HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council - 10/11/1966 - Village Meeting 7�Y
Arthur Killer
C r C., f E,-u;-e n , -11'r ea s L;r,:�r
Yotini. was rw. n I- xo7e:h And-rsan , ancnvQn� Ly Alvin 7re:; t:c
rs -.oticn carr-' --': .
1 vc,
107G as Pullisheu with the 1,011caling
or; Inan ssntonca tne santenca nhouli read . 'ttn hayor
1' ho F23t thnrc wag anyt :in- TIUORI , in, slmul(.-1
present it to Kpi VAIIi-v K oreer to qat thn -ma'tt,-.-r out .,
Notion rarc ,y Ar-_hur .Jiller, secandw! 11, :Mnneth Anterscii tc, a-, prcve voucIr.ers
Irc.:; --:55i4 I-r-,r
The notion carried.
Ple.';al ",eoplc did not have their contract ready. 11-4c ittenrl is continued
until the 2,'--)th !i,ee-tin7 .
appearad hefore the Council t Villac e 1< sore action on
-in.6 worlkin- the ditch alongside of his property on Duck Lake Trail. Mr.
staLed that he -vias in perfect agreement thin 'it should be sodded and any
neccssary work one to slopa it and prepare it for a good draina7,-- ditch but he
-.-eel that it was too late in the season to put sod town without the potential
of losin-, th,:� so,,' with a heavy fall rain or a '.heavy winter rain and having to
can pletaly do it over alai with a cwnplete loss of the material and the labor
tlljr--t wou.13-Ji r.::�quire to put it in. He felt that the job should be done Ibut should
W selayed until next Spring so that the sod could have a chance to riake il Food
arcmiti. into the native earth and this would prevent it from washing away.
A !'Ictincrl was ma"Ie. hy 1'r.,nneth Anderson, seconded by Alvin Bren to authorize the
roac� crev, to so(' Oho citch i-n 19t-,7 is ^corn as the Season and we-at'lher permit.
-,iith this motion.
The motion carried.
C _ ;. � , ' ram,.,. _, i r, ^�.� I �l - •t"1 ..•✓'>v,<. ..a«t +.1� rra r��-'"r�
h— ct c err
1 ,.,_ -V P Tit i,"y._. r 1:T
Division . ,T
+1 '
;. f rh ;;t
r , t
- - - 7:
. < ci, choy hau ua s _ov a 275 P-..w-•a ,ci-t L ,", L-t:'-0�-::
t ._. T ... .,.-... or C_n 711m,2t _ `7.• - 7 car.v+ at fa
.. as C�. .-.•- -w as far ^-»ti•h as St . Louis and on On '..`7.. .ids ccc7s and 41 v'%3SYr`_t
'.; that 30 .^.]:r'. ',.lF;n ')i'';.("?..c'£i:' .'I20Ci';c,,_ i'tU,': r,f Ct i.O:1 . tf]E'rt' vdS L:C
ir Lerrurn :nn Clr Power in t::e area . . . Fy felt -t<ir.:lt it was essential t1;cZt :'OT't}:f:?rn
•,t xC S «" _'': CI o,_, apjrWal For the. line :O that it could be built Q 19F7 to ,.;motet
t _
I �:• �.. � t , t-) _, 'G :� .. Northern , L t^ _. ;r"3t they y i2
Y` C_ _ 'Vw a t 0 � r ` rc, tin �':,1._ a ,__.:t:IUY'.1._in- tia=t .�;Oi:L.iaE9P_� I1G GT' the line.
_ j
it was nLc lne t0 the Council that this was a sQries of Si,*ns irlentif ink j
at property. Arm asked, y � had put up
, . _ . - ..._ .� _ . talr, 'riJ_1er .> c,. if an, si r:� Leer. � '
in the V11 ale of __.,, n Prairie and We was answered, TO , that bor-thern States
.';"IC_' not e_'cne tCl.,.s . Cyr. Miller also asked if' the Northern States ;people hac'
tall-W •iQ 1-41 :1r':=71iri .'r:ttInty peO 1t. %bOUt a:iFhway Ut. They stated they had
i.a!-:F? ,.:o :q rl
�;Ci`•1 �::".:L thethe �' .t-O�-.13.jT at ;'�:^'?._ 3lit vas not 'n,1T1P('.i'_ ..'.�O`ATi.
