HomeMy WebLinkAboutMoorhead Addition - 04408 MOORHEAD i ADDITION FC.R. 'DOC. NO. . , 6 1=/ A Know all men by these presents: That Justin C. Moorhead and Maureen B. Moorhead, husband and wife, fee owners of the following I (-( described property situated in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota to wit: Q The North 260 feet of the South 410 feet of Lots 14 and 15, EDEN PRAIRIE ACRES. And that Metropolitan Financial Mortgage Corp., a Minnesota corporation, mortgagee of the following described property situated in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota to wit: i �n� n rJ ' I ;� That part of the North 260 feet of the South 410 feet of Lots 14 and 15, EDEN PRAIRIE ACRES described as follows: f \ I �1 ` I Commencing at the Southwest corner of the North 260 feet of the South 410 feet of said Lots 14 and 15; thence on an assumed bearing of North 0 degrees 20 minutes 35 seconds West, along the West line thereof, a distance of 15.00 feet; thence South 88 degrees 54 minutes �\ ` � ( 30 seconds East a distance of 13.50 feet t0 the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 88 degrees 54 e, f\ I / minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 164.81 feet; thence easterly a distance of 35.95 feet along a tangential curve concave to the North I � said curve having a radius of 89.00 feet and a central angle of 23 degrees 08 minutes 43 seconds; thence North 0 degrees 17 minutes 26 seconds West, not tangent to last described curve, a distance of 119.38 feet; thence South 65 degrees 19 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of 118.57 feet; thence North 88 degrees 54 minutes 30 seconds West a distance of 92.00 feet; thence South 0 degrees 20 minutes 35 seconds East a distance of 75.00 feet to the point of beginning. 581�'S4' 30°E Have caused the same to be surveyed and platted as MOORHEAD ADDITION and do hereby donate and dedicate to the public, for public use forever w ; - -roo.00--- the place and the easements as shown on the plat for drainage and utility purposes. ^ I— -- — — -- - - 97.00 of oilI \ i o 2 O O. 19 ( A In witness hereof, said Justin C. Moorhead and Maureen B. Moorhead, husband and wife have hereunto set their hands and seals this / ' �� N I �� I 3 I M Y' {� I day of witness 19�and said Metropolitan Financial Mortgage Corp., a Minnesota corporation, has caused these presents to be N 0 I V�L� �� p0 V tq signed by its prop officers this�t day of ��8� 19�0 �\ r3.50I sI. t, dl QOh,Ar '� O �� N I I �c d) �\ si ned signed v !bfi l6.5 3 f/ 30 ( Z �`� OV / METROPOLIT FINANC MO GAGECORP. I I V� N I ORA/v,� 588`54'3D"E ` J c{ M 2 00. I i �� l�f 7. O O \ \,/ wo By isrf� L -- —� Tustin C. Moorhead 1 _ v 3 0 O �7 8a' r34-'�30••E S GT/ L 17KAINA6E its AND Z �' Maureen B. Moorhead �I� �� Ctij� </T} ) ° UTILITY M A. I O � � i tl j State of Minnesota, County of Hennepin S The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this/— day of r,w r 19_�O by Justin C. Moorhead and Maureen B. Moorhead, husband and wife.J iL h�. ? / I ri y-v NO �- - . —_—-/ / �5 o I! 1/ a0 II (II tl�•�O N I N0 ems. AHRNA. GR *N -� NOT NNESOtA \ Z HENNEPIN COtNTY Mot ,1 H 1- Q Y ne nn@nXeP pIf in@S-C-ou �M�in4nf,-1 to-- IState of Minnesota, County of a� Yeti _ 588'S4-'30'E ON ,p The foregoins instrument was anow ged be ore me this day of t 19aU by ; I �I 519 II its �iA U�.