HomeMy WebLinkAboutMckinley First Addition - 56895 ---�--.-_.^-._�-----------��- --~-~-------�-------'---�-- -----�~`------.~--._' _---_------- --~-^-''��-�----^---�-�-~~~~~---` --~-------�- ` IVICKINLEY FIRST ADDITION C. E. COULTER Registered Land Surveyor KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we Leo F. Hanzlik and Carol J. Hanzlik, his wife, owners and proprietors and J_ hereby certify that I have surveyed and platted the land described in the foregoing dedication as MCKINLEY FIRST ADDITION, that this Francis McKinley and Ruth McKinley, his wife, contract for deed purchasers and Minneapolis Savings and Loan Arsociation, plat is a correct representation of said survey, that all distances are correctly shown on said plat in figures denoting feet and decimals a Minnesota Corporation, Mortgagee of the following described property situated in the County of Hennepin, State of of a foot, that the monuments for the guidance of future surveys have been correctly placed in the ground as shown on the annexed plat, Minnesota, to wit: That part of the East � of the Southwest 4 of Section 1, Township 116, Range 22, described as that the outside boundaries of the land are correctly designated on said plat, and that there are no wet lands or public highways to be follows; Beginning at the intersection of the Easterly tight of way &ine of U. S. Highway No . 169 and a line drawn designated on said plat other than are shown thereon. parallel with and distant 60 rods South of the North line of said Southwest Jtg; said 60 rods being measured along the East line thereof for the initial point of beginning of the tract of land to be described; thence East along said Signed line to a point 500 feet West from the East line of said Southwest h;thence in a Southeasterly direction along Registered Land Surveyor Minnesota Registration No. 2584 parallel Z a line drawn to a point on the South line of the North 31 of $outheast h of Southwest 4 of said Section 1 distant 350 feet STATE OF MINNESOTA) West from the Southeast corner of said North �j of Southeast h of Southwest h a distance of 258 .6 feet to the actual point COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) ss of beginning of the tract of Land to be described: thence continuing Southeasterly along last described course to its The ve ce tificate subscribed and sworn to before me a Notary Public thin r sapiounty and State, on this /L:�& day of intersect6on with a line drawn from a point on the South line of said North � of Southeast k of Southwest h d2stant 341 .5 A5PO..r"A 1961 A. D. feet West from the SOutheast corner thereof to a point on the Easterly line of U. S . Highway No. 169 distant 118.3 feet Northerly from the South line of said North h of Southeast 4 of Southwest k," thence Northwesterly along sAid last ment Notary PI91ic, Hennepin Cpunty, Minnesota iobed line to the Easterly line of said highway; ,thence Northeasterly alon�,, said highway to a point distant 280 feet My Commill ion Expires 2mr:g� Southwesterly measured along sAid highway from tho. initiAl-point of .beginning.-, thence East 375 .05 feet to the actual k7s #10' point of beginninqi , except that part thereof described as follows; beginning at a point on the Easterly line of U. S. The boundaries of this plat and the boundaries of the blocks therein have been mathematically checked d oved. No determination has Highway No . 169 distant 218.9feet Northerly measured along said highway from the South line of said North h of South-- been made to ascertain that the legal description agrees with said plat. Dated this day of ZZ 1961 A. D. east � of Southwest 4; thence Southerly along said highway 100 feet; thence Easterly 289 .9 feet along a line which if "I extended would intersect the South line of said North h of Southeast 4 of Southwest 4 distant 34,1.5 feet West of the By 6L=�l Aga AJ Southeast corner thereof;thence Northwesterly 126.7 feet to a point 219 feet Southeasterly from the point of beginning; Howard W. PeAins, County Surveyor, Hennepin CGIranty, Minnesota. thence Northwesterly to the point of beginAlng, according to Government Survey, have caused the same to be surveyed and platted as MCKINLEY FIRST ADDITION, and do hereby donate and dedicate to the ubli use forever the Lane as shown This plat was approved and accepted by the Honorable Board of County Commissioners, of the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, at a on the annexed plat, also subject to the utility and drainago-easements as shoZwoun, th: annexed plat. In witness where- reguLar meeting held this L-6 day of 1961 A. D. ty_5 of we have hereunto set our hands and seals on this 114-7 aay of 1961 A. D. , and the above ment ­ County Auditor, Hennepin County, Minnesota. tio , esaused these presentseto be signed by its proper officers and its Corporate Seal to be hereunto affixed this day of In Presence of: 1961 A. D. By This plat was approved on this ACIT day of lvjoe4h 1961 A. D. e'_A)'=f to Leo F. Hanzlik Signed � J . County.-Highway Engineer, Hennepin County, Minnesota. )As to Carol J. Hanzlik Signed Approved as to form and execution on this 17 of 1961 A. D. Carol J. HanzlA S ial Assistant County Attorney )As to Francis McKinley Signed A& A 'Prancis McKinley Approved by the Town Board of Eden Pratrie Minnesota, at a reg meeting thereof hel Wthis day of A-9 1961 A. D. )As to Ruth McKinley Signed Ruth McKinley Chairman Sign Loan Association. Clerk n. G enwood _31 ident We the ChairmajL-and the the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Eden Prair Pres Se retary f ie Minnesota, do hereby certify that on this day of =11961 A. D. said Planning and Zoning Commission duly approved the above foregoing plat of McKINLEY FIRST ADDITION and authorize the certification of such action of the Commission by its Chairman and Secretary. L. Peterson Signed ell Jd"4AA, Secretary Minn. L. K. Peterson Planning and Zoning Commission ofthe Town ofEden Prairie On this cl(=L day of 1961 A. D. , before me a Notary Public, within and for said County and State, personally appeared Leo F. Hanzlik and Carol J. Hanzlik, his wife, to me personally known to be the persons desc - ribed in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and sdid Leo F.Hanzlik Caro 1,',4,Hanzlik affirm and acknow- Secretary ledge that they executed the same as their own free act and deed. igne Notary Public, Hennepin/,&o-unty, Minnesot My Commission exp6res STATE OF MINNESOTA) SS COUNTY OF RENNEPjIN) 40�14�'of _iaa1AAJ'XA1 1961 A. D. , before me a Notary Public, within and for said County and State, personally appeared Francis McKinley and Ruth McKinley, his wife, to me personally known to be the persons desc- ribed in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and said Francis, M(;Xinley/nd Ruth McKinley affirm and acknow- ledge that they executed the same as their own free act and deed. Notary Public, H#efiepin county, MinnesotA. My Commission Expires STATE OF MINNESOTA)SS COUNTY OF HEVEPIN) n thisXX � day of'e%wme 1961 A. D., before me a Notary Public, within and for said County, and State, appeared H. W. Greenwooil and L. K. Peterson, to me personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, did say that they are respectively President and Secretary of the Corporation named in the foregoing instrument and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the Corporate Seal og said Corporation and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and that said H. W. Grepnwood a L . K. Peterson acknowledge said instrument to be the free act and deed f A wrtarj'�ublic, Hennepin County, Minnesota 11� DEED TAX PAID-GM A. TOTTEN, JP WKINLEY FIRST ADD. � ` � i �