HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuman Rights and Diversity - 09/09/2021APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE HUMAN RIGHTS & DIVERSITY COMMISSION THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2021 7:00 P.M., EDEN PRAIRIE CENTER Office of Housing and Community Services COMMISSION MEMBERS: Greg Leeper (Chair), Shahram Missaghi, (Vice Chair), Leslie Philmon, Sana Elassar, Philip Skeie, Asad Aliweyd, Tyler Aman, Samuel Griffin, John Urbanski, Susan Weaver STUDENT MEMBERS: Hina Kazama, Keerthana Ramanathan, Salma Awale, Shubhangi Mohan, Sophie Lunda, Zudaysi Osman COMMISSION STAFF: Megan Yerks, Staff Liaison Julie Krull, Recording Secretary I. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Vice Chair Missaghi called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. Commission Members Elassar and Aliweyd were absent. Chair Leeper arrived at 8:15 pm. II. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS Christine Ruzek, HR Manager for the City of Eden Prairie, was in attendance. Aman was participating in the meeting virtually. The student members introduced themselves. III. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: Skeie moved, seconded by Weaver, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 6- 0. IV. APPROVAL OF THE AUGUST 12, 2021 MEETING MINUTES MOTION: Urbanski moved, seconded by Griffin, to approve the August 12, 2021 minutes. Motion carried 6-0. V. LOCAL NON-PROFIT PRESENTATION There was not a presentation this evening. VI. STAFF REPORT – MEGAN YERKS A. COMMUNITY NEWS HUMAN RIGHTS & DIVERSITY MINUTES September 9, 2021 Page 2 of 6 1. Native Governance Center Yerks stated they are releasing a new statement called Beyond Land Acknowledgment: A Guide. She will send it out to all after the meeting. 2. EPLN Request The Eden Prairie Local News is a non-profit organization doing journalism. They are new to the area and there is a letter in the packet from Jeff Strate, Board Member writer. 3. Chain Reaction Theatre Request Shelly Smith reached out to Yerks for a partnership request to host White Privilege in Eden Prairie. Chain Reaction Theatre is a non-profit organization doing theater productions to bring local awareness on different issues. Production is launching a new show entitled White Privilege. This is a powerful play, performed in a series of vignettes, by both White and Black actors. It explores a wide range of different issues, such as micro-aggressions, cultural appropriation, the education system, police brutality and history. The show, which is performed in two acts with one intermission, engages and informs the audience with genuine passion and compassion. It helps the audience to understand that white privilege exists: this is not a commentary that is “anti-white”, but rather a commentary on how people perceive each other. The tentative performance locations are as follows: 10/22, 7 pm, Transfiguration Lutheran Church, Bloomington 10/23, 7 pm, Gethsemane Lutheran Church, Hopkins 10/24, 3 pm, Faith Lutheran church, Forest Lake 10/28, David’s Episcopal Church, Minnetonka 11/4, 7 pm, Community of the Cross Lutheran Church, Bloomington 11/5, 7 pm, Edina Community Lutheran Church, Edina 11/7, 3 pm, Immanuel Lutheran Church, Eden Prairie Yerks said she would like to know if there is an interest from the Commission to partner in this and also if we want to do a stand-alone hosting or work with Immanuel Lutheran Church on Nov. 7th. The stand-alone hosting would take place on Oct. 30th. Urbanski said he is already involved in this but feels the Commission should be involved. Weaver asked what we would be doing if we partnered with Immanuel Lutheran Church. Yerks stated she would have to have a conversation with them to see what it all would entail. Griffin asked if this is at a church is it okay for the Commission to support this. Yerks pointed out it is something to consider in deciding to do a stand-alone or to partner with someone. Weaver, Philmon and Griffin said they would like to partner. HUMAN RIGHTS & DIVERSITY MINUTES September 9, 2021 Page 3 of 6 B. CITY / OHCS NEWS The Eden Prairie Human Services Grant RFP is open until Sept. 17th. The grant supports 10 programs through 9 non-profit organizations. $299,650 is awarded a two year period. C. HRDC NEWS The City Wide Open House will take place on Oct. 9th, at 11 am. A discussion is currently happening at the Director’s level about the event status. They are talking about moving this outdoors and additional mitigation strategies will be introduced. Official word on this will be coming soon. D. COMMISSIONER UPDATES Commission Mullins resigned. VII. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business. IX. NEW BUSINESS A. CITYWIDE OPEN HOUSE In continuation of discussion on this topic in the staff notes Yerks said that Skeie and Leeper agreed to tentatively help with this event. The event runs from 11 am to 2 pm. The Commission will have two shifts for this event. Skeie said he could do the earlier shift but said it would be dependent if the event was outside. Griffin said he was available to help. Yerks pointed out again the City is considering whether this event should take place indoors or outdoors and if masks should be considered mandatory. The Commission will have a table at this event and they can have a spin wheel again but it would have to be spun by staff only. She said she will keep the Commission updated on any changes. B. MLK JR DAY WORDS IN ACTION CONTEST This is a contest for kids up to age 18. Individuals will select a quote from Dr. King and express what it means through writing, art or video/audio. Up to four winners will be recognized at the January City Council meeting. Winners and finalists will be featured on the City’s social media platforms on MLK Day. Submissions are considered in two age categories, under 13 and 13 and older. Only one submission per individual and participants must reside or attend school in Eden Prairie. HUMAN RIGHTS & DIVERSITY MINUTES September 9, 2021 Page 4 of 6 C. EDEN PRAIRIE RACE EQUITY INITIATIVE 1. Review of Introduction and Community Finding Chapters Yerks commented there are a number of draft documents in the Commissioner packet this evening. The Introduction Chapter will give an overview of the project and City and the Overarching Findings will be followed with recommendations. She would first like to review the Overarching Findings and pointed out this document came from the report from DeYoung and Associates with Yerks adding to it. She asked for Commissioners to review it and make comments. Missaghi