HomeMy WebLinkAboutHeritage Preservation - 04/19/2021APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 2021 7:00 P.M. (Virtual Meeting) 8080 MITCHELL RD HPC COMMISSION MEMBERS: Pamela Spera-Chair; Valerie Ross-Vice Chair; Paul Thorp; Rod Fisher; George Maxwell; Steve Schumacher; Robert Bowes COMMISSION STAFF: Beth Novak-Krebs, Staff Liaison Kristin Harley, Recording Secretary Matthew Bourne, Manager of Parks and Natural Resources STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES Devyn Stanton, Aarav Subbaiah, Anna Patten, Finn Bloch, Maia Chevez, Sarthak Agrawal I. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chair Spera called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. Absent were student representatives Bloch and Stanton. Ross joined the meeting at approximately 8:35 Residents Jeff Borowiak and Jackie Quiram joined the meeting. II. READING OF LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATEMENT III. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: Thorp moved, seconded by Fisher to approve the agenda. Motion carried 6- 0. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION: Fisher moved, seconded by Thorp to approve the minutes of the March 15, 2021 meeting. Motion carried 3-0 with 3 abstentions (Maxwell, Schumacher, Bowes). IV. NEW BUSINESS A. WELCOME NEW COMMISSIONERS AND INTRODUCTIONS (NOVAK- KREBS) EDEN PRAIRIE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION April 19, 2021 Page 2 Spera welcomed the new commission members George Maxwell, Robert Bowes and Steve Schumacher and invited them to introduce themselves. The commission members introduced themselves to the new members. B. SWEARING IN NEW MEMBERS (NOVAK-KREBS) Novak-Krebs swore in the new commission members George Maxwell, Robert Bowes and Steve Schumacher. C. DISCUSS THE OLD DEPOT SITE (THORP) Novak-Krebs displayed a PDF of maps and photographs, and Thorp explained the that he would like to see the old depot locally designate the Depot Site as a Heritage Preservation Site. The site dates back to1871. This was on the Hennepin County Regional Trail right-of-way, which was leased to the Three Rivers Park District. Thorp explained he took the 1917 railroad map and plotted the buildings’ location onto a modern map. Only the well casing for the pump was left above ground. Water was manually pumped at first, and then a mechanical pump filled the water tank. The site was disturbed by a sewer line and several electrical lines, and a new sidewalk. Fisher asked what the advantages were of local designation. Thorp explained the site would be mapped and would allow the commission to have a say in future site disturbances and construction. Discussion followed on hiring a consultant. Thorp recommended pursuing the local designation process within the commission. Fisher volunteered to help. Novak-Krebs offered to research and outline next steps. V. OLD BUSINESS A. YORKVILLE AND BLOOMINGTON ROAD PRESERVATION PLAN (NOVAK-KREBS AND BOURNE) Novak-Krebs summarized for the new commission members how this site was designated as a local Heritage Preservation Site in 2019 and how the current discussions centered on maintenance. Bourne summarized the maintenance actions in the James Brown Conservation Area. There were no designated hiking trails, and the site had a lot of buckthorn and other invasive species which Bourne hoped to mitigate in the coming years. This part of the conservation area did not have much access, but he hoped staff would visit the site once a year to assess the work to be done. The roadbed had trees growing on it but it was fairly stable. A maintenance plan could be worded to be conditional on the public finally having access. Thorp asked for and received clarification the City did not bar hikers but EDEN PRAIRIE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION April 19, 2021 Page 3 did not have dedicated trails. The group discussed placing signage near the road to identify the location so it does not get disturbed. Bourne said that could be done. MOTION: Maxwell moved, seconded by Fisher to recommend approval of the the preservation report recommendations to be implemented at the appropriate time. Motion carried 6-0. B. ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE AT THE WATER RESERVOIR AND WELL HOUSE (THORP) Novak-Krebs displayed a photograph of the newly built pump house. She suggested this site as a commission tour. Thorp described the site and displayed where the signs would be located. There were other signs that Rick Wahlen, Manager of the Water Treatment Plan, wanted the commission to work on: replicas of the original Eden Prairie Depot sign, and some additional signage. Thorp had gathered data on water service in Eden Prairie and mapped the expansion of the water service through the decades. C. STUDENT ASSIGNMENT PRESENTATIONS Chevez presented her report on the Indian Burial Mounds in St. Paul. Thorp requested that copies of the applications for the National Register of Historic Places be distributed to the new commission members. VI. REPORTS OF COMMISSION AND STAFF Novak-Krebs stated the Hosta Society had hostas at the Smith Douglas More House and was proposing to install an irrigation system. There might be an opportunity for the City to extend that sometime in the future. Also, a sign commemorating national display status of the Hosta gardens given by the American Hosta Society would be mounted. She displayed photographs of the sign and the site (near the front garden). No Certificate of Appropriateness was needed, but she wished to bring this to the commission members’ attention. The sign and irrigation system would not be installed until after the fence installation. This society was working with Rod Clark, Manager of the Facilities Division. VII. REPORTS OF HISTORICAL SOCIETY Ross announced there was possible meeting scheduled outside in May, and a potluck dinner in June. Thorp announced there would be a Vintage Sale in autumn, but no date had been set yet. The plant exchange at the Cummins Phipps Grill House would be held on May 22, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. noon. No money would be exchanged. It was also announced on the Eden Prairie Remembers Facebook page. EDEN PRAIRIE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION April 19, 2021 Page 4 VIII. FYI ITEMS Novak-Krebs announced members from the Human Right and Diversity Commission joining next month to give a presentation on the history of the Somali population in Eden Prairie. Novak-Krebs summarized the recent Planning Commission meeting on the Standal property near Miller Spring. The proposed development, which was controversial, would go before the City Council on May 4. Maxwell asked where the heritage preservation boundaries were for the spring. Novak-Krebs replied both where water was collected and the spring itself were on City owned property and part of the Conservation Area. Maxwell asked if there was any hydrological study of the impact. Novak-Krebs replied staff was trying to get additional information. Maxwell asked if there were any issues with material perhaps being shaken loose during construction which might impact the spring. Novak-Krebs replied she did not know about that; to her knowledge it was a Christmas tree farm, and before that she had no knowledge of the property use— perhaps agriculture. Borowiak corrected the history, stating this property started out as a Cedar Valley. Fisher asked for and received clarification the commission’s purview regarding the spring as a Heritage Preservation Site. Discussion followed on the site’s status as a heritage site. Novak-Krebs explained that any changes to the Heritage Preservation Site would need to go through the commission. Spera agreed the commission needed guidance and Novak-Krebs offered to look into the commission’s jurisdiction. Maxwell suggested the commission table this discussion until it had more information, and Fisher agreed the commission needed to do the research and come back. Ross concurred. Borowiak thanked the commission for what information it could provide to concerned residents before the City Council meeting on May 4. Fisher offered to be a resource to the new commission members regarding the information load. Novak-Krebs stated there would be a training for the new members at 6:15 p.m. before the next commission meeting on May 17, 2021. Thorp and Ross offered to be a resource to the new members as well. Spera encouraged them to bring whatever questions they had to the training and the next meeting. IX NEXT MEETING The next HPC meeting will be held on Monday, May 17, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. online. X. ADJOURNMENT EDEN PRAIRIE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION April 19, 2021 Page 5 MOTION: Maxwell moved, seconded by Schumacher to adjourn. Motion carried 7-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:57 p.m.