HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuman Rights and Diversity - 06/11/2020APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE HUMAN RIGHTS & DIVERSITY COMMISSION THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 2020 7:00 P.M., Eden Prairie Center Office of Housing and Community Services COMMISSION MEMBERS: Greg Leeper (Chair), Shahram Missaghi, (Vice Chair), Katherine Lucht, Leslie Philmon, Sana Elassar, Philip Skeie, Asad Aliweyd, Tyler Aman Anjali Limaye COMMISSION STAFF: Megan Yerks, Staff Liaison Julie Krull, Recording Secretary I. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chair Leeper called the meeting to order at 7:12 p.m. Commission Member Aliweyd was absent. Chair Leeper welcomed new Commission Member Limaye. II. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS III. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: Elassar moved, seconded by Skeie, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 8-0. IV. APPROVAL OF THE MARCH 12, 2020 MEETING MINUTES MOTION: Lucht moved, seconded by Philmon, to approve the March 12, 2020 minutes. Motion carried 8-0. V. STAFF REPORT – MEGAN YERKS A. HRDC / COMMUNITY EVENTS 1. Stop the Trafficking 5K Race: This event will be happening virtually between June 13th – 21st. The packet pickup will be at Grace Church on June 12th from 2-8 pm. Registration will be open until June 20th. 540 runners are registered as of June 11th. 2. PeopleFest: The application deadline for this event has been extended to June 24th. 13 artists/performers have registered along with 4 exhibitors. A statement about HUMAN RIGHTS & DIVERSITY MINUTES June 11, 2020 Page 2 extension and acknowledging George Floyd’s murder and the trauma/energy it has demanded from the BIPOC community has been drafted by the Marketing Committee and has gone for review by city and school communications. This will be reviewed by the full PeopleFest committee before release. 3. COVID Community Testing Sites through MN Department of Health: Testing dates: Tuesdays and Wednesdays: June 9, 10, 16, 17, 23, 24 Time: 12-6 pm. Future dates will be announced soon. There are 4 sites in Minneapolis and St. Paul, walk up and drive up by appointment. This will be open to everyone, symptoms or no symptoms and is free, no insurance needed. MDH has also announced that anyone participating in protests, community clean up or volunteer events, etc. should get tested. Recommending the initial test 5-7 days after the event, and a follow up 12-14 days after. Guidance has gone out to clinics to allow testing, many are now offering expanded testing as a result. Contact the MDH website for more information. 4. At the City Level: Senior Community Services – there is an uptick in calls from seniors. Yerks stated they are working with emergency preparedness and Senior Community Services to make sure they are getting taken care of. Senior Center and HRDC – The Senior Center is currently closed. The HRDC is partnering with them to help the seniors in the area. Eden Prairie Police Department – There is a community meeting currently going on in regards to topics such as use of force and leadership of the police department. They are working with the Communications Department to make public information to everyone, such as cases that involved use of force. Chief Weber has been responding to inquiries regarding the EPPD’s policies and procedures from community members and has attended a number of community events. City Facilities – The City Center is now open to the public. The Community Center will open on June 15th and the Art and Senior Center will remain closed until further notice. The EP Office at EP Center is still closed. Student Commissioners – a large number of applications came in and there will likely be 4-6 appointed to the Commission in September. The City Council will announce appointments on June 16th. It will be a full turn-over this year. HUMAN RIGHTS & DIVERSITY MINUTES March 12, 2020 Page 3 B. OHCS UPDATES 1. Census 2020 Update: National Response: 60.9% Minnesota: 70.6% Eden Prairie: 80.1% (55.4-90.1%) 2. OHCS Activities: Mohamed: Job and Unemployment applications Jeanne: Substantial increase in Rehab Loan applications, administration of CDBG-CV funds, grants issued to PROP for additional rent support and SCS for technology assistance and PPE. Megan: PROP Food Delivery program, non-profit support, community outreach to vulnerable and community members in need. Property Managers Collaborative. 3. Mask Distribution: EP Fire Department hosted a mask drive and distributed donations back into the community, senior living facilities, etc. Mohamed and Yerks were tasked with distributing to the Somali and refugee community along with education about mask wear and care best practices. OHCS has distributed masks to approximately 70 households in Eden Prairie and will continue to do so. VI. OLD BUSINESS VII. NEW BUSINESS A. PEOPLEFEST! VIRTUAL EXHIBIT HALL Chair Leeper said this has been a wonderful opportunity to show diversity within the community and commented it will look different this year. Chair Leeper asked Yerks what the Commissioners can do to help with this event. Yerks said there may be smaller events taking place and more information will be coming. The event will be virtual and Eden Prairie School District will be hosting this on their website. The decision that has to be made tonight is if the Commission wants to be part of the exhibit hall and who would be in charge. To clarify, does