HomeMy WebLinkAboutPreserve Center Addition - 56935 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS : That Carter and Gertz , Inc. , a Minnesota Corporation , owner and proprietor of the following described property situated in the County of Hennepin and State of Minnesota , to-wit : PRESERVE . CENTER ADDITION All that part of Government Lot 7 , Section 24 , Township 116 , Range 22 , and Government Lot 1 , Section 23 , Township 116 , Range 22 , described as follows : Beginning at the NW corner of HIGH POINT : thence S 220 26 ' 26" E (assumed basis for bearings ) along the westerly line of said plat, 530. 55 feet to the most northerly corner of Lot 2 , Block 1 , High Point; thence S 180 03 ' 19" W, along the westerly line of said Lot 2 and the southerly extension thereof, 540. 97 feet; thence S 800 32 ' 16" W, 114. 10 feet; thence S 700 42 ' 36 "W , 105 .95 feet ; thence S 52° 35 ' 41 " W, 107 .01 feet ; thence N 820 52 ' 30" W , 120 . 93 feet ; thence N 140 02 ' 10 " W, 82 . 46 feet ; thence N 2c 02 ' 43" W , 140 .09 feet ; thence N 80c 32 ' 46 " W , 121 . 66 feet ; thence N 830 59 ' 28" ,14 , 191 .05 feet ; thence S 890 59 ' 44" W, 69. 67 feet ; thence N 10 54 ' 45" E , 160 .00 feet ; thence S 700 53 ' 46 " W , 770 .09 feet; thence S 890 07 ' 25" W, 130 .00 feet ; to a point in the west line of said Government Lot 1 , Section 23 ; thence N 00 52 ' 35" W , along said west line , 754. 59 feet; thence N 550 51 ' 55 " E , 313 .61 feet; thence easterly on a tangential curve to the right (central angle 500 00 ' 20 " and radius 724.07 feet) 631 .94 feet; thence S 740 07 ' 45" E , tangent to the last described curve , 66 .93 feet ; thence easterly on a tangential curve to the left ( central angle 100 20 ' 04" and radius 1095 .92 feet) 197 . 67 feet ; thence S 840 27 ' 49" E , tangent to the last described curve , 369 . 42 feet ; thence easterly on a tangential curve to the left (central angle 140 32 ' 21 " and radius 616 . 20 feet) 156 . 37 feet; thence N 800 59 ' 50" E , tangent to the last described curve , 5.48 feet to the point of beginning . Has caused the same to be surveyed and platted as PRESERVE CENTER ADDITION and do hereby donate and dedicate to. the public for public use forever , the Parkway , as shown on the plat. IIn witness whereof said Carter and Gertz , Inc. , has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this �tJ day of ve m d&er 197Z, A. D. S 74007 45 E I �66.93 _ IN PRESENCE OF : Carter and Gertz , Inc. p 50°�20 _ - 6 � � `� �'N ° „ S( 1/1 ��eLt.�liiA� \OrXM-i h. pcT24.G7 WEST M7 ° ' I n-1p�o� „ .N�o��„o�c►n�- f�. �tiu id ° oss93Wo / R:,o1116� __ :8: °E ° „�!N5.48 0E NW CORNER OF Q George'AM. Carter Jr. , Pre ident =14 3221 A O -'193J2•------ __ 6.3T HIGH POINT E p OS 8 A °e'15.71o4, gl PARIifWAY R-616.20 '\ L:hLr•: `r4//✓/ ' " l . /�/� l/VN'/C/2% `O/L - I - ;IC yu7n� _ ohn H . Gertz , cretary \ ♦\�O o OVA yQop o y, R 11 N of 8 \ $ nk y'b°�6\� °��t•- O D•��q 0pfi ? o ,1�� 9Q.92 836&7428°W AaI1B°3q 21. _ = =..ram. 11 L 2 i o m w NTa�O 3`^E I sd9�Zt, n 1 • N10.00 74°07'43'YY I R=716.20 \` T� I r N ,,// �;b° � eC I ; {,� 29.37 N° STATE OF MINNESOTA ) On this' 7 day of NO✓6.NBER A. D. , 197,?, before oa s8'•s�� W� - -H� 3:! SBO°59'S0"W r, ss me , a Notary