HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council - 04/12/1966 - Village Meeting Council Mpetin,- Anri 1 1? , IqF)f;
he mee-t-in7. wii c-illcc4 to orr4pr it P:00 P. M. by Mavor David Ostprholt in the
V i.I lap,(- H,,,1 L-
Oeivl,ri T Mla vo r A. W. Mi ller W. Ostprholt,
Jame C . Brown , Cllerl� Po- l4:' E. Haupren , Treas.
Kenneth E. An(,Iprsnn 0,,1r-nrir K. Wood , APW
Alvin J . Bren W. Harlan T"Prhix, Attv.
( 4- 1-66 ) ?-IINUTFS OP MAPCP 23 , 196f;
Motion by Alvin .3. 13rer r�t-e7onded b-,,r A . W. Miller to inprrivn the mi.mAps
of the meptinF of Mar-h 23, 1166 , a- nublisho,!. ',lotion -nrr;-(I.
(14- 2-F-6, ) VOUCHERS #30*71 THPOI-jr-Ii Y31z'F)
mntlon "-),I Kenneth I". --rncond-rl '-v �Nlvin J . R-,-n to annrov-
rs #3071 thrmi-h a""136 for -.avmf-n-. motior carried.
(2- 3-66 ) PUBLIC HEARINns
Evrrptt !"nran
- cn r-i7arlinp this are in H(-arinr, File 'In.
I-Iol-r-s and info�-rt-i k
6. Mr. MnT-,)rl -md h . -. a-tnrn-v 14r. T,Pnnarr' '.Ipl^on anno-,ir,-d for thn nnt, tion. There
war; no onrn tirnn from. notif;-d nronprt- rvmers or c*hr!r r)prsonq in the Villace
rr-Bard im'* thf, netit- -n.
M-tim by Kennetl-. T.. Arril-rs-)n A . W. mill-r -r-, vi-nt Ordi.n-
anco .'iio 74. I which changed the zoninF- frnrn P')(7 to ?A on the nrone-1-v T)etit ;.cn#-e for
and to aut? nriz�, thr- ",ivar and Clerk t- si7n same. Motion ^Prri-d.
2. Ke., th Jpmo- , Warren
Rej,;e:7r ror rezonir- from Multple Dw-illinp to N!-2 Irdust-rial the area
south of Hij-,hwaV 5 and Pait of S'-h-ol Road adioinin7 ths- Cli,-ir-Linn P-crertv and the
Lucas Pronertv. cte-, and information r,-igardim- this hearing are in Hearinp File
No. 7. Mr. Shultz and Mr. Jam*-, anpeared for the netitioners. Mr. Snen^er Klue. -pre*l ronr;,antF-e4 qnTr,- 40 hoy-,Po,4n,-r-, who apnpare-? in nnnosition to the netlti.on. Much
to disriissi.on was held on this narticular niece of pronertv as to the pros and cons Of
U_ the zoning zoning of it.
Ca Motion by A. W. Millpr seconded bV Kenneth E. Anderson to ar4ont Ordin-
ance No. 71 which would hnv(i changed the zoning FromP-2 to M-2, Mr Miller in his
MC)",7.on has rr!(juented that it be considered to change the zoning, to ST rether Char.
M-?. The roll w,-ir called on th;-; matter: Mr. Miller, Mr. Anderson voted ves ; Mr.
Bren, M-, Brown , Mr. Ostr-!rholt voted no. Motion defeated.
3. Giillickqor. Pronertv
Nobnrlv anrv-arpd for the npt-itinner and nobody annearod against the net-
ition-� m I
b,,r Alvin J. Bren seconded by A. W. Miller to continue the hear-
' to the first mo-etinr in Mav on the request.-nj7
Motion carried.
( 3-13-66) BILL PFAPSON
Ppnuort for a rontract to mine gravel . The contract had not been signed
by Mr. Pearson thf-reforp the ront-ract was not sinned by the VillApe. This matter
is continued tintil Mr. Pearson approvfss the contract.
c'011r c i 1 Mrot;nf- -- ? Anri.1 12 , 196E
( 3-1'+-66) DOP! A.NDFRSON
Rrca•ies* for anproval of a cnntrac+ to rirh gravel, Mr. Andernnn hac'
previously received apnroval from the Planning F 7.oninQ Boarc', He had nresented
'the ne^_essary mans , bonds , a contract had been drafted and Mr. Anderson had sign-
ed the contract and was satisfied with it. He hid nrovided the Villaf*n with all
of the reniiirements for a license to mine %,ravel.
Motion by Kenneth E. Anderson seconded by A. W. Miller to annrnvF, the
contract and enter into an a%reemPnt with Mr. Donald Anderson for the mining of
earth in the Village of Eden Prairie on nronerty located on Old County Road 1P on
the Old rri ffith Place arc! to author; ze the Mavor and Clerk to sign same.
