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Phillips and Temro Addition - 07736
z - s - PfULHIS A] M I EMRO ADDITION CIRI DOC, NO. A " KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Phillips do Temro Industries Inc., a North Dakota corporation, fee owner and Neil r- I A. Brostad, mortgagee of the following described property situated in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota to wit: r` r e r Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, Norseman Industrial Park 2nd Addition, and Outlot A, Norseman Industrial _,_ r, I " I f. l� � K tr ` Park 3rd Addition, according to the recorded plats thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Have caused the some to be surveyed and platted as PHILLIPS AND TEMRO ADDITION and do hereby donate and dedicate to the -� public for public use forever, the easements for drainage and utility purposes as shown on this plat. - - - \ I witness whereof said Phillips Temro Industries I a North Dakota corporation, has caused these DRAINAGE AND unuTY EASEMENT — —_ � presents do resents to be signed by its proper officer this O��_ day of _2Et-9_:6A P�Ej2____, 1999. c SIGNED: PHILLIPS dC TEMRO INDUSTRIES, INC. 01 I \ I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1\1 <'I` STATE OF COUNTY OF foregoing g - 9T__ day of - �--- --' -, The fore oin instrument was acknowledged before me this 11 I 1999, by - 11.1.13-^��_ —_— pQgS�sz� f--------- of i l Phillips k Temro IndustrI s, Inc.,Aarth Dakoto corporation, on behalf of the corporation. L1J No +i arn5r�t ounty, 1 I My Commission Expires January 31, 00 Uj In witness whereof said Neil A. Brostod, mortagee, has hereonto set his hand this © _— day of _�FGElr1 � 1999. W SIGNED: NEIL A. BRASTAD ♦ / f4 _ I L 1 J N ---- _-� 0, N --- - - - N t I rY STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN 1 I The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ST14- day of I 1999, b Neil A. Brostod, mortgagee. _ Y / r „ `♦•' I I --' ' _l• . { /' '� CJ1t`IIEL �nJ. .c..nli1N �a v ER t C♦ County,y' Minnesota r i My Commission Expires January , 000 /c0T1 �,at,2cs 10 11, r II ..� �+>a�vaaaca wce .v�cv:•.: oo v sa` ` Y I hereby certify that I have surveyed and platted the property described on this plat as PHILLIPS AND TEMRO ADDITION; that LOT 1 I � this plat is a correct representation of said survey, that all distances are correctly shown in feet and hundredths of a foot;_- / that all monuments have been correctly placed in the ground as shown, and that the outside boundary lines are correctly 1 IO f♦`/ ♦ ' BLOCK 1 .;\ designated on said plat; and that there are no wet lands as defined in MS 505.02, Subd. 1 or public highways to be designated I on this plat. -- � I .�� I <,• oUTT o ns2�,4and Surveyor, Minn. Ic. Ro.-iWM--- `, STATE OF MINNESOTA _� _�, I I `♦y� I <,( COUNTY OF HENNEPIN 1 Ln __ The foregoing Surveyor's Certificate was acknowledged before me this ZJ-'-*day of oJrevl<g q_-___, 1999, by Paul A. Johnson, Land Surveyor. _ DANIEL I C;,INNIERto \y Y NOtar _ $M_5g _ County, Minnesota i "''' P:OT;;^'!^r�ELIC• .'.:riilESvTA M Commission Expires 1;1S�YCG'W �! L y January 31, 2000 EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA This plat of PHILLIPS AND TEMRO ADDITION was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Eden Prairie, Minnesota $ c at a regular meeting thereof held this _ L±h day of —�Q�� tRjEf�__—_—,� If applicable, the written comments and recommendations of the Commissioner of Transportation and County Highway Engineer have been received by the City or the prescribed 30 day period has elapsed without receipt of such comments and recommendations, as provided by Minn. Statutes, Section W 505.03, Subd. 2. "\II, � I -I "' CITY C NCIL OF THE CITY OF EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA I I �. r� I LIJ � III r\ I ` — ,Mayor S y < F f I I � ----_-- \ LI I �- % N♦ L. _ ,City Manager I / / \ 1 I I I I I I I I I\I `-' I'.I_ T— TAXPAYER SERVICES DEPARTMENT, HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA _ _ I10 I hereby certify that taxes payable in and prior years have been paid for land described on this f0I T �- L_ ` �—DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT plat. Dated this ___— day of ---------—------—, 2002. I L - � 52 207.01 / 46 �— ; N86°38'28"W PATRICK H. O'CONNOR, HENNEPIN COUNTY AUDITOR \ ' R� �23°08 42 286.04 51.100�§5 i 1 m Deputy -------------------- N86°38 28"W ` ` _ 1 `� � � L 'Coo SURVEY DIVISION, HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA Pursuant to MINN. STAT. SEC. 383B.565 (1969), this plot has been approved this —_— day of • IL f�r � , n L , GARY F. CASWELL, COUNTY SURVEYOR I1\11 I I 1 I Ff I / \ I r, A r, ' ' " r` r` COUNTY RECORDER HENNEPIN COUNTY MINNESOTA , < Ff I I , , I \ I . . I I L/ r. 1 1 1 -'- , " , , I hereby certify that the plat of PHILLIPS AND TEMRO ADDITION was filed in this office this -- GRAPHIC SCALE / \ ' " I ' " "" _—_ o'clock —_.M. -' L� L" ' " ' day of ____—__— —,2002 at 50 0 25 50 100 • DENOTES IRON MONUMENT MICHAEL H. CUNNIFF, COUNTY RECORDER BEARINGS SHOWN ARE ASSUMED MCCONM FRANK RODS ASSOCIATES, INC. By. ( IN FEET ) D ut��-- -- ENMEERS AND SURVEYORS � y