HomeMy WebLinkAboutHeritage Preservation - 03/16/1998HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION
March 16, 1998
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Monday, March 16, 1998 7:00 p.m., City Center
Prairie Room A/B
8080 Mitchell Road
Commission Members: Kathie Case, Timothy Colliton, Jane Hession, Lori
Peterson-Benike, and James Wilson
Student Representatives: Jenny Freemyer, and Kristin Kelly
Staff: John Gertz, Historic Preservation Specialist, and
Rebecca L. Belz, Recording Secretary
Chair Hession called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All Commissioners and Student
Representatives were present, though Kristin Kelly entered at 7:05 p.m.
The following items were added under New Business:
C. Nomination of Endangered Property to the Preservation Alliance of
D. Eames Property
James Wilson moved, seconded by Tim Colliton, to approve the agenda as amended. Motion
carried unanimously.
The Commission requested the following changes to the minutes of the previous meeting:
> To correct the spelling of Marion Neverdahl’s name in the first paragraph of Roman
Numeral V on page 2.
> To replace the words “Duck Lake” with “Pioneer” in the first paragraph of Roman
Numeral V on page 2.
> To correct the spelling in all the references to the Riley Jacques Property in the last
paragraph of page 6 under Roman Numeral E.
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James Wilson moved, seconded by Tim Colliton, to approve the minutes of the February 23,
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1998 meeting as corrected. Motion carried unanimously.
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Commissioner Case reported that Mrs. Phyllis Messenger will be giving a slide presentation and
report at the Historical Society’s Annual Meeting. Commissioner Case reported that the
Annual Meeting will be May 3, 1998 at 2:30 p.m. at the Outdoor Center and the
Commission is welcome to attend.
Chair Hession and John Gertz encouraged Commissioners to attend if possible. Mr. Gertz also
offered to assist with flyers if needed.
Commissioner Case then reported that her husband, Ron Case, received a grant to work jointly with
his class and the City to develop a City timeline. The timeline, reflecting Eden Prairie’s
history, will be professionally mounted and framed and then hung at City Hall.
Commissioner Case also reported of meeting with Mrs. Buckingham, a member of a long-standing
Eden Prairie family, who donated a copy of her family history and told Case many family
Mr. Gertz reminded the Commission that the SHPO Historic Preservation Conference is
May 15 and 16, 1998 in Faribault, Minnesota. He is unable to attend, however, will forward
all the appropriate registration information to the Commission for them to complete.
Commissioners will be reimbursed for the registration.
Mr. Gertz noted the inclusion of a new roster and requested they mark out Ginger Venable who
declined the position due to the time commitment. Commissioner Case remembered a
gentleman from last year’s recruitment process she thought may be interested. Mr. Gertz
will review last year’s applications. James Wilson recently met a woman who may be
interested and he will check with her also.
Mr. Gertz and Chair Hession reported of the recent award given to Eden Prairie for Best Shorter
Publication for the booklet Heritage: Preserving Eden Prairie’s Past. The award is given by
the Minnesota Chapter of the Society of Archtectural Historians as part of the David
Gebhard Award competition. City Hall will receive a copy of the award.
A. Historic Preservation Intern:
Mr. Gertz explained that a gentleman by the name of Will Stark is looking for an internship with a
historic preservation organization within the Twin Cities area. Mr. Gertz will be
meeting with him to discuss a position with Eden Prairie. The required stipend of
$2,500 was addressed and though Chair Hession noted that the HPC has acquired
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interns in the past without it, Mr. Gertz thought funds might be available within the
Administration or Community Development departments.
B. Comprehensive Guide Plan – Historic Preservation Element:
Mr. Gertz reported that as indicated by the information included in the packet, the City is now
required to update its Comprehensive Guide Plan by December 1998 and that a
Historic Preservation Element is required. He also noted that the City has had draft
Historic Preservation Element but feels it should be updated. He will work on
updating the previous plan and submit it to the Commission. Mr. Gertz added that it
would be a good place to include information regarding buffers on burial mounds,
C. HPC Recommendations to City Council.
Mr. Gertz confirmed with the Commission that Chair Hession will be taking the following
information to the April 7, 1998 City Council meeting for approval:
> Name change recommendation for Franlo Park.
> Local National Register designation of Glen Lake Children’s Camp.
> Roles and Responsibilities of the Historical Society/City.
Chair Hession encouraged Commissioners to attend the April 7 meeting.
A. Riley-Jacques Granary update:
Mr. Gertz reported that the granary is 75% complete. He noted several details of the work being
done and added that great care was going into the detail. He also noted that work
was needed on the corncrib roof, which was not anticipated or included in the bid.
Commissioner Case noted that the Historical Society might have an extra roll ridge for the roof that
she will check into for him. She also noted that she had drove by the property and
that it looked great. She had also run into Elaine Jacques who is “thrilled” that work
is being done there.
B. Fredrick-Miller Spring:
Mr. Gertz updated the Commission as to the latest developments regarding the Spring. He
confirmed that City Engineering has construction plans for Spring Road north and
south of the Spring but not in the immediate area. He also reported that after
discussion with other staff officials regarding drainage and public safety, Gertz
believes it best to recommend moving the Spring to the east of the road or creek side.
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Tim Colliton moved, seconded by James Wilson to relocate Fredrick-Miller Spring to the creek side
or east side of the parking area. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Gertz concluded by noting that construction will begin this Summer and that the Commission
was given a $5,000 grant from Eden Prairie Foundation for the interpretive kiosk for
the Spring.
C. Glen Lake Children’s Camp
Mr. Gertz referred to the preliminary schematic drawings of a proposed new building for the camp.
