HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Big Woods 2nd Addition - 06327 THE BIG WOODS 2ND ADDITION CA, DOC. N0, MATCH LINE / SEE SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS ) \ / \ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Tandem Properties, a Minnesota partnership, fee owner of the THE BASIS FOR THE BEARING SYSTEM IS ASSUMED. S82°2535"E 193.44 • \ following described property situated in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, to wit: � \ C� 60 30 O 30 60 120 \ \ 1 I 151. S730$3. \ <; <, Outlot A, THE BIG WOODS, according to the plat of record thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota SCALE IN FEET J w rn �;. h / W�- Has caused the same to be surveyed and platted as THE BIG WOODS 2ND ADDITION and does hereby donate �. o / �o N o + ZS$� • �! Curve and Road and do hereby rant to the City of L S81 19• " \ I / - and dedicate to the public for public use forever the Lane, y g ty / -50.0 01) $ h �'N 1 _ + v^+W S8205 27 3 E"- lL(� ) C� Eden Prairie the drainage and utility easements, as shown on the plat. N i°y -o aC 25.00� �� N m \ Z 2 � �/ / O�� 196.71 r/ w O„3 �rll�j o a z`O-tj 5'0 - ' m o !� 3 ��o ` In witness whereof said Tandem Properties, a Minnesota partnership has caused these presents to be signed by � NI N 1 / '0 O / � l!— c r uj V __ o » S82°25• » 4 co ° N� / 2 -> a general partner this day of , 19 �c c� II \ S88 29 23 E 216.14 - L _ 375-40 5 E / !`�'a L /rn o. g p Y _ 186.11 cQ o0 1 /� \ w z 3 r 167.90 t' \ = -_ °' n TANDEM PROPERTIES, a Minnesota partnership i^ 0 i� I N67°04'53"E $ $"�, ,�� \ -1` �a 143.40 _ 1 . J / Q ,� t By JAMES DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, a Minnesota corporation w CN 40 DD , c� N "'o � 1 _ S82°57•23»E �o a general partner of TANDEM PROPERTIES eon g n I N co ♦ -0 \ o w I o 200.34 / (or o o� $�iu, �u \ / w h z z ;�\\ \ 3 �q 2 0 M Cl) _ _ 45.00� g tan vwi�_- \� O 5 �''' \ m• ryi �( hI w l Q�� U'No' O �o UTILITY EASEMENT ra f N - James L. Ostenson, g ($ �� 3 ' �o MN� ' W President of JAMES DEVELOPMENT COMPANY - I 40 / / x 'Lh i \?90 pe ,� Z o� 0 a°'� $� j\ _ 3 a 2It ��d /� '\ eS 480� _I_ 54.75J I / 181.54 -_ N 25 M / Z N STATE OF MINNESOTA /e19 a• �0 6i\ Rom` ' / I o n 2 �� COUNTY OF HENNEPIN - u> �ih linM 162.51 1 / I - s- _18"E 261- .29 _ _ a _ �$ w / �� The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 19_, by James L. C� ' 1 IN �+ ,.° - Ostenson, President of James Develpment Company, a Minnesota corporation, a general partner of Tandem < I / 91 `- CURVE N 25.00 N 192.79 y - Properties, a Minnesota partnership, on behalf of the partnership. C \ I / 4,-Z70* r— - _ d S82057'22"E \ I M �/ $3» co 101.02 I I 135.26 25 25 �^ 1 N ' > 1 W 13.20 rr \ + \Alan .: 1 M N I a 4 �� A-3°53'59" I I �� ,�,� fn N V V \J U U ZI Or - w + rnN 3 F ao Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minnesota IK 4 (N 2 40 /�o,� �" I /` + f �, R 1 'n ' Z- My Commission Expires 0 0 � � 1 �7 ` Z a I T�1 L_ //�� N� I ` \ ^ T\N tea--- N7g°08'50• i� L � I herebycertify that I have surveyed and tatted the land described on this tat as THE BIG WOODS 2ND //A/ 3 :W o I I `J� N / " o �-- __ 209.8 W 4� Y Y P p �, W I ! Q N _ -�4 a, ADDITION; that the plat is a correct representation of said survey; that all distances are correctly shown on said - I w /h�ti o 2 I '� ✓ / / �, 1 36 57�"= �-- -\ o i�' plat in feet and hundredths of a foot; that all monuments have been correctly placed in the ground or will be < C ° ° h o placed as required by the local governmental unit; that the outside boundary lines are correctly designated on o Q //tijti n o I I i �O h / '16.27- ? r.> � /��°^ W 1 l (Y` the plat and that there are no wetlands as defined in Minnesota Statutes Section 505.02, Subd. 1 or public �� I I 1 ao — _ _ _ _ _ J L _ _ _ z N81°y5'17»W i 5, n M,o' 0LC J highways to be designated other than as shown. 66 L�J /� DRAINAGE & g g UTILITY EASEMENT- ,og1 41 1 V/ / oo 10 f / , �— 4 2l f Y; ( 95.Os / 213.47 128.24 �.4,/ 1 , ` ��, .