• T r
what the Orkinal request was and was advised that it had
Wen Ter the 230 kiLowatt lire wAh the 75 to 100 foot right-of-way and the
J Nr. h a2i .. .. what Northern States would consider any Place in the Village
;d}ie'C e + }��,y J":1G •I Err,,.i-33ion For a line arW W4'.re now contemplating Changil1? t}1C'
v t ts7e which in turl: would require challfFi,Ili' the type of structures to carry the
14 was advised that if tho chzn7n in volta7e czUy meant a chanu in the wires
in the line to heavier viire they did not feel it would I_e, nt-Cessary* to co-,�.e to
the Council for a new yermit. if it required a change in poles and the.
3tructur,-2s! and tho ri-ht-cf-wav , thoy would then 'have to comE- in fOr a new
Mr. Us err Wit the orininal request for the 230 vc1t wns Wat the Town
Soars_': had live n vermission for; that the 345,000 volt 1_, ne was not approved
by the; V-Illa,Te as f.:.ucli a new applicaT ion and woul,-_' have to 1*:e
granted for the larrer line . and ')Oles.
Hr. Osterholt sup7estea that the Council -take this matter under advisement and
-r'ov i�2c- -,iit'n an :=w,��r on the. �-)c_,toler 26 ,
C) '7c other actir7i was takar at this time.
�')sze rh-, 0: the Council ,�Wres he renared to present names to
rho Council For act a d inn on t ie rwnO meetir p
Att y, 7'r. N s e r.t e a revised copy of the Bill!Doard Ordinance
which had eliminated the problem. j:c jjaci Ejuggested sore foes wid tim Council
checked over rho foes and Felt that tLe fccs ,rere adecru-ate bait not exorKtant.
notion was mat- hu Alvin Iran, secoric-ec-I 1)y r�,enneth Ancerson InD adopt Ordinance
m an iill.bo .rl with the fees as approvod by the Council. and by
the Attorney.
T'Le rtotIon carrie(: .
:011011 was Arthur Willer, sc-co:-�de,_: 1,y Anc:arson. . . . .
TrMancc 90 is to Lecome efEcative Ja"uary l., the Attcrney is,
UnLructed LC 02ert tho effective c:ate into tt Orc�inzince.
mo-t ion carries..
:T. YQUix reported he had not rcceived the nRcessar7i information from Mr.
Carter , Uie for these people and until this information was received ,
could not procomd with the Ordinance .
�9 No action, ,-ia.; at this ti,;Ie.
::r. TIcrIN aw: Clnrk Drown presented to the Co-,_iricil a nap and 7 proposel-I
yro7or slr-n� Yin 2m o; norra2t Qrrcri wLlc� lea cccupco] Gwcu7h the vears .
I � was 01 t zhil the irsvCIV00 shnuin LU
Vfir.- e strvwt Qscusse& and that t!:(--;y
Mice t4wir o nivion either T�o or can, a-ecial
c .-rVot no- -W rnl- and Un Pacoic in the V'�ric-us Fire'--:q 'Ftr'�' to 1"c'!
Y 70 ay od? � road.
!ILK '�W-77 71707V:
The CieW 7resQntv& aeHtional inFor-ation to th- CC-, !-'!-!c
0110-es 1ru Ooin- on minutes and =Znancos. it was FeR _ .a" a special
resolution sinuh Vc Crqwn us for the Council to adolA . Mr. Perhix and Clerk
Erown are to 7rn7ar- thn resolution for the next Council meetir7. The Council
felt that no chirne should he mWe fcr minutes _, ci,,. �c all.
TKere shou.13 to a nnminal charge for Ordinancras and that inclividula-lf�; -�Alhc- want
Wies of the -Inutor should come tc the Call Fnid pick isjyn u-,.
No action was Wan at this time pendinS the presentation r,-asolution
TI-C Clerk -presented reaupsts fran Mr. Ralph Johnson , Mr. Alex Dorenkemper,
Nr. Bernard Yishop for permits for shot 7un slu7s for the (leer hunttir,7 seasn-ri
an,..' fro-;"-, -.r. janiel Fasid for permissicn to shoot a .22- rifle on his fathe-r's
.,-Iot'on ;.,ms Arthur T'iller, seconde�-' !-,,y Alvin to reject the applications
for shootin'7 T)er-:�Lts a'a 'y Vhe Clc.-rk .
-it� -notion carried.