Motion carried.
( 3- 6-66) POAD & BRIDrE rmm TTEMS
1 . Specifications for a truck
Mr. Stnd.nl a and Mr. Wood nresentPd to the Council src+ri fi.cations
which thev frl.t would nrovido a satisf:actn—i traick to ret)lace thn nresen+_ small
Ford tra=ck which the mad crew is using, for a vari-tv of lobs in the Whare. The
s,nci ri eati nos ware gone over by the Council and they an.reed that the specifications
wn!llc' allow more than one manufacturer to bid on the truck.
Motinn by Ken°nn+h E. Anderson seconded h,✓ A. W. Miller to accent the
specifications on the truck and dum- body find to authorize the Clerk to advertise
for bids for a truck and damn box. The bids to he received by the ('otinc.i.l on the
rreeti:nv of Mav 25 , 1966. Mot ion carried.
2. Speci.fica+-iors fnr P.n!zol.ine, road nil , fue? nil. , asphalt , sand and
gravel were reviewed. The Pasolinr snecifications hacl rrevinusly been accented
and an add-to had been planed on the snecificati.ons . The rounci.l. went over the
specifications which 'n affect were an adontion of State snecifications for the
materrials ancl a-itharized for tho materials being bid uron.
Motion, h,,, A. W. ~tiller secnncle(4 by Alvin J. Bren to authoriz? the
Clerk t a!vrrti.sn for bids. The bids to be nresentnd to the Council on the meet-
inp, of Mav 1.0, 1966. Motion carried.
Ordinance for rezoning+. Anpeari.nv for Mr. Temar, was Mr. Dr^n Nunly, his
attnrney, Mr. 1?i.anly stated that as the hearings were clo,ed on the matter and he
had one aver this mine timeC with Cnunc.il he would rrerent no further informatinn
to the Council at this tire. Appearing in onpnsition to the rezonir.- was Mr. Rich-
ard nIBrien. Fie also stated that- the parties in onnosition had nresented their
information, inO no further information would be nresented at this: tzme.
Motion by P... W. Miller seconded by Alvin J. Aren to adont Ordinance No. 71
rezoninp, tho Teman, Feee4ers, nronerty from Rr and^.RA to GI , tipon a roll call vote-
Mr. Miller, Mr. Anderson and Mr. Bren voted ves ; Mr. Brown and Mr. Osterholt voted
no. 1.1non advice of the Villac*e Attornnv to adopt an ORDINANrF R.ED17TREG a 4/5 vote--
of the Coamcil . Motion defeated.
~'~ This was the written report which had been verbally presented to the Coun-
n i i at the rne,,-t i ng- of March 21. 4. Moil ler nresented the report with necessary macs
fnr each Council member.
Motion by Kenneth E. Andersen seconded by ,lames r. ?3rnwn to acce nt the re-
-kart and place it or. file, for farther stndv. Motion carried.
Council MPeti n c- -- 3 Anri l 12 , 1966
,( 3--^2-66) LLE ARMSTPON
Dug to the fact that their are some nronosals by the Hi7hwav Denartment
for an in-erchanr-e it the Pre-a where Mr. A.rmstror.F- had planned to build i hore.
He renuestPd that the Coirnci 1 continue action on his rer+uest for a trailer Permit
until a later date when he can determine the exact area or. '-he r_ ronerty where he
will be able to huil<i . Therefore re- action wac taken and the item is heinQ tabled
until Mr. Arm^tronp reniiest. that it be reon-red.
The Council discussed this matter which had been tabled from the Previous
meetings and decried to ask the Countv to rroceed with whatever they felt could he
done in the Vill.asze of Eden Prairie. The Clerk was instructed to so advise the
r'.nunty that at the present time we were considering the Starring Fake area.
Motior by Kenneth E_ Anderson seconded by Alvin J. Bren that the Clerk
advise the Countv that the area for like work and studv by the Countv at this would
be the Starring Lake area. Motion carried.
h'avor nsterholt rencnrted that the renort of the committee had been final-
ia.ed b?.it had not been lone over her the Cor:mi ttee anri thernfnre thev were not read,
To ryes,-It it to the Council. Requested r•ontinuation on this matter ?ir.ti l the meet-
ing of April 27 , 1966.
Mr. . No7fs lr accomraniAd by Mr. Nelson anDeared before the Council. to request
f the aporovai. of an anplirr-tion to the State T,in?ior Control. Commission for a set-tip
license to be used in the downst.-3irs of the Brandin' Irnn bui.ldi.ng for a Private club.
As Mr. No7gle dtd nct have cnrnlete nlans and inf-t-nation on the o aeration of this
private club, the Council did not take any action on the matter. Requested that, Mr.
