drive to High Drive was not sufficient
change to warrant action by the Council and requested the Council to turn this
' I
COUINC:1L VIEF'TI' .n Ca 9 May, 1967
to the Planning and 2;oning Commission and the individual for a better name.
Mr. . Paul Redpath showed the Council a sign made by the Village of Mound with
their own equipment and explained that this was done as a special project
using school students and some Federal Aid program for the school in making
these signs. This required the purchase c-f a special oven and certain
materials from specific manufacturers in order to make the signs. He felt
that once the equipment was purchased that any type of sign could be made.
Mr. Paul Redpath had some cost figures which he presented. It was felt that
we should check into this matter and get some accurate comparisons. Mayor
Osterholt asked Mr. Wood if tie would check the cost on the sign as presented
by Mr. Paul Rudpath along with the potential costs from a recognized sign
manufacturer for the street signs as presently would meet the Village
specifications and present then at the next meeting.
No action was taken at this time except that the bids for street signs were
tieing held up for publication until this particular area is settled.
1. ;payout 8F Minnesota Highway Department.
Mr. Quentin Wood presented the layout to the Council with a recommendation to ;
the Planning and Zoning Commission that they approve only the part colored in
yellow. Mr. Wood stated that there have been some changes made that might
affect certain areas that there was no longer a frontage road along part of
the area. It was generally felt that we should have some more information
on this as to the potential land use along this particular road.
Motion was made by Paul Redpath, seconded by Arthur Miller to refer Layout 8F
SP 2763-01 Trunk Highway 169 and from TH 494 to .5 miles north of County State
Aid Highway 61 to Mr. Brauer for a recommendation.
The motion carried.
2. The Westgate area.
Mr. Quentin Wood reported that he had received no information. No action was
taken on this matter.
3. The Sunset Ridge area.
Mr. Perbix reported that he had met with the Federal Bankruptcy of Gebco
ttuilders and they had come up with an agreement on the handling of the escrow
funds which said agreement was to be drafted and presented to the Federal
Bankruptcy Court so that the Village would be allowed to recover the escrow s
funds and complete the necessary work in the area.
4. Proposed ordinance covering unimproved roads.
Mr. Perbix read the proposed ordinance for this particular area of the Village.
COUNCIL [^%i:T INC, 7 9 [lay, 1067
Motion. was made by Flaul Rednath, seconded by Arthur killer to adopt the
. irst reading of Ordinance , n,
The motion carried.
Sweeping of the Village Streets.
No action was ta'r:en.
E . Topo,;rahacal man.
It wan felt that there should he a further report on the means of financing
this from the committee originally proposed by the Mayor.
Motion was made by Paul Redpath, seconded by Arthur Miller to refer this to
the Committee of Clerk 15rown, Councilman Alvin wren, and n,;ineer Wood for
roposa as re ;ardlnr, methods of financing this particular project.
to The motion carried.
5-15-67 VILLA!3l-' ',!ALL TELEP110 Z
sThe C1_erk presented the proposals made by the phone company for installing a
phone on the bookkeepers desk and also for installing a phone in the Village
Ball -araFe.
Hot.ion was made by Alvin Eren, seconded by Arthur i:iller to authorize taking
care of the phone: problei n b;� installing an additional phone in the office on
the bookkeepers desk and by installing the phone in the Vil.laL�e Hal' garage
which can be answered at the Village Hall Office or Gapage and also to put a
bu2zer on the phone in the lower level of the Hall which would be operated
from the upper level secretary' s desk.
The motion carried.
.1. The Duck Lake Area.
Mayor Osterholt stated that he had met with various groups in the area re-
garding the problem of drainage and water and all felt that there should be
a solution to this problem. We could not continue to ignore it.
Mr. Osterholt recommended that we have Rieke-Carroll-Muller give us a report
on what the engineering study would cost.
[lotion was made by Arthur Miller, seconded by Alvin Bren to authorize Rieke-
Carroll-Muller to make a report on the engineering estimate and present it to
the Council.
The motion carried.
Mi-. Osterhol7: reported that the School Board had made an offer on the school
site. There seemed to be some problem in the area and a lack of communications
from the people's attorney and that the Village was waiting for more information
or. this particular area.
He also reported to the Council that Mrs. Carroll, the wife of Bob Carroll of
Rieke, Carroll & Muller hay passed away. He recommended that the Council send
a personal letter to Mr. Carroll signed by all the members of the Council.
He then advised the Council that the Fire Department had requested a special
meeting which was to be held on May 18 to discuss a fire engine which the
members of the Fire Department had secured information on and felt should be
advertised for bids.
The Clerk read a letter from the City of Canby that requested a copy of the
information questionaire which Mayor Osterholt sent out. He stated that he
had sent a copy of the questionaire along with a copy of the results as supplied
him by the Mayor to the City of Canby.
The Hendricksor. brothers had brought up a fact that on their plat on Alpine
Estates they had made some changes and that they had built three doable homesq
two of which they are renting, one they have a buyer for and in order to get
sufficient land under the Village zoning ordinance, they have made an adjust-
ment on the lot sizes. They required a resolution from the Council to approve
the re-alignment of the lot lines. They had had a special meeting of the
Zoning Board the previous evening and the Zoning Board had recommended that
this be done.
A motion was made by. Arthur Miller, seconded by Paul Redpath that the Council
adopt Resolution 161 and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign.
The motion carried.
Mr. Bren advised that he had contacted the Hopkins VFW and that they would give
the Village a flag. fie also advised that there might be a donation to the
Village for the Fire Department use.
Mr. Arthur Miller advised that he had talked to Don Rogers and Don Rogers had
made some suggestions as to haw it could be fixed. lie had asked if a couple of
fellows on the road crew could do some work with him on it. It was agreed on
that the road crew could help Mr. Rogers in getting this back into operation.
Motion was made by Paul Redpath, seconded by Alvin Bren that the meeting adjourn
at 11:00 p.m.
04A.-, C�Amw���
i s . Brow Clerk