HomeMy WebLinkAboutSustainability Commission - 08/08/2023APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE SUSTAINABILITY COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 2023 7:00 P.M., Heritage Rooms 1&2 8080 Mitchell Road COMMISSION MEMBERS: Aaron Poock (Chair), Laura Bishop, Tim Conners, Gretchen Enninga, Cindy Hoffman, Moussa Ousmane, Carolyn Wieland, Michelle Frost, Jim Nehl CITY STAFF: Jennifer Fierce, Sustainability Coordinator, Kristin Harley, Recording Secretary I. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chair Poock called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Absent were commission members Enninga, Ousmane, and Bishop. [Hoffman arrived at 7:23 p.m.] II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND OTHER ITEMS OF BUSINESS MOTION: Conners moved, seconded by Frost to approve the agenda. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM JULY 11, 2023 MEETING MOTION: Conners moved, seconded by Nehl to approve the minutes from the July 11, 2023 meeting. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. IV. REPORTS A. REPORTS FROM STAFF 1. COMMUNITY CENTER SOLAR GARDE UPDATE Fierce displayed a drone video of the Community Center solar garden and stated the installation was close to being completed, with the panels installation completed by the end of August. A transformer and switch gear still needed to be installed, but due to supply chain issues will not be delivered and connected until April 2024. She explained the configuration of the solar panels. There were around 2,000 panels for 1.084 megawatts of power. Discussion followed on how the panels would shed snow. Fierce Sustainability Commission Minutes August 8, 2023 Page 2 described the outreach efforts, including to non-English speakers and renters. 2. HOA SOLAR RULES OVERVIEW Fierce described the new HOA rules: HOA’s could no longer prohibit roof-mounded solar as long as the owner was the sole owner of the space and was responsible for roof maintenance of the area in which the solar panels would be placed. HOA’s could still impose some restrictions such as a) utilizing a licensed contractor, b) system could not extend above peak or past edge of roof, c) owner was responsible for any damage to other private or common area property. HOA’s could not prohibit solar that faces the street, or any other restriction that would reduce system production by 10 percent and/or raise the cost of installation by more than $1,000.00. These rules became effective July 1, 2023. 3. EV SHOWCASE EVENT PLANNING Fierce stated there were eight display vehicles currently signed up; she and the event planners were looking for around 15. The event would be held on September 12 from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. Tesla had committed to test drives. No response had been received from Scheels or Pizza Karma yet. Erik’s Bike Shop would not be there. Fierce was promoting the event to residents, and the City was promoting it via social media. 3. WASTE AND RECYCLING UPDATE Fierce stated there were some changes to organics recycling. In short, per State Statute and requirements from the MPCA, there cannot be different fees for residents who participate and those who do not participate in organics recycling. Cities are responsible for enforcing the statute. As of December 1, all residential waste haulers in Eden Prairie will be required to comply with this finding to have their license renewed. Overall this was expected to reduce organics recycling fees for current participants, but residents not currently participating would see a small Sustainability Commission Minutes August 8, 2023 Page 3 increase in their bills. Residents would need to opt-in to receive a cart for organics collections, but cannot opt-out of the fee (much like traditional recycling). The organics rebate program would likely end at the end of 2023 as a result. Discussion followed on how this would be communicated and how to promote organics recycling participation. B. REPORTS FROM CHAIR Poock stated he was proud of the Eden Prairie “Buy Nothing” group which had arranged a “Buy Nothing” event on Saturday, September 9 from 9:30 – 12:30 at a local church. Participants had to show up at 9:00 in the parking lot with stuff to give away. The could take what they wanted and give what they wanted, and there was no charge. Hoffman asked for and received confirmation anything left over would be taken back home. Poock reiterated the policy was to leave no trace. C. REPORTS FROM COMMISSION D. REPORTS FROM STUDENTS V. OTHER BUSINESS Conners joked that he and Nehl would have to start competing for the public EV charger spots out front of the City Hall. Discussion followed on the rates of use of EV chargers around Eden Prairie. Discussion followed on the 12 new student representatives that would start in the fall and possible projects for them. Wieland suggested “swap events” which were similar to “buy nothing” events, perhaps attached to a school supply drive. Hoffman agreed. Conners, Hoffman and Poock suggested a project surrounding food waste. Poock suggested the students likely have some members of the Tree Huggers Club. Discussion followed on giving options for projects rather than waiting for students to suggest their own and what success would look like. Hoffman asked if a display regarding the solar garden could be a project. Conners suggested three projects: food waste, the community solar garden, and a swapping event. Frost suggested allowing one more idea suggested by the students. Fierce asked commission members to take the lead on this. Poock suggested this be on the agenda for October have the student representatives be presented an area to work in and have them choose one by the November meeting. Then meetings would be held with the student representatives each month, perhaps after the regular commission meetings. Sustainability Commission Minutes August 8, 2023 Page 4 The commission members could meet before each commission meeting to ensure everything was in place. Fierce suggested having at least three working on each project, ideally students who already knew each other. Fierce reminded the commission members that in October the Eden Prairie Awards would need to be selected. VI. UPCOMING EVENTS • Tuesday, September 12 – EV Showcase Event, 4 to 7 PM • Saturday, September 16 – Fall Recycling Drop Off, 8 AM to Noon • Saturday, October 28 – Electrify Everything MN Workshop VII. NEXT MEETING There will be no Sustainability Commission meeting Tuesday, September 12, 2023, which is the evening of the EV Showcase Event. VIII. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Conners moved, seconded by Nehl to adjourn the meeting. MOTION CARRIED 6-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:39 p.m.