Noggle -prepare comrli ter i-nformati.nn 3rd idvi.�-e the Secretary when this ir.fn,rmati,on
was completed so that he could be ^izt on the agend i for the next Colinri .l. meeting
)fter the information re^u(-rted by the "-uncf I was c r omr' 'er' , "crier. other }ban
this was takr-n or the req'iest . Thr information the Council rerniie^t-ed would bP
?^,er'.F)P_rshl,^ 11S-S -f t11E' clllt the anti ronntlt`ltlnri r.F the nrnrnSr'rl clllh the
hasi.c activi+-ies .anc', reasons for this tyre of ore rat ion in Z nuhlic restaurant.
P-quont from Mark T,iset and rrAa Fit7en for nPrrni.ss.ion to shoot
,n tnP Vi 1 1.aTA of Fden Prair P.
Mr,ti 7n 1)1r Alvin 4. Bren soconderi by A. W. mi 1_lnr to eionv the renjr,.^t.
Motion carried.
(4- 5-66) CERP.Y HFNT)RICK 3n!
Annearr>ri and req,ie?ted that '-e ho- nPrr+itte-' tr, i^st-ill. one well for .a con-
ventional double hl!n-ralnw to he constructed in thn Alni.ne FstatAs arr�a. The Vi.1.1.agA
Ht3i.ldi_n7 In^poctor r:aisea the questinn of •.Jhnther or not thi^ i^ nnsnihle 1>Poaiise of
the worr?i.n^ of the Orriin once No. 59 where it states wells sunnlving tow or more re-
siderts shall not he permitted. After di-ciassion it wa, fol.t by the Council that
the Ordin:;nce w,as not intenled to requir- two separate water systems for a duplex
home constricted on one lot and not being capable of bei.np sold senarately.
Motion by Kenneth F. Anderson seconded by A. W. Miller that Pursuant to
Ordinance No. 43 , Section 25 , tha- the Biiildin7 Tnsnector he instructed to issue a
(„ single well permit to Gerry Hendrickson for the construction of a double burugalow on
the following described property: i.ot 2 , Block 1 , Alnine F-:;tates .
Motion carried.
Co,inc51 Meeting -- k Anri.1 1?, 1956
nec-aunn of a continuous Problem i.n ^.cllec.tinFr otitstandinv_, receivarle ar-
coun -s it was felt that the Villa,- should go on a nrA-nZ r)nPration where far the
snPcial srrvices of the Vi lla7e the individual renPiest-inn th,- services would nav in
►lot i cn by Alvin J. ?rer sec:onr?ed by A. W. Miller to adnnt the nre-nav
nol.icv on all. services or items to be rendered by the Village. Before the nervic.e
i.r to be c_.omnleted the individual renuestinv the service must have a receipt from
the Vi11aPP Treasurer showing that the revuired .amount on rronev has peen raid to
the Villa;-e. In thoie instances where an exact amount of none,,, has not Drevious1v
been determined , the nroner person in the emnl.ov of the Villarre or the Villavn
nffi.cia? involved can make the necessar-.r estimate for the service and this would be
used to erovide the amount of money to be nail by the individual or individuals re.-
questins- the service. Motion carried.
Thor`-concluded: the items on the agenda. Several other items were brought up at this
(4- A-66) Mayor Osterholt brought un the .fact that several narti.es had reou-seed use
of tie Village Hail for various meetings. There was a brief discussion on this mat-
ter and it wa:- felt that this should be nut on the next agenda for rii.scussion by the
Council to consider a standard operating, procedure for the use of the Vi.11ape Hall
by groups outside of the official bodies of. the Village.
Reoue t-ed a Bingo Permit to he used for a binro party at the club.
Motion by Kenneth E. Anderson seconded by Names C. Brown to authorize the
Mavor to issue a Ringo permit to the Legion Club. Motion carried.
Some discussion had been previously held with interested residents in the
Duck Lake area. Certain of these individuals were at the meetinv,. Mr. Wood explain-
ed that he was having, a probinn 7ettinq contact with the Railroad which was one of
the maior narties cnncnrned in the solution of the drainage nrohlem in the !'puck Lake
area. They had not answered his request for consideration of their area. The Clerk
was instructed to draft a letter to the railraod explaining the Village nroblem and
that thriv woti.ld be one of the narties in a possible assessment procedure.
Mr. Miller requested consideration of the., acquisition of the necessary land
It was suggested that Mr. Miller and the committee which has worked on this nrenare a
reonrt for the Council with their recommendations as to how the Council should consid-
er the acquisition of the right-of-way for the interchanple. Upon receipt of the re-
rort the Council .-rill take the necessary action on this matter.
Motion by Alvin J. Aren seconded by Kenneth E. Anderson that the r^eetinr be
ad?ourned at 11r20 P. M. Unamiousl.v carried.
Jfhes C. Brown, Village Clerk