Public , within and for 'said County and State personally I a �� \ sg .N��s001- COUNTY OF�e, i;? ) appeared George. M. Carter , Jr. , and John H . Gertz , who being each by me .I s.00 b� '`` N87°42'13"E BLOCK 1 > ` duly sworn , did say that they are respectively the President and Secretary 4m �� WLY LINE OF of Carter and Gertz , Inc. , the Corporation named in the fore°oinq i-stru- 1500 - I HIGH POINT ment ; that the seal affixed to said instrument is the Seal of said Corpor- ;4:G H ation ; and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and said George M . Carter , Jr. , and John H . Gertz , acknowledge said MOST NLY CORNER 1 OF LOT 2, BLK.1 instrument to be the free act and deed of said Corporation , a W, 11 HIGH POINT u N1 Iu 1 0 , O f M�j O W i (E SANITARY TRUNK SEVER 2 I N ? I III E EASEMENT AS PER DOCNENTL , z I n OV .0 ILLI1�}�£ NO. 1028981 "' , � - °1 0I� '° I 1 SANTARY TRUNK \ H ,' W Z ' I I SEWER ESMT. f° ' AS PER DOCUIIENTNO m - 46.60 0 , 3 ,.n l l - N O t a ry P u b l i c NO. 1028981 :: _3Z54 W m IrvII�T S72°39'26"W _ b / WLY LINE OF LOT 2, BLK.I - 104COTi9 County , Minnesota F \ I h 9 ,Z r 2 � ///'''I500 a e i NECORNER SEC.23 ^ NIGH POINT \ \ 4i° / TWP. II6,RGE.2� M Commission Expi res �Jq . z •\ 5050 0 Q�`\�`�j��( Ii5.00� W~ a O M Y ,TiIA�� 7, 0 DN7CH\ 23. R EASEMENT E ---� 1 17!O, r \ .�4Q06 m� € ASS PEREDOCUMENT� / ° r�Gp m 1 \\ -�g5 .1o,V+ aW rN - i No N0.1028981 o - °55 Q0 �f� �T= 49105- Io32o '(O ��.�-- �- r . N83°5g'28"W-�� ; ,y $ SLY EXTENSION of I , James E . Boerhave , hereby certifythat I have surveyed and platted the property described on this plat as PRESERVE f 69.67`-- 121. 15.00 / CENTER ADDITION , that this plat is a correct representation of saidsurvey; that all distances are correctly shown on _ -� THE WLY LINE T LOT 2, J 130.00' ��- ~' $ o u 66�=-_ . I 15.00,18p3�39"E __ 1 \ BLK.I, NIGH POINT P �� 89 59'44 N80°3246"W 33�1 �=rT=- the plat in feet and decimals of a foot ; all monuments are correctly placed in the ground as shown on the plat ; 3 Sig°0\25"W �/ ' W � 44� that the outside boundary lines are correctly designated on the plat ; and that there are no wet lands to be designated on 1I J N2°02 3"W ==- ---'��1 15O ;Na�9''11'g l�I4 p�1 said plat . \ J S80°32'16°W 11 _- J/�� 82.g6-== a 20�3-�� 105.95 HE/L L N14°02'10°W N82°5P13- yy S 7004236"W ='107..01 `ixss� T S52°35�41"W Survey - Minnesota Registration No. 7095 �T STATE OF MINNESOTA ) Surveyor's certificate subscribed and sworn to before me , a Notary LAKE �1 ) ss Public , this � �"�" day of A/OVt.✓16t 2 > 197%s A. D. COUNTY OF //,=mmeop/, ) LAKE ELEVATION = 912.1 10/6/72 ��T lVeAlAEP/^I County , Minnesota Ngtary Public LAWRENCE J. GARDNER Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minn. My Commission Expires : ZE0% a. /.0 l7 J,-5- SCALE My Commission Expires Sept. 10, 1975. . I INCH =200 FEET Iloo 1 100 1 100 1 Approved by the Village Council of the Pursuant to Chapter 810 , Minnesota Laws of Village of Eden Prairie , Hennepin County , 1969 , this plat has been approved this BASIS FOR BEARINGS IS ASSUMED Mi nne�t�s /,o day day of , O DENOTES IRON MONUMENT Of , I 9;n?r 19 ED PRAIRjEJ VI C0� By Elmer J . Peterson G/Git.CP- ; Hennepin County Surveyor Mayor I Manager v bather Mose rim rx.