HomeMy WebLinkAboutHeritage Preservation - 04/20/1998HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION
April 20, 1998
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Monday, April 20, 1998 7:00 p.m., City Center
Prairie Room A/B
8080 Mitchell Road
Commission Members: Deborah Barkley, Kathie Case, Timothy Colliton,
Jane Hession, Jan Mosman, Lori Peterson-Benike,
and James Wilson
Student Representatives: Jenny Freemyer, and Kristin Kelly
Staff: John Gertz, Historic Preservation Specialist, and
Rebecca L. Belz, Recording Secretary
Chair Hession called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Commissioner Kathie Case was absent and
Student Representative Jenny Freemyer was also absent.
James Wilson moved, seconded by Tim Colliton, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion
carried unanimously.
Chair Hession requested that her comments regarding stipends for HPC interns be clarified. Her
comment was that previous HPC interns have been acquired without a stipend, not that
interns in general could be acquired without stipends.
James Wilson moved, seconded by Lori Peterson-Benike, to approve the minutes of the
March 16, 1998 meeting as amended. Motion carried unanimously.
Chair Hession welcomed the two new members and invited each Commissioner to share
information about themselves. The Chair commented on the work involved in the
Commission and the rewards as well as the obstacles sometimes associated.
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Chair Hession explained for the new members that annual elections are conducted to appoint
a Chair and Vice Chair for the Commission. She opened nominations for the role of the
Jim Wilson nominated Jane Hession to act as Chair for the Heritage Preservation
Commission. Commissioner Hession thanked Commissioner Wilson for the nomination,
however, declined because of several other obligations at this time.
Jane Hession nominated Tim Colliton to act as Chair for the Heritage Preservation
Commission. Jim Wilson seconded the nomination. All were in favor of the nomination.
Commissioner Hession asked newly appointed Chair Colliton if he would like to continue
conducting the meeting. He declined and Commissioner Hession continued conducting the
meeting for the evening.
Commissioner Hession asked for nominations for the role of Vice Chair of the Heritage
Preservation Commission. Lori Peterson-Benike nominated Kathie Case as Vice Chair for
the Heritage Preservation Commission. Jan Mosman seconded the nomination. All were in
favor of the nomination.
Commissioner Mosman reported on two items on be half of Commissioner Case. She gave Mr.
Gertz a check for plaques for>>>>. She also reported that the Art Miller Wagner
Homestead went up for sale and was purchased by Ms. Katherine Holschuh. The new
owner plans to move the home less than a mile near the Marshalls Stand.
A. Cummins-Grill Property:
Mr. Gertz referenced his report and shared that several improvements were needed
for this property as well as with the Riley/Jacques and Smith-Douglas-Moor
properties. He requested assistance from the Commission by asking for two
volunteers to meet at the property, help make similar lists of required work and be
available to help with planning. He noted that the volunteers need not be
subcommittees and that the same people could volunteer for more than one property.
Volunteers were:
> Lori Peterson Benike and Jim Wilson for Cummins-Grill House
> Tim Colliton for the Riley/Jacques property
> Jan Mosman and Jane Hession for the Smith-Douglas-Moore Property.
Mr. Gertz further noted regarding the Cummins-Grill House that he will need
the volunteers to begin as early as next week to compile a list of
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improvements or work needed to the inside of the house, the outside and the
grounds. From there, they will set priorities and proceed.
Commissioner Colliton inquired as to the type of fencing needed for the
perimeter as noted in Mr. Gertz’s report. Mr. Gertz responded that originally
they wanted to put up a woven wire fence appropriate to the time period but
such materials were not found. He will continue to look for a 3-foot high
fence appropriate to the time period.
Commissioner Mosman noted that the Garden Club will be holding a plant
sale and working on the Peony Garden June 3, 1998 and inquired if restroom
facilities and water would be available to them. Mr. Gertz will ensure that
port-a-potties are available near the home.
B. Riley/Jacques Granary Restoration:
Mr. Gertz reported that the site is complete with the exception of some painting and
general clean up that will be done soon and electrical work that will be done
this summer. He commended the work done by Tom Dieltham and noted
that he would utilize his services again on a similar job.