said it was very good but there are a few items he would like to have a little more information on; as in the statement the perception of excellence is not universal. Weaver and Griffin commented it was a good document. Urbanski commented it should start out with strengths as it will let the reader know that good things are happening. In regards to opportunities, he wants to make sure the document is recognizing all of these and feels they should be supported by recommendations. Philmon concurred with Urbanski. Skeie pointed out that when it talks about equality and equity, these are two different things and should be pointed out. Aman suggested spelling out words such as BIPOC. Yerks wanted to discuss the Introduction Chapter and said this is where the report will start and will have two audiences; the City Council members and community members. This document starts out with an overview of Eden Prairie. Weaver suggested adding the population of Eden Prairie in this document. In regards to the demographics, Weaver asked if immigration will be discussed. Yerks said she will look to see what information she can find on this. Griffin said he would like to see an introductory paragraph detailing what this document is all about. Philmon asked how different races are represented throughout the different census and what terminology will be used. Yerks said she will have to look into that. Ruzek suggested to keep with what the data source references as that is what it was called at the time. Yerks pointed out the next section is City Structure. She said Eden Prairie is a plan B city and discussed the org chart in detail. Urbanski commented in regards to the City Council members it would be helpful to have their terms. Missaghi said he would like to see a sentence or link on the Eden Prairie Manifesto. Yerks asked if it should be with the Commission itself or an introduction statement. Chair Leeper and Philmon thought it should stay with the Commission. Yerks discussed definitions defined by DeYoung and said she would include BIPOC. She also discussed the Eden Prairie Race Equity Project Team and has Chair Leeper and Missaghi listed but not anyone else. She asked if she should include all of the commission members who were involved with this study. Chair Leeper said yes, include all commission members who were involved. Moving on to the Project Overview section, the methodology came from DeYoung and Associates so it contained no new information. The Document Review section was also taken from the DeYoung report and was best practices. In regards to Data HUMAN RIGHTS & DIVERSITY MINUTES September 9, 2021 Page 5 of 6 Analysis, she said she will have to include quantitative analysis. Griffin thought it may be a good idea to include footnotes for these documents or an appendix. Chair Leeper liked the idea of adding an appendix. 2. Presentation of Report Design Elements Yerks displayed what this would look like via PowerPoint. 3. Subcommittee Member update: Student Commissioners ` Yerks said she has previously met with the student commissioners and they will be involved in the subcommittees. 4. Discussion of Presentation Plan Yerks pointed out when they go to the City Council, they will have a limited amount of presentation time; they will be allotted 30 minutes for the presentation and 30 minutes for discussion. The presentation will consist of an introduction for 5 minutes, community feedback for 10 minutes, recommendations for 10 minutes, and implementation for 5 minutes. Missaghi asked what the Commission wants the City Council to walk away with during this presentation. Philmon commented that is a tough question but felt we would want them to hear feedback, recommendations and implementation. Missaghi asked if we need them to buy into the recommendations. Skeie thought the Commission was not coming up with implementations but that it was up to the City Council. Yerks pointed out the City Council will review this, but it is up to the City Staff to come up with this information. Griffin asked if it was possible to do multiple workshops as he felt 60 minutes was not a lot of time to discuss all of this information. Yerks stated it was up to the City Manager and City Council if they wanted multiple workshops. Historically she has seen the City Council pick one or two items to talk about and then leave it up to the City Staff to review the rest. Ruzek said this is a three prong approach. The City Council will review, then the City Staff will update and finally the HRDC will put it into action. Chair Leeper asked if this could be an agenda item at a City Council meeting. Ruzek said it will eventually get brought before the City Council at their meeting. She said the City Council will be very interested in the Community Feedback section and they would also like to know what the HRDC can do for next steps and working with City Staff to get that done. Chair Leeper said it is important for the HRDC and City Staff to stay connected and have open communication lines. Ruzek said even at completion of the work, the document will be a living report and won’t close because this is an ongoing process. Chair Leeper asked if this will be a public document. Yerks said it will be a public document. Chair Leeper also suggested that everyone that was involved should be HUMAN RIGHTS & DIVERSITY MINUTES September 9, 2021 Page 6 of 6 notified when the document is complete. Urbanski asked if the Overarching Finding section is community feedback; Yerks responded that is was. Yerks asked for a volunteer to speak at the workshop. Philmon and Griffin said they can help and Weaver said she is available if need be. Yerks also asked for student speakers. Ramanathan and Kazama said they can help. Yerks said the workshop will be on October 19th; dinner will be at 5:00 pm and the presentation is 5:30 – 6:30 pm. Missaghi, Skeie and Urbanski said they will be attending. Yerks reviewed what will be discussed at the workshop. She pointed out the subcommittees should go over their recommendations; review staff feedback in the specific area to pull in the overall document. And the second item each subcommittee needs to work on is the rationale pieces; this is the document that shows what each section should look like. Yerks said she would like the reports to be back to her by October 1st. X. UPCOMING MEETING A. OCTOBER 14, 2021 XI. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Missaghi moved, seconded by Philmon, to adjourn the Human Rights & Diversity Commission meeting. Motion carried 7-0. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.