�, 2Ny_i ..end by UG�pp�a T�4-its cLaAA= . �t�politan Financial Mortgage C p., a O I 3 I \\°a tib r J Minnesota corporation, on behalf of the corporatt�n. No AL I L-) L_ LJ / /r 11? 3 Z N vi I r'/ — °`q7 Notary Public, unty, Minnesota n III \// My commission expire biy n / �� °08`3 1-- �� ! / ! l l �7 ry t3.5 �,13900 — -- — d'23 \: 50 OG /Y) .0 �/&4.Sl ° i `:35.95 ��oo . D¢`1P°O6'S2• I' "S �� O U T L O T L° 04 °2A'0Z N I hereby certify that 1 have surveyed and platted the property described on this plat as MOORHEAD ADDITION; that this plat is a correct Z9(o.9 C representation of said survey; that the distances are correctly shown on the plat in feet and hundredths of a foot; that all monuments have been correctly placed in the ground as shown on the plat; that the outside boundary lines ar rrectly d 'g ted on the plat and that there are no Ilkr��---''j I D .4$ ----- _ _ wetlands to be designated on the plat. ( i I I SW GORNEIL i' NORTFI �� \ S 88� 54' 30°E Ronald L. Kru ger, Land Surveyor I6.5 r 30 260 FEET O 50UTH�- ,�I 410 FEET of oT /4 Minnesota State License No. 14374 �� '�1 ✓ State of Minnesota, County of Hennepin 46.5 \ I The foregoing surveyor's certificate was acknowledged before me this2o-- day of�G�/'+��er , 19 89 by Ronald L. Krueger, Land Surveyor. AA STERN \/ NOTARY PUBLIC'" MINNESOTA ------- HENNEPIN COUITY Notary Public, Henne n County Minnesota SOUTH L/NE OF LOTS /¢ ; /S �pEN PRAl21E AGRES 5UU L MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 5-1v y p j TN /NE OF NW /4 op SW/q SEC. z5) �jVVVVVVVVVVVWVVV"°V"°�"� M commission expires /3�9Z EDEN PRAIRIE MINNESOTA: This plat of MOORHEAD�ADDITION was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Eden Prairie, Minnesota at a regular meeting '' thereof held this day of ZA9=ASM25A;R , 19Q_. If applicable, the written comments and recommendations of the Commissioner of Transportation and the County Highway Engineer have been received by the city or the prescribed 30 day period has 0 40 80 120 160 elapsed without receipt of such comments and recommendations, as provided by Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subdivision 2. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDEN PRAIRIE, NVNESOTA i SCALE I i N FEET by Mayor by Manager- DF;6jN6WGE 1S.P117 UTILITY E.es.SEMEtJT'SFLE a DENOTES IRON MONUMENT I SHOWN TI-Il)5 S PROPERTY TAX AND PUBLIC RECORDS DEPARTMENT, Hennepin County, Minnesota L � L � I hereby certify that taxes payable in and prior years have been paid for land described on this plat. Dated this day THE WEST LINE OF LOT 14, EDEN PRAIRIE Io 5-+I I of 19_. ACRES HAS AN ASSUMED BEARING OF 10 NORTH 00 25' 35" WEST — ` J — }` — Dale G. Foisted, Hennepin County Auditor by Deputy SURVEY DIVISION, Hennepin County, Minnesota Pursuant to Chapter 810, Minnesota Laws of 1969, this plat has been approved this day of 19_. 0MINC' S t=EET I N Will OTF4 AAIp .m pj<>I W I WG L.p'T LINES, UNL-MSS Cn1-1EinW ISM Bernard H. Larson, Hennepin County Surveyor by............................... 16.WC> 10 FEET' IN W I pTH AND JOIN I NGv FRISI-C = COUNTY RECORDER ,Hennepin County,Minnesota OF- LAII4G.S$ AS SHOWN ON THB PLAT. I do hereby certify that the within plat of MOORHEAD ADDITION was filed for record in this office this day RON KRUEGER AND ASSOCIATES of 19_, at O'clock _.M. LAND SURVEYORS AND ENGINEERS R. Dan Carlson, County Recorder by Deputy