The Commissioners that had seen the completed work responded with positive
remarks about the property. Commissioner Hession affirmed that this
property is one of the positive accomplishments the Commission
C. Preservation Plan – Disaster Plan Element:
Mr. Gertz noted his work developing the plan and that City Council recently
requested a disaster recovery element be developed in light of the recent
tornadoes in St. Peter. He agreed that this element is important since these
properties would be handled differently in an emergency. He added that this
plan would be included in the Preservation Plan, which is targeted to be
drafted this spring.
D. Carl Martin Memorial Rock:
Mr. Gertz reported receiving a phone call asking that this rock, currently located at a
McDonalds at Mitchell Road and Highway 212, be moved because it was in
the path of construction. Mr. Gertz investigated a proper place for the rock
and contacted the son of Carl Martin for approval. Mr. Martin’s son was
actually pleased at the proposal. The rock will be moved near Purgatory
E. City Council Action on HPC Requests:
Commissioner Hession reported that she and John Gertz, and Lori Peterson-Benike
attended the City Council Meeting where action was taken regarding the
Commission’s recommendations.
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1. Glen Lake Children’s Camp request to approve National Registration of
Historic Places and request for $5,000 grant for preservation
planning at the camp:
Commissioner Hession explained for the new members that
this camp was built in the 1920’s for children with tuberculosis
and is now being leased by Friendship Ventures who would like
to tear it down and rebuild to better suit their needs. At one
time City Council approved their requests to tear down the
building against the HPC’s recommendation. She further
explained that the HPC is now helping Friendship Ventures
restore and reconstruct the original facility so it will be more
useful to Friendship Ventures. Because of this step forward,
the HPC requested Council approve the request to submit the
building for National Registration of Historic Places, which they
did approve at the meeting April 7, 1998. They also approved
the $5,000 for preservation planning at the camp.
2. City of Eden Prairie/Eden Prairie Historical Society Roles and
Responsibilities and cooperative Agreement:
Commissioner Hession explained that this Responsibilities and Cooperative
Agreement was constructed to assist in defining roles and
responsibilities between Eden Prairie Historical Society and the
City’s HPC. She reported that City Council approved the
proposed agreement with amendments that included a broader
statement of the HPC’s charge to preserve Eden Prairie’s
history. Council appointed staff to finish the agreement.
3. Renaming Franlo Park to Samuel Adams Park:
Commissioner Hession reported that this topic spurred much conversation about
naming and renaming parks and streets within the City.
Council denied the request to change the name for several
qualified reasons. Commissioner Hession explained that
Council was concerned that a proper procedure had not been
followed and that other potentially interested parties were not
consulted. Council also noted concern about changing a name
without proper historical research to discover the purpose for
the original name and what it may affect by changing it.
The Commission also discussed this topic at length and agreed with Council’s
denial and recommendation to develop a proper procedure for
such requests.
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Mr. Gertz will be working with other City Staff to develop a proper procedure in
naming and renaming parks, streets, and the like.
F. Vision 2001:
Mr. Gertz reported of this meeting planned with City Council and two other City
Commissions where a brief presentation will be given and the City’s Vision
2001 goals will be discussed. He distributed information regarding some of
the questions that will be asked so they will have some time to intelligibly
reply. Mr. Gertz requested that everyone be available to attend the April 22,
1998 meeting. The other Commissions that will be at the meeting are
believed to be the Environmental and Waste Management Commission and
the Arts Commission.
A. Eden Prairie Horsemen’s Request:
Mr. Gertz reported of the letter received from Mr. Walter Farnham, President of the club,
requesting they be allowed to paint the wooden arena fencing. Mr. Gertz
reported of conversations with Mr. Farnham and noted that samples of the
paint would be reviewed prior to painting. It was not know when the painting
would begin.
B. CLG Grant Project:
Mr. Gertz reported that the project had incurred a slight setback with the owner of the
>>>>property deciding to rescind the national registration application
for their property because they thought it would hinder the sale of the
property to developers. Staff suggested to Pat Nunnally that they
move on to other sites such as: the Staring Lake Outdoor Center,
Pleasant Hill Cemetery, and the Eden Prairie Cemetery.
Mr. Gertz also reported that he met with Mrs. Fowler regarding the trail segments on the
Schlampp property. He reported that the Homeowners Association
now owns it and staff is now working with them regarding the trail
Mr. Gertz then reported that the Minnesota Historical Society recently approved the $4,000
grant request. Since the City will match the amount, the HPC will
have the full amount to register eight properties for next year.