• / � 4".) O It* SATHR - ERGQUIST, INC. I _- . ♦ 13q \ GaryR. Germond — N88°55'04"E 436.80--- S8e 9j�_ Y/ c t N5I°�e�°� 4 Licensed Land Surveyor 48'fi+�u�� r&3 N680 �� Minnesota License No. 24764 �� � joss P ,e •� �-�tll i� o �� 9h.��•p6 STATE OF MINNESOTA I A/ �X\ COUNTY OF HENNEPIN y \ DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: Y V V� n � `n f'��L * o z C/1 ^ _/ I a The foregoing Surveyors Certificate was acknowledged before me this �5 day of (�r.Td be✓ , <? t f l C_ o + I A !n n � ^ 19 47 , by Gary R. Germond, Licensed Land Surveyor. C� V V \v\.v u 5 � v r— so N�A ( J r 5 Notary Public, Hennepin Co nty, innesota � M4Y s rxr,e°� arw t 0 o My Commission Expires: 2aav " BEING 5 FEET IN WIDTH AND ADJOINING LOT LINES, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED AND 10 FEET IN WIDTH AND ADJOINING RIGHT OF WAY LINES, UNLESS } OTHERWISE INDICATED, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT. O DENOTES IRON MONUMENT 41 N SATHRE-BERGQUIST, INC. tp FRS pLP SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS 0 X C. R. DOC. NO, THE BIG WOODS 2ND ADDITION I 1 [� I r- A I -) r71 r- I r\ 1A /r-^T nli\ 1 IL L_LJ V V C 022'19"E ----NWOW11'E 689.96 --.-- 1✓8 CZ�M f s�o.2o g THE BASIS FOR THE BEARING SYSTEM IS ASSUMED. I :15 R o z°4'0� HEIGHTS ROAD g \� r I 1 ^ 60 30 0 30 60 120 SCENIC i g - _ _ _ _ - ri �l .�r l l .: $ _ I _- - - - _ -_N88°O6'11"E _690.33-- -- _Ioo 0a205.11 - -665.34--- n e n SCALE IN FEET / g°52'147E g 2T55. - 24.99' __g I'�vr`v _ / v_ CB:N7 Rs716.20 ---NBB°O6'11"E 640.75--- _ r O DENOTES IRON MONUMENT C� - -501.26--- I 3 / N , 25 N 139.49 N ` I n 25 - �17°3568 IN , -- -- N C ] RO6�20o1g14"�7 n W PI) N \� ��o DRAINAGE & UTILIEASEMENT� 40 w Z a CBaN79 °6 = ao DRAINAGE & y Io "' _ EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA < N UTILITY EASEMENTS of �� 1 V � N�Bi S890W 122.00 �S� 25 125 � .00 S ?? �s 1 ' _ 1 I / 3 > This plat of THE BIG WOODS 2ND ADDITION was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Eden a / 0L-69.15,0 - ' /CE � ' �- rsF�� N87°34'43'E t99.62 _ Prairie, Minnesota at a regular meeting thereof held this 7 day of 06Tb$ER 19 If N80 I i�i applicable, the written comments and recommendations of the Commissioner of Transportation and the County o 0 DRAINAGE & � `` �30 \� �► _I i Highway Engineer have been received by the City or the prescribed 30 day period has elapsed without receipt of r o �.; a�h 'r°o U UTILITY EASEMENT .,� 3 + o r such comments and recommendations, as provided by Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subdivision 2. O or- c� \ 10 / 7- ` 0 ( n'�jT ' oQ Nrn C J OF EDEN PRAT E 25 2511 0 1 1 1 1 ,a ~/ I / ti I , Mayor to N Q < _ 10 J% �h R50•0:G WN Cn �` M IQ ' o Manager °D o J a 1 Q�Qo F — I W ; N v N ,yd� �� �s g`n n[ o I d ^� n Ui \ 5, `ro. I v C TAXPAYER SERVICES DIVISION 00 'O m 25 / / m� - Hennepin County, Minnesota IJ_ I 25 �46°12'25"i C I / - 0 R-50•00 / C I hereby certify that taxes payable in and prior ears have been aid for land described this lat. Dated J = 40.32<� (, n \ 4a3jo Y Y p Y p Y P p I inh N I ( M$ fz "�Z ',3opOSos�, this day of , 19 YJ I N h p� `� ^�h "' O N N I O 3 O I �.. /� o bj o „��.`�� 3► "�N ,?fir ,�u C PATRICK H. O'CONNOR, Hennepin County Auditor l Or o rno �// _ �� CVcv tp � 1 o N /� �' ~�2 / h rdR aD C 7 o; 25 a •r to ,. `A) ^� 125 C6 _ By: Deputy 25 25 - S82°35'35" ^ M� (� W 1 T /' 193.44 E �// SURVEY SECTION, S16006'34"W o I Hennepin County, Minnesota A rn �h rn ;' 24.96< y (o z O1 C8=N4°00'48"E 2500 5 S82°5� `E j I +� Pursuant to MINN.� STAT. SEC. 383B.565 (1969), this plat has been approved this day of o R=160.85 C=26.17 000 „� -196. _ o 0 A-9 19'50" R C210.855 C 442 61 25.00 �5. o z S73o0, � s 0-114268<' \ 72619 s88°29'23'E S3'?s"F GARY F. CASWELL, Hennepin County Surveyor w I I I N8160 9030E \� \V/t - --216.11-- I 2 / A 2 50.00 BY ( S81019\� MATCH LINE - '' COUNTY RECORDER, SEE SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS Hennepin County, Minnesota I hereby certify that the within plat of THE BIG WOODS 2ND ADDITION was filed in this office this day of , 19_, at o'clock_.M. R. DAN CARLSON, County Recorder By: Deputy O SATHRE-BERGQUIST, INC. . SHEET 2 'OF 2 SHEETS