"he Attorr e-, teas t"jo-j-j �.Iirected to drart certaln to the shoo-ting
present t-<�r to the Council at the next meetin7. . . . . . .to
elliminatF; slict7un slu. - anci raf-lr� shooting r.,,xceT-,t For -torrret practice.
14tion was maRe by Alvin Bren , seconded Ly Kenneth Aneersm; to rufund the
".15C . 00 HnN7 fee to "r. James as he had changed fro,.-,, r �ir,in�-� operation to
lazu] aitcration permit which does not relquir,, a f(---e.
Knnnnt . A&Wrson, secarvied by Alvin „rep to ad6pt
C,'r; iLJn auttinq tic., he=07 For 2? 1966.
i:,:. c;t iorn ca r r e
7 7
70 7vn 'r - ..-. S"eC2 to, �ronnnv�
rn 7 o n, t c
i- tVQ nannal first meeting -of the month . -the Attorney adviscd hit a:q, action
ZOWn at VA7 -n" -: 17 1- P01111 WO W OlnKAO"� llqal Wti=
70tfc. nya 712 :0 ADIU. 0-In n�=0�0 11 Arzh 7 Z 1V to ro- ic4- 1;10
r"D 1
noyins n? �hc 1V sp"cw ani pin"s for rho 70na Qv%av 7rofacn V Vhn� nrairin.
arn roa
tho VY U7- F 4nn OVI th- llwy CT -AnAonpclis ;W
Von; n:&
7"cre wara ;�!Gczal requiro:ento placc� Q7 thq City al Mmea7nlis on 1.6c-,-
il-Is'" roc 0 0 S 1 1 ho a�St VA�1 60) -�', nAt�ler tile L r D� 7 111 ann C 5 h t en
_ rairin 1". Lne City (Y �Rnna7o!:S raq.Aruc :2's to tnc
'T. :Killer advisant tit; Cotaic.-I 10- -AC tl'iz; :'.atte_r t!:e
A�mlnlzzratnr of Fullia !Wrls . Vr. "ecron Otc , Vlll,__-f! of
cit all �if_ rJeconsary action couli Lu ty t1l,.e E( ina %;'illage
-L their next meeting and th it letters ,or-',Ilr'! ?o fortli-I to the City
it orlwr, appearc. before the Council akino that ',e We pernitte-c! to hire
t>e Villann Pc& Personnel to do Tradin7 work an his arive way. It was ex-
to ..Ay. th.,:t: '�he Village coull not compete wit,-. private int-rp ise
in the can tractin, field. he explained that fie was havin7 (Jifficulty locating,
a pri.WtV conlrautor who had the equl:)Tnent that would d10 the ,,ob on his driveway.
He was Ovism Wou there were several contractors presently operating in the
Villame nf on Prairie who had such equipment and Mr. Wood , Administrator of
Puliia llnrhs was adviset to give Mr. Ecrberg names of several of these so that
11 Octoler 1S66
Coll!• ^o t_iCt ti'1 K:r� l.Xi_ :L'V1 11a 1.'�.
ITEt.! 1.0-L-F'c S1 v�A T -1 !.`i ✓C1i,f
t•r. ?ooCl presente<1 a written 1 1z,;'1 from Public Works .nUi.%7:''F2nt Cont-any v.-,hen they
.^oU,1C aUpl ia' Y �iF' n�'Cr' �'c3r.I I1C'4: U- -er-Carrla,7Te for tf e I1C.w -Dodge 'Truck to mouri't
thc� snow lr'., on. te1 rprovide th'u necessary chan7e,-- to the Ford Truck
so that a V ?1ow cool,-' be crate inter-C!ian$Tf.'able, with the one way Yi^:4 on it and
would rur:xish thr! `Jil.l,a�?e of Eden Prairie with a well con'HtionFC: used one Way
sncur slow for th(-: Joc t- zruck that was heing turned in by a count; that was
'Oiii- into a Zar"'Er S i Zero '',low. -hl? total bid was `11275 .00. It was felt that
this 47c3S lalt}t in the fix:?1tS of Ciir IA1127Ct aT-.,1 was well ,.orth the V i ! lage pur-
chasinF it.
A motipn was maar],p I)y Ken:lu'th An,'Jerson seconded by Arthur Miller t0 accept the
bid, of the PYLlic `.!or!ks Ec.u.1-Dment Company for wor:<irw over t--- ?iows and the
used ; lo., for
The notion carried.
The met,.:tiin ��c� 'ourne . at 11:00 P..;.
3a C C. 'Brown , Cl.er}c