The Commission took a short recess at 8:25 p.m.
C. Fredrick-Miller Spring:
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Commissioner Mosman reviewed several proposed drawings explaining the
pros and cons of each. She presented several new developments
regarding keeping the spring where it currently is and moving the
spring creek-side as approved at the Commission’s last meeting. It
was determined that more information and investigation would be
needed regarding the topic. Some information and questions
discussed regarding the spring included but were not limited to:
> It was decided that the drive through area would be one way only.
> Commissioner Mosman is waiting to find out exactly how much parking is
> Man made elements such as trashcans; kiosks and benches will be kept to
one side of the spring.
> Grading is an issue.
> A handicap parking spot is required which will affect the number of spots and
vicinity of parking at the spring.
> If the spring is kept in its current location there will be:
> Less grading
> Will eliminate the curb creek-side to assist drainage
> Less retaining wall
> Less black top use
> Less dirt needed
> Can only include 4 parallel parking spots.
> If/when the spring is determined unusable it can be left as a monument of
> Run-off issues are being addressed
> Lighting needs to be considered – whether to use a lot for safety or a little for
ambiance and authenticity.
It was noted that a recommendation is needed from the Commission, however, too
many questions were yet unanswered. Commissioner Mosman requested
input from other Commissioners regarding the sketches to better assess a
direction for development. She noted that one of the plans – whether to
leave or move the spring- could be denied for technical reasons. Comments
from the Commission included:
> Commissioner Hession preferred to move the spring for aesthetic purposes
and seemed less dangerous than as an island.
> Mr. Gertz noted that he would prefer no intrusions on the creek-side of the
drive for parking, etc.
> Commissioner Colliton preferred to keep the spring in its current location for
better drainage and because it was a less intrusive plan.
> The Commission agreed that the proposed parallel handicap parking creek-
side was undesirable and didn’t make parking any closer for the
physically challenged.
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Commissioner Mormon will further develop the plans and report back to the
D. Coffee House Update:
Kristen Kelly gave an update on her proposed Coffee House operation to help
educate citizens and provide a safer meeting environment for teens that also
has aesthetic appeal. Questions discussed were: how to practically provide
educational tools to residents, which location to use, city codes and
covenants that may be in place, how to get started, and how to manage – by
private or DECA, and if this project could be “for school credit”.
Commissioner Hession commended Miss Kelly on her enthusiasm and
efforts with this idea. She further encouraged her to talk with Mr. Gertz who
would be able to direct her to find the answers to some of her questions. It
was suggested that she investigate properties that she was interested in,
however, she may find that Staring Lake Outdoor Center may be the most
accessible and capable to run such a venture. Commissioner Hession again
encouraged her to further develop her plan as far as what equipment and
supplies she would need and what facilities would be necessary to run the
shop. She also encouraged Miss Kelly to make a presentation to the City
Council once the plan is further defined.
Miss Kelly will continue developing this plan and report back.
A. HPC Guidelines for Naming/Renaming Streets, Sites, and Parks:
Mr. Gertz reported, as discussed earlier, that this would be developed and included as part
of the Preservation Plan. He will be working with Parks and Recreation and
Facilities to develop a process to allow the HPC or any other commission to
determine the appropriateness of selecting names as well as a review
process for making recommendations.
B. Preliminary Results for Archaeology Survey of Pemtom-Dorenkemper
Mr. Gertz noted that the report from Christina Harrison of Archaeological Research
Services (ARS) was distributed at the last meeting as well as included with
this packet for further discussion. He noted that he desired more recognition
of the findings in the report by including it for discussion at this meeting. He
noted Ms. Harrison’s recommendation to further “test to identify any topsoil
anomalies indicative of mounds and any cultural evidence that could have
been associated wither with burials or habitation.” Mr. Gertz recommended
that the Commission acknowledge and support the next phase of testing.
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Tim Colliton moved, seconded by Jim Wilson to support the findings of the March 11, 1998
report of Christina Harrison from Archaeological Research Services and
support the next phase of testing. Motion carried unanimously.
Having no other business to come before the Commission, James Wilson moved,
seconded by Tim Colliton, to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 p.m. Motion carried