He also noted that a $75,000 grant was approved from the Bush Foundation for the
project. There was discussion regarding the drawings that were presented including
concerns over tree loss, building angle, and the proposed deck. The Commission
realized that this project is in the preliminary stages and because of the condition of
the building, some compromises may be needed.
Construction will potentially begin this summer.
D. Cummins-Grill House Bathroom Improvements:
Gertz reported of his visit to the Cummins-Grill House to make a list of all the repairs needed to the
bathroom facility. He distributed his list and reviewed several items that would need
to be done. He added that due to the poor condition of the bathtub and walls, they
would be taken out and replaced with countertop and a deep sink. Mr. Gertz
believed the wall mount sink and some of the cabinets were salvageable.
The Commission agreed that the bathroom is intended for staff use and doesn’t necessarily have to
be replaced to the period it was built. The Commission agreed to keep what was
salvageable and to keep it a “workable” facility. Paint, wallpaper, and other details
were discussed and agreed to keep authentic when possible.
Commissioner Case requested that the kitchen sink that was placed in the attic for storage be put
back. She reminded the Commission that after the sink had been removed, it was
discovered that it was original to the house and should have been left. Mr. Gertz will
include this in the construction plans.
Mr. Gertz requested the Commission’s input as to how they think the bathroom should look.
Commissioners Wilson and Peterson-Benike volunteered to visit the site for their
input. It was also suggested to hold a meeting there.
ADA requirements were also addressed. Mr. Gertz will investigate.
E. Historic Site Preservation Plans:
Mr. Gertz reported meeting with other staff to discuss needed repairs on historic sites and
including them in the budgeting process. He noted that staff will continue compiling
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lists of repairs needed at each site and prioritize them according to funds and
necessity. Mr. Gertz asked for input from the Commission as to any noticed repairs
F. Current CLG Project:
Mr. Gertz reported recently meeting with Pat Nunnally who is working on preparing a local
registration for the Glen Lake Children’s Camp property. Mr. Nunnally spent
several hours at City Hall researching City and Eden Prairie's Historical Society files.
He also solicited help from the Commission in contacting owners of the property.
Mr. Gertz reported that Nunnally did not have an estimated time frame regarding
Chair Hession raised a question about billing time spent on CLG issues. Mr. Gertz
confirmed that Commissioners should record time spent on any CLG issues to assure
accurate billing of grant funds.
Chair Hession called a recess at 8:30 p.m. and reconvened at 8:35 p.m.
A. Developing a Standard for Burial Mound Buffers:
The issue of developing a standard for burial mound buffers was addressed by the Chair and noted
that City Council is looking to the Commission for a recommendation as to their
protection. Several questions about the process of purchasing land in Eden Prairie as
well as how land is developed was discussed. It was identified that in most cases, it
is up to the developer or purchaser to investigate a property before developing. It
was also reviewed that state statutes describe the importance of burial mounds,
however no buffers are described. There are City policies regarding buffers,
however they are more guidelines and not necessarily enforced at the 50-foot mark
as stated. Several of the same questions and obstacles were discussed as at the last
meeting. It was identified that the recommendation of the Commission must be
applicable on a case by case basis because a strict 50-foot buffer is unrealistic all of
the time.
Chair Hession suggested that staff begin compiling information by looking at past cases to develop
options including an easement option. It was further suggested to form a sub
committee to research and report back in April. Commissioners Case and Hession
volunteered to work with Mr. Gertz and may consult the state Archaeologist and a
Council member.
Chair Hession confirmed that the Commission and recommendation will be making a statement
about burial mound preservation and should be well constructed. She reiterated the
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need to be consistent with the burial mound preservation recommendation as with
any other property in Eden Prairie.
During the discussion, Mr. Gertz distributed a copy of the letter from Christina Harrison from the
Archaeological Research Services who stated no mounds were found on the
Pemtom-Dorenkemper development.
B. Riley-Jacques Maintenance and Repair Schedule:
Mr. Gertz reported of a memo received from Stuart Fox, Manager of Parks and Natural Resources,
regarding the Riley-Jacques repairs as discussed at their meeting. The attachment
identified several repairs required and that similar lists should be made of other
properties. The Commission commended the effort and believed it to be a big step
towards the Commission’s goals.
C. Nomination of Endangered Property to the Preservation Alliance of Minnesota
Commissioner Colliton reported that the Preservation Alliance of Minnesota is compiling its annual
list of ten “endangered” properties and is looking for nominations. He continued by
noting that the list is presented during Preservation Week to heighten awareness of
endangered properties due to damage and/or neglect.
The Commission discussed the possibility of submitting an application for the Glen Lake Children’s
Camp but wondered if the nomination would in any way hinder steps already taken
with the property. Another point raised was whether the City would have to approve
the application since the Camp is City owned.
Applications must be in by April 1, 1998. Other properties the Commission considered include:
Samuel Anderson House, Overlook Park, and Oxcart Trail. Mr. Gertz will
investigate and proceed with the application if prudent.
D. Eames Property:
Commissioner Case reported of a phone call she received from Mr. David Kassic who lives next
door to the Eames Property. Mr. Kassic expressed his desire to name a street after
Mike Eames. Commissioner Case discussed with the Commission her desire to have
input when streets are named. She reported remembering a process in which the
Commission was to be involved when new developments are underway. Chair
Hession and Mr. Gertz did not recall such a process but will investigate. The
Commission continued that their involvement was not needed for every development
and was not sure how to communicate their desire to be involved. They suggested
clarification and perhaps a policy or some kind of guide as to when the Commission
could be consulted in naming streets, etc.
Mr. Gertz will investigate and report back in April.
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Having no other business to come before the Commission, James Wilson moved, seconded
by Lori Peterson-Benike, to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.