HomeMy WebLinkAboutMitchell Lake Estates - 00536 EGAN , FIELD & NOWAK , INC.
BEARINGS SHOWN ARE ASSUMED Drainage a Utility Easements Shown Thus:
DENOTES IRON MONUMENT 5.00--- I Know all men by these presents that Mabel R. Moran, single,
0 I �- 5.00 0 owner. and proprietor.- and Cor Investment Co. , a partnership consisting of 011ie Rekow, Sid Hartman, Carl Nelson and Albert Rubinger,
o j g purchaser under contract for deed of the following described property situated in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, to wit:
I The South quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter except that part lying North of the center line of State Highway No. 5,
- - --�- - - - � L ----- -1 - -- - of Section 8, Township 116, Range 22, and except that part lying East of a line drawn Northerly at right angles to the South line of said South
west Quarter from a point thereon distant 951. 50 feet East of the Southwest corner thereof and except the West 100 feet of the above described
yr�6 Gee o�f/�e sou{�! ����� Being 5.0 feet in width and adjoining lot lines and being property.
/EXCEPTION - - s=s'� a�fie soU��PdJ�/ 10.00 feet in width and adjoining street lines as shown That part of Government Lot 2, Section 17, Township 116, Range 22, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the North line of
on the plat. the Northeast Quarter of said Section 17 with the East line of the West 100 feet of said Northeast Quarter; thence East along said North line to
3 N , CB.3.=y,89'SSf/E �� R-219/.B3_;•:, -_� a point 951. 5 feet East from the Northwest corner of said Northeast Quarter; thence Southeasterly, deflecting to the right 17 degrees 00 min-
�NC=249. 97 - _ _ ,' D-/o"ii 30•, �.:° h
utes 50 seconds, to the East line of said Government Lot 2; thence South along said East line to a poi nt 511. 5 feet South from the Northeast
I e=3 0730" <s=ZS0.00 I corner of said Government Lot 2; thence West, parallel with said North line, to the shore line of Mitchell Lake; thence Northerly and Westerly
NBd'saiiE ^ B9$Sog'E. I^ N0. ' along said shore line to the East line of the West 100 feet of said Northeast Quarter; thence North to the point of beginning. Except the East
'10072C.=243.aB R=21/6.89 G_�oz/oo 5 v 3 320 feet of the South 168 feet of said North 511. 50 feet.
/2ZZZ l 7 .50
o a h '� Have caused the same to be surveyed and platted as MITCHELL LAKE ESTATES and do hereby donate and dedicate to the public for public use forever
the drive, highways and easements for drainage and utility purposes as shown on the plat. In witness whereof said Mabel R. Moran single,
has hereunto set her hand, and seal this�`�da off
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^ 197 I n witness whereof said Cor Investment Co, , a partnership, caused these esent� i ned b 0)ie Rekow, Sid Hartman, Carl
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_ L_,o.a2t_ �:5 9 os \ '� v, o °4 Nelson and Albert Rubin er, partners of said Cor Investment his_�da of 197sL
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Mabel R. Moran
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6� 'q� r6s4 E'- - 2960o MN I ;� STATE OF MINNESOTA 04—
" 0 ,, '� "I r-9Qoo� ,aa -90 �•° 13 COUNTY OF HENNEPIN The for oin instrument was acknowled ed before me this�da of n 197 b Mabel R.
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Ak �rl iM ti ti ai to 0 0 0l ° ` z �' Moran single.
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1� 8 0l 0 9 �; ;�°; 10 •�1 h 11 h I r' ��h �, Notary Public Hennepin Count Minnesota
Z oilW 3 ti ry ° 7 <a sf s� a s commission h ° a t
�II I � �'�a z � ti o � , , ° _ My mission expires
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—o ,, :R3s •i� k3°bt s i; 3�•.' . o ly, 1 9a00 L_ ga00 iL _Snoo � I 9000 50.00' =- - -- - 3202/ --- ---) I' STATE OFMINNESOTA rw s�C n ,/
CL �� �\ , .x '��• �� 5 - '-"� _ _-, I COUNTY OF HENNEPIN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this�day of J1=� 19Ld by Cor Investment Co.
A% \ o, � i� - --- - -744.98-
LtJ Fsao q��', y� s4oz I ° TERREY PINE _, DRIVE a partnership consisting of 011ie Rekow, Sid Hartman Carl Nelson and Albert Rubinger.
_ 1 'T /� .a•+ 4" n -8Z0.06 - z,y!d8`4/f f8� Notary epi• c' ' 910,�`�oA�'I V 35y�jiV.�6� - I _ - - -
U a 3 �� -.- _ _ _ - �20.0� _ Nota Public, Henn n Coun , Minnesota
D / y` I 500 � f 9ppo r 9ctq� - tao � r yaa� 9ctOn 1 1 wd'Xf Ave 0, f' e j aa,(4 68 ��I,' �t�, 5 �e *, ,E ud., ,u � z M commission expires
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/ I ` = 1\ k nl of /e West% asse�saxi vesT xrs
W kati Q. zo hk o I „ ,, ^ q 1 ^ M 1^ hl I� v,I I� hl ��' I hereby certify that I have surveyed and platted the property escredY"on tiffs plat as MITCHELL LAKE ESTATES; that this plat is a correct represen-
t' f i� va h of b of h o p O
I� °�I EXCEPT 10 N ` °� tation of said survey; that all distances are correct) shown on the plat in feet and hundredths of a foot; that all monuments have been correctly
6 \I I 5 �I o 4 vl Ip 3 0l I� 2 of I� I pl � � °^ Y Y P Y
7 °ol I� 1 1� placed in the ground as shown; that the outside boundary fin s are correctly desi nated on the plat and that there are no wet lands to be designated
/ °I` ^i I f/e.,ye�.is laun�y Y�t//�eaawents, 80
_= on the plat.
2/ 6 9�0 I I92oo oo �� 90oo i 90� 06rk 7
Vernon A. Nickol,s, Land Surveyor
Minnesota Registration No. 9053
k v 5r �✓a�e� ewafb , as oY Au us/ 23, /97B o D `p•
�e ��% / s e6B02 X«f 016.. I.;0. - /929) S.BBw. - STATE OF MINNESOTA
1';10u1,4 the o", 14e A/O./?/ rl ^ I\ '. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN The foregoing instrument was acknowledgW before me this_LL�day of No ✓EM.,3ER , 1978, by Vernon A. Nickols,
e�6. Lof 2, Set.17, 7'//6, R22 l °
y :: Land S urveyor.
�C RIS KUNTZ, NotarfPublic, Hennepin County, Minnesota
o � My commission expires March 4, 1982.
M 90 This plat of MITCHELL LAKE ESTATES was approved and accepted by the City Council of Eden Prairie, Minnesota, at a regular meeting thereof held
this?"day of QMeFR 197A,
byA K mayor by� 2!!r manager
FINANCE DIVISION, Hennepin County, Minnesota
I hereby certify that there are no delinquent taxes for all years prior to for land described on this plat.
Dated this dav of , 197°
Vernon T. HopA�ee Director by tax clerk
SURVEY DIVIMR Hennepin County, Minnesota
Pursuant to Chapter 810, Minnesota Laws of 1969, this plat has been approved this day of 197,
Alver R. Freeman, Hennepin County Surveyor by
REGISTRAR OF TITLES, Hennepin County, Minnesota
SCALE IN FEET I hereby certify that the within plat of MITCHELL LAKE ESTATES was filed in this office this day of 197, at o'clock
-- . M.
0 50 100 200 300 400 500 Wayne A. Johnson, Registrar of Titles by deputy