HomeMy WebLinkAboutKopesky Addition - 06351 3 C. R . DOC. NO. KOPESKY ADDITION A 1 ,r-���-r�l•q \r- -r\r-N 1 r-.r� A rry r- i- THE N. LINE OF THE S 1/2 OF THE �:"• 'r\ A r\r\i /�,, , i1/ \!V!� : ! \l:':'!`: v L/ _!`. i^1/ \It<I� SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SEC. 18, t_{`dL/ /-�I- I "N T. 116, R. 22 _ h " KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Kopesky & Associates, LLC, a Minnesota i 3 88'23 35 E limited liability company, fee owner of the following described property situated in the 348.51 - - - - County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, to wit: 112.98 _O 235.53 ! ! (((------- All that part of the South .half of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 18, Township 116, Range 22, Hennepin County, Minnesota, lying east of the west �o \ / ///jjj 1; 990.00 feet of the South half of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said 10 z , / 0 \ / I Section 18. I ' Q' 00 -, 1, \-Z / / Has caused the some to be surveyed and platted os,KOPESKY ADDITION and does hereby J pGE c � 387-35'20-E`,, 4i / I donate and dedicate to the public for public use forever the Street, Trail and the drainage and IJ�Jty f, 89 f ^1° I utility easements as shown on this plat. In witness whereof said Kopesky & Associates, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this day of Deetwbtr l 6 F 10 1 SIGNED: KOPESKY & ASSOCIATES, LLC. W \ !� 0 `S 1b nj\ S5.43 2 By. ® 4 its 0 n NM h 6y,°�h �p 8 ( t^ R = 50.00 A y5 82 /^p _ _ y L = 217.99 " I - STATE OF MINNESOTA o N 81'47'�6„ WDOv = 249 48'O6" \�W l 'A COUNTY OF N E NN F_ P/A/ 126.51 0 e� 1�� „� The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before a this, 3 day of I - rj l pecQ n.M-Ir 199 1 , by1�Ly„e t tr he of Kopesky & Associates, 30 " C�bO N_89'S0'30" E- 1 `�% LLC, a Minnesota limited liab�il+ity c/ommp�any, on behalfof said company. in O\ D� 437 76 `` C`h y0. M� .. - - - - N `` G.• ® N�YITA,PY LLOYD E. PEWN \/ l - O �- 127.19 O 'W p - er / G 1 10.00-' rD Notary Public, w! q County, Minnesota PusuC-MINNESOTACIDi .5 C µ oN 14 6g�4„ / LO yMy commission expiresP915SION EXPIRES i�t-2C90 CID k3 I I ;.��� n// 9 W Z I M I hereby certify that I have surveyed and platted the land described on this plat as I 3l0 N�OP �Q Q}W I rn KOPESKY ADDITION; that this plat is a correct representation of said survey, that all 06 LN_89'50'30" E_ 2.87- O �r I Z i- distances are correctly shown on said plat in feet and hundredths of a foot; that all V_ l -- W= Q 9 U) monuments have been correctly placed in the ground as shown on said plat or will be oU 3000 - - - 50 pjQ L'i placed as required by the local governmental unit; that the outside boundary lines are �U) i 149.95 J N� -N 89-50.30" E DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: correctly designated on said plat; and that the wetlands, as defined in MS 505.02, LL //►► 75. Subd. 1, have b signated on said plat. In O N Z tL d N 0 W O O of �/ of 149.99 0 Paul A. Thor Land Surve Who l N q iCNI �- <^ 5 Minnesota License 13637 Yor z W( h-� r-990.00-- 0) w o / 4 7 - O '� STATE OF MINNESOTA 11 l V NI 10 to �" 5J -I COUNTY OF �ENNfP/IY ?i O!- N N 89'50'30" E all l� '-� I I The foregoing surveyor's certificate was acknowledged before me this Zgt� �� - - - - 3 W o day of IYEVENM6tr 199 by by Paul A. Thorp, Land Surveyor, Minnesota 150.21 =:' License No. 13637. H O M N_89'S0'30" E �y - - - - O XLLOYsuD E. PEW _ y �r County, Minnesota Y SIONE PIRES 1 OTA t-2 sp 3 I o W o M 150.26 _ My commission expires hn t , /- 3 !- 2 oe• a sswN EXPinEs ar-za o W I i Z Z lil EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA 4 0 W BEING 5 FEET IN WIDIt TH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, This Tat of KOPESKY ADDITION was a roved and acce ted 1 6 N p pp p y the City to ncil of Eden y •SI - ` �• ;' 11, I - 11 I O W N ADJOINING LOT LINES, AND 10 FEET IN WIDTH, 27 Prai[ie, Minnesota at a regular meeting thereof held this I day of N 7�f4f8 I l U W UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, ADJOINING RIGHT-OF-WAY liiAbhlS= 199�. If applicable, the written comments and O N 89'50'30" E _ N N 1 N O LINES AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT recommendations of the Commissioner of Transportation and the Count Highway Engineer OO 30.00 - - - - a o ' ; 3 15'34" - O �\ P Y 9 Y 9 00 N L 44.09 `r have been received by the City or the prescribed 30 day period has elapsed without I 150.27 to •-N receipt of such comments and recommendations, as provided by Minnesota Statutes, l Z 30 N N N 89'50'30" E_ I,- W N Section 505.03. Subd. 2. I n r II II _ _ o Z CITY CO CIL O4EDEN R MINNESOTA O W m0 J � - - 151.78 Will Q ( 2 rim _ � � THE BASIS OF BEARINGS IS ASSUMEDLL y � Q 11 0 0 Z I ' I N to p 0 0 O wOr O DENOTES IRON MONUMENT Mayor p - - - - �-j uy (alrn 12 Cq IC! B City Manager 3I0 N 89'50'30" E ll 0 II 18 10 -- / i I 4 LAJ 4 4 TAXPAYER SERVICES DNNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA I 0 142.54 0 Z I hereby certify that taxes payable in 19_ and prior years have been O N 89'50'3 described on this plat. Dated this day of 0" E Ye paid for the land n h O = _ _ = N \\ N N (� 0 199 N 1 n r rn # Its 1 s2.82 l )/ / Il 11 C` � N N Patrick H. O'Connor, Hennepin County Auditor By Deputy R � )S � -� sa oro o 22s 0 0 O )� 13 l� 30 92' 11 /_j ay" 10 SURVEY SECTION, HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA f 88*25_07_" W 1 _ Q A-7.06 103.70 I D. 2,0 DOAlro Pursuant to Minn. Statutes. Section 383B.565 (1969). this plat has been approved this -JLM PER TORRENS CASE 5566 day of 199 82ND STREET WEST _ _ 179.55 NOT FOUND 1 /2.76 n 82NilD N 88'25'07" W M �' \352.31Gary F. Caswell, Hennepin County Surveyor By •- S. LINESW1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SEC. 18, T. 116, R. 22 `�` //I'F`•T \ Aid 1 COUNTY RECORDER, HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA \ A /\ � %� Scale in feet \II,Thy4�I.IF r�i- r \r .! hJ[� A I«I� \ ,+'� I hereby certify that the within plot of KOPESKY ADDITION was filed for record in this r/-\ .• 1 , ,\lr vl._ \/i 1.-�/�-1 v 1 r /-�i ice- l�,^\ office this day of di 199 , at o'clock A �I 0 50 100 150 21ND / \DD, v . ISj <~A R. Dan Carlson, County Recorder By Deputy yo ;;IfI� ,�,^\ 11 f Hansen Thorp Pellinen Olson Inc. L �1 Engineers.Surveyors. Landscape Architects