the Commission want to have a virtual table. It would need to have a connection with culture or cultural events and could be a photo gallery or something to explain what the Commission is all about. Chair Leeper asked the Commission for their feedback. Elassar said the Commission would benefit from a table and possibly a virtual presentation of people. Missaghi asked if the Commission needs to be present for this or just supply materials. Yerks said it would be materials the Commission would supply and they would get posted on the event. Missaghi said he would be interested and concurs with what Elassar stated. He said to photograph something simple and straightforward. Chair Leeper asked if HUMAN RIGHTS & DIVERSITY MINUTES June 11, 2020 Page 2 members could send information to her and she could go through it. Yerks said she would prefer 1 or 2 members to be involved. Chair Leeper asked who would like to be involved in this. Elassar said she is always there to support this event. Yerks said the Commission has until June 24th to put something together. She will send out an email with parameters and Commissioners can respond with interest at that time. B. ONE EDEN PRAIRIE: LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATEMENT Yerks asked Elassar for an update on this. Elassar said they, Lucht and Philmon, have not had a chance to meet but just need to make edits to the draft. They are about 70-80 percent completed. C. GEORGE FLOYD DISCUSSION Chair Leeper said they have been involved with COVID-19 the last few months and that the news of George Floyd impacted everyone differently, as all were moved and angered with what happened. He said we need to acknowledge the tragedy that occurred and give space to the grieving. Elassar said she has been involved with some things with this terrible event and it has been extremely difficult. Skeie said it has really hit home for him. He has friends from a tiny town in France and they saw Minneapolis on the news, a place where a lot of their neighbors never heard of before. He hopes this can be an opportunity for change. Philmon stated this is not the first time this has happened but it has been a hard one because the lens is on in Minnesota and something struck a different cord with people this time around. She stated she cautiously hopes things will be better going forward. It is different because it has generated a lot of different conversation that has not happened before and has been an interesting change. Chair Leeper said he recalls what Governor Waltz said that this is not the first time it has happened here but hopefully it will supply a window for change. He also said we have a long way to go but hopes for improvements. Aman said hopes we can do better this time. D. HUMAN RIGHTS AWARDS AND STATEMENT TO COUNCIL Yerks said the awards will be presented at the June 16th City Council meeting. She stated the Commission should use this moment to express other thoughts to the Council, which Chair Leeper can address. The Council may also give the Commission additional direction. Chair Leeper said Yerks and Missaghi will also be attending the City Council meeting with him. At that time he will talk about the Manifesto and address George Floyd. The awards given out are a call to action for everyone to get involved. The Manifesto addresses the fact that all can flourish and acknowledge we are a work in progress with our community. Chair Leeper said Missaghi will be presenting the awards but it would be nice to have another Commissioner there with him. Skeie and Limaye said they could be HUMAN RIGHTS & DIVERSITY MINUTES March 12, 2020 Page 3 there. Yerks said they need someone as a host. Chair Leeper asked if Skeie would be a host and he said he would. Yerks asked if everyone attending could be there at 6:45 pm as they are always the first Commission to present to the Council. She also stated there will not be a celebration afterwards. Chair Leeper said for those not able to come can watch it live at edenprairie.org. E. MN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RIGHTS INVESTIGATION AND POLICY PRIORITIES 2020 CALL Chair Leeper said he and Yerks and Skeie were on the call regarding George Floyd and that the aftermath was a huge part of the call. Various discussions were made by many officials, such as chokeholds. Chair Leeper asked if Skeie could give an overview. Skeie shared some background information such as, 40 percent of City residents are of color. Some key items of the call was that a Commissioner has launched a civil investigation into systemic problems in the police department. Chair Leeper stated there are two investigations going on right now with the MN Department of Human Rights. There were other items on the call that were discussed, such as challenges faced by minority business and testing of Covid during this. The next steps would be to hear from citizens through representatives. Chair Leeper said it was helpful to be on the call and all are welcome. He asked Yerks how often these calls take place. Yerks stated she was not sure that they are on a regular basis but will let everyone know when they occur. Elassar said she was on the call and it is her third one. They talked about the Crown bill. IX. UPCOMING MEETING A. JULY 9, 2020 X. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Elassar moved, seconded by Skeie, to adjourn the Human Rights & Diversity Commission meeting. Motion carried 8-0. Chair Leeper adjourned the meeting at 8:36 pm