HomeMy WebLinkAboutSustainability Commission - 04/11/2023APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE SUSTAINABILITY COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 2023 7:00 P.M., Heritage Rooms 1&2 8080 Mitchell Road COMMISSION MEMBERS: Aaron Poock (Chair), Laura Bishop, Tim Conners, Gretchen Enninga, Cindy Hoffman, Moussa Ousmane, Carolyn Wieland, Michelle Frost, Jim Nehl STUDENT MEMBERS: Tanvi Bhujle, Mia Cain, Palak Dhiman, Maura Fitzgerald, Tyler Little, Taylor Oliver, Suchita Sah CITY STAFF: Jennifer Fierce, Sustainability Coordinator, Kristin Harley, Recording Secretary I. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chair Poock called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Absent were commission member Wieland and student representatives Dhiman, Fitzgerald, Oliver, and Sah. New Commissioner Welcome Chair Poock welcomed the new commission members and had all commissioner members introduce themselves. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND OTHER ITEMS OF BUSINESS MOTION: Bishop moved, seconded by Hoffman to approve the agenda. MOTION CARRIED 8-0. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM MARCH 8, 2023 MEETING MOTION: Enninga moved, seconded by Hoffman to approve the minutes from the March 14, 2023 meeting. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. IV. REPORTS A. REPORTS FROM STAFF 1. ELECTRIFY EVERYTHING MINNESOTA PRESENTATION Sustainability Commission Minutes April 11, 2023 Page 2 Fierce displayed a PowerPoint, a condensed version of the slide deck for the presentation and solicited feedback. The presentation defined electrification, detailed the program, and made the case for electrification toward the goal of Eden Prairie becoming carbon-free by 2050. Natural gas stoves have emissions even when off, and recent research pointed to adverse effects, including childhood asthma. Electricity rates were generally more predictable than natural gas rates, which tended to fluctuate. Finally, electrification would cut down on emissions that contributed to climate change. The goal of this program was to educate residents and provide guidance. Key steps for electrifying a single-family home were weatherization, heating, water heating, clothes drying and cooking. Weatherization involved improving the parts of the home that were kept heated or cooled. Insulation could reduce heating bills by 18 percent. Air sealing would prevent leaks in attic hatches, lighting, vents and chimneys, and windows. Minnesota uses 70 percent of its energy use for heating as opposed to 40 percent nationally. Heat pumps could heat a home in the winter and cool a home in the summer. In Minnesota, a furnace would still be necessary as a backup. The presentation would give more details about their benefits and tips for operating one. • There were multiple pathways depending on the homeowner’s priorities: “climate now” for early adopters wanting the highest- impact projects to cut greenhouse gases/emissions • “Easing in” for many residents, involving lower-cost, easier-to- install appliance upgrades • “Healthy and safe homes” for reluctant adopters began with improving a home’s air quality by tackling the most direct sources of pollutants. Appliances suggested: Hybrid water heaters or heat pump water heaters Cooking ranges (induction) Electric resistance or heat pump clothes dryers Some homes in Eden Prairie might need pre-work before electrifying. The first step was a Home Energy Squad visit for an energy audit. Resources: Energy advisor Sustainability Commission Minutes April 11, 2023 Page 3 Citizens Utility Board (CUB) The learning sessions would be held May 15 Community Center Cambria Room. Registration would be at the Eden Prairie website or at electrifyeverythingmn.org . Fierce asked the commission members to reach out with any other comments and feedback. 2. RESIDENT LEARNING SESSIONS PLANNING UPDATE Fierce displayed a PowerPoint detailing the ideas for the sessions. Pollinator Plantings May 30 6:00-8:00 p.m., online, MetroBlooms presenting. PeopleFest Sustainability 101, July 30, 3:00–7:00 p.m. EV Ride and Drive Event September 12, 4:00-7:00 p.m., location TBD Graduation Sign Recycling June 26-30, collection at City Hall B. REPORTS FROM CHAIR Poock reminded the commission the Mayor’s Water Pledge was this month, and he encouraged everyone to go to mayorswaterpledge.com and participate. C. REPORTS FROM COMMISSION 1. WATER UPDATE 2. WASTE UPDATE Conners thanked Frost and Hoffman for recruiting volunteers for the April 22 Eco Expo, and stated there was room for more. He announced Commuter Services signed up for a booth. He asked commission members to distribute business cards for the event. He added there was still a lot of Sustainability Commission Minutes April 11, 2023 Page 4 confusion around organic waste recycling. Also, he had learned a commuter service existed in the Twin Cities. Fierce stated she was not sure of its status since the pandemic. Nehl added he, Poock, and Frost attended Friends of Eden Prairie Parks. It had been actively removing invasive species for a few years. He offered to send information to the commission members. ORGANICS RECYCLING 3. LANDSCAPE/POLLINATOR UPDATE 4. ENERGY UPDATE D. REPORTS FROM STUDENTS Little stated the Tree Huggers were working on a resolution for the school district to take to the school board addressing waste. He also had a goal of addressing transportation. V. OTHER BUSINESS VI. UPCOMING EVENTS • April 15, 2023 – Park Clean Up Day, Crestwood Park, 8 AM to 2 PM • April 22, 2023 – EP AM Rotary Eco Expo, Eden Prairie Mall, 10 AM to 6 PM • April 29, 2023 – Arbor Day and Green Fair Event, Staring Lake Park, 10 AM to 1 PM • May 6, 2023 – Spring Recycling Drop-Off Event, Yard Waste Site, 8 AM to 12 PM • May 11, 2023 – Board and Commission Banquet • May 15, 2023 – Electrify Everything MN Workshop, Community Center, 6 PM to 8 PM VII. NEXT MEETING The next Sustainability Commission meeting will be held Tuesday, May 9, 2023, in the Pioneer Room. VIII. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Bishop moved, seconded by Enninga to adjourn the meeting. MOTION CARRIED 8